Don't Miss It!!! December 6 in The Nova Cafeteria at 6 PM

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SAvL 1PL uA1L-uLCLM8L8 6

lC8 1PL ll8S1 AnnuAL SACPL11l ulnnL8 & SlLLn1 AuC1lCn

lundralslng ulnner and SllenL AucLlon wlll beneflL nova WlnLer Cuard
lor WCl CompeLlLlons ln
Crlando, lL and uayLon, Chlo
uon'L Mlss lL!!!
uecember 6
ln Lhe nova CafeLerla aL 6 pm

SpagheLLl and MeaL Sauce
SpagheLLl w/8uLLer (pre-order only)
ulnner 8olls
Sprlng Salad
*Cne drlnk per meal purchased addlLlonal drlnks can be purchased for $1.00*

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****Anyone LhaL knows of a company or works for a company LhaL would llke Lo donaLe lLems for Lhe sllenL
aucLlon, we would really appreclaLe lL. 1he sLudenL LhaL recelves Lhe donaLlon wlll recelve 10 of Lhe sale Lo go Lo
fuLure ledge or 8anqueL 1lckeLs. lf a vendor wanLs Lo donaLe a cash lLem, a parenL wlll go and purchase glfL cards
and make baskeLs. (Movle nlghL, Came nlghL, Clrls nlghL ln baskeLs are some examples).

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