Katie Alternative Assessment Traits Bingo Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template (ITE 604) Name Katie Lutz u!

"e#t Li$e #ien#e %rade Level & I- ETTIN% THE TA%E H.P III TAN'A/' Benchmark .-&-0-+ IN T/1.TI2NAL 234E.TI5E Condition

Lesson Title Heredity Alternative Assessment

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Performance (begin w/action verb)


By describing how an inherited trait can be determined by one or more genes which are found on chromosomes, SWBA ana!y"e why individua!s have #articu!ar traits$ ANTI.IPAT2/6 ET (Warm%&# or Be!! Work) (Time ' minutes) (ideo about heredity htt#)//www$youtube$com/watch*v+,en"shi-,.c II- A.91I ITI2N (- A6 (34#!anation) (Time /5 minutes) Students wi!! #artici#ate in a written conversation in which they wi!! discuss the 6uestion) Are there some #hysica! traits you share with your #arents or grand#arents* What about with other fami!y members* 7o you have #hysica! characteristics that no one e!se in your fami!y has* Why do you think this is* A written conversation is a si!ent activity in which a!! students wi!! be writing simu!taneous!y$ Students wi!! be #ut into #airs and write a !etter to their #artner$ Whi!e there is a #rom#t given, they are encouraged to e4#!ore the to#ic further$ Students wi!! write for 1 minutes and then trade #a#ers with their #artner$ A%EN'A ITE7 P2 TE' 2N 8/2NT 32A/' /$ (ideo 0$ Written Conversation 1$ raits bingo2 .$Why do we a!! have different traits* '$ Choice assignment '2 (Structured Practice) Students wi!! #artici#ate in a written conversation in #airs of two$

EE (8ode!ing) 7emonstrate to students what a written conversation !ooks !ike$ 3nsure students understand that a written conversation is a si!ent activity and they are e4#ected to be writing for the entire time (even if what they are writing doesn9t seem to make sense)$ :ust kee# writing2 Checking for &nderstanding) ;uestions) Shou!d there be ta!king during this activity* Shou!d students be writing the entire time* <ow many times wi!! we e4change #a#ers/!etters*

Checking for &nderstanding) Ask for in#ut at the end of the assignment$ Were there any new insights* Any thoughts about

Students wi!! then res#ond to their #artners !etter #roviding answers, ideas, thoughts etc$ Checking for &nderstanding) humbs u#/down for understanding (tem#erature check) +- A6 (34#!anation) (Time /' minutes) Activity) raits Bingo2 Students wi!! #artici#ate in traits bingo2 3ach student wi!! receive a bingo sheet and wi!! fi!! in the chart when #rom#ted by the teacher$ eacher wi!! kee# a ta!!y on the board to show how many students e4hibit each trait$ Checking for &nderstanding) ;uestions) Shou!d the bingo sheet be fi!!ed out immediate!y* EE (8ode!ing) 7emonstrate to students how the game is #!ay$ =ead a 6uestion from the !ist and demonstrate to students how to fi!! in the correct s6uare$ 8ake sure to em#hasi"e that students wi!! on!y cross off s6uares when #rom#ted to do so$ Checking for &nderstanding) ;uestion) When shou!d the s6uares be crossed off* '2 (Structured Practice) Students wi!! com#!ete traits bingo activity with the guidance of the teacher$ eacher wi!! kee# a running ta!!y of traits on the front board$

Checking for &nderstanding) Wa!k around c!assroom to ensure students are crossing off a##ro#riate bo4es$

,- A6 (34#!anation) (Time /' minutes) >esson%,nherited raits ?ow that students have #artici#ated in traits bingo we are going to discuss what was observed$ Students wi!! fi!! out an out!ine sheet to #ractice taking notes whi!e the teacher gives a short PowerPoint #resentation$ Checking for &nderstanding) 3nsure students understand that they wi!! be res#onsib!e for taking notes$

EE (8ode!ing) '2 (Structured Practice) 7emonstrate to students how to take notes using Students wi!! #ractice note taking ski!!s and the out!ine #rovided$ fo!!ow a!ong with #ower #oint #resentation$

Checking for &nderstanding) em#erature check) thumbs u#/down for understanding$

Checking for &nderstanding) <e!# students #u!! the most re!evant information from s!ides to inc!ude in their notes$ 7id every student show the same traits in traits bingo* Why or why not* Were some traits more common com#ared to others*

III- .2N 2LI'ATI2N %1I'E' P/A.TI.E if a##!icab!e (Time @@@@@@@@@@@@@)

177ATI5E A E 7ENT (Assessment of >earning) if a##!icab!e (Time @@@@@@@@@@@@@) .H22 E AT LEA T , 'I88E/ENT A E 7ENT THAT :ILL 41'%E T1'ENT .27P/EHEN I2N(- Pi#ture !oo; +- Intervie< $amily mem!ers to $ind ,- Ta!leau .L2 1/E if a##!icab!e (Time @@@@@@@@@@@@@) IN'EPEN'ENT P/A.TI.E if a##!icab!e tudents #an $inis= t=eir assi>nments at =ome i$ t=ey <ere not $inis=ed in #lass-

7ATE/IAL P C #a#er /0/0'/5A

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