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Active Citizenship

Active citizenship is defined as a citizen who takes an active role in the community in the free dictionary. Someone who may have characteristics of someone who is an active citizen may be a natural born citizen of the US and this community in which they act. In this community this person may go to different lengths and measures to ensure safety in their neighbor, they may also participate in the upkeep of this neighborhood, in which they reside. Active citizen may not only tend to the upkeep and the safety of their neighborhoods, but also to the obeying of civic responsibilities and duties. Volunteering to give a helping hand may also play a role in active citizenship. A neighborhood watchman can be considered as an active citizen. As a watchman, one must ensure protection, cleanliness, and a safety in for residents to a certain degree. Equality and trust must be an ensured characteristic of this watchman and in doing this the community will most likely have to have trust with whoever is in this position. As an active citizen deemed worthy of trust, this citizen must ensure that he is worthy of having the trust those who live in this neighborhood. Active citizenship also includes duties such as serving jury duty, obeying the law, paying taxes, and other things that you may be required to do. These duties are a part of rules that citizens, no matter the town or state, must follow in order to not be penalized which results could result in one going to jail. There are also responsibilities that must be followed as an active citizen. These responsibilities include voting, being informed on what is going on around you, respecting and protecting others right and, as mentioned before, helping the community to be a better and safer environment. These duties are things that would be helpful to make an impact as a citizen and to ensure your activism.

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