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Name ____________________________ Date __________ Color _____________ 1. List two reasons why we should use a database 2.

Write down the library web site address 3. Copy the login and password to use the databases. 4. Name one database you might use 5. What do you li ! on to read the arti le" #. Name a se ond database you might use $. What other thing an you li ! on to read the arti le"

1. List two reasons why we should use a database Collection of similar records based on type Content is reviewed by academics for accuracy Purchased by the library, so the material has to be useful in a competitive information marketplace Information is organized 2. Write down the library web site address 3. Copy the login and password to use the databases. %ser& kapolei 'assword& library 4. Name one database you might use Student Research Center 5. What do you li ! on to read the arti le" !"# $ull !e%t #. Name a se ond database you might use Science Reference Center $. What other thing an you li ! on to read the arti le" P&$ $ull !e%t

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