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Explanation of differentiation in lesson plan This lesson plan will appeal to many different types of learners.

The simulation is hands on and will appeal to the kines tic learner (which I believe most students are). It encourages students to learn by doing and working together. The discussions that follow the simulation are meaningful because they are directly related to the simulation as well as the students life. I believe that this portion of the lesson will appeal to the majority of the students in the class. The students are then invited to demonstrate their knowledge through a choice of 3 different summative assessment options. The students who are more artistic might decide to express their knowledge through a comic strip the more literary students might choose to write a short story or essay and the students who fall in the middle of these two can decide to complete a one!pager. I believe that students will appreciate the options available to them and the vast majority (if not all) of the students will be able to create a product that they are comfortable with.

Independent Wigglies Assignment Pick ONE assignment to complete from the following options" #omic $trip #reate a comic strip that is at least % scenes long that clearly depicts an understanding of mutations competition and variation The comic strip should be completed on a blank sheet of &.%x'' inch paper. The comic strip should be thoughtfully and neatly drawn in color. ()ote" This is not an art class and you will not be graded on your drawing abilities but drawings are still expected to be neat and carefully executed. *ne!+ager #reate a one!pager that clearly demonstrates an understanding of mutations competition and variation The one!pager should be completed on a blank sheet of &.%x'' inch paper and should include a title at least , -uotes ' drawing ' or , -uestions (with answers) and any feelings or thoughts you have about the topic. )ote" This is not an art class and you will not be graded on your drawing abilities but drawings are still expected to be neat and carefully executed. .ssay/$hort $tory 0rite a short fictional story or essay ('!, pages) that clearly depicts an understanding of mutations competition and variation. The story should have a well thought out plot with at least 3 different characters.

Key Terms
1andom mutation 2nplanned changes in genes 2npredictable #an be beneficial to the organism or not. #ompetition (for food resources space a mate etc.) 1esults in a struggle for survival 3ariation There is variety within a species. .very organism (or individual) does not look or behave in the same way.

Get the Wigglies Instructions +urpose of the simulation" To understand mutation natural selection variation and competition in species by actively engaging students in simulation. $et!2p +lastic webbing to simulate the tree canopy. +ieces of rope to represent the hanging 0igglies. 4 tall students will act as trees and hold the edges of the tree canopy as high as possible above the other students heads. The rest of the students will act as animals and collect as many 0igglies as possible. )ormal $imulation )eed 4 tall students to act as trees and hold up the 5canopy6 with hanging 0igglies on it. The rest of the class will compete to grab as many 0igglies from the tree canopy as possible in % seconds. Instruct students that the purpose of the activity is to grab as many 0igglies as possible but students should still be aware of safety and be careful of others. 7utation $imulation $tudents will first determine 4 possible mutations that could occur during the demonstration (ie/ kneeling slow etc.) there will also be an option for no mutation. $tudents will then randomly be assigned one mutation. $tudents will participate in the simulation but this time they will act as though they have the mutation they were assigned.

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