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Class Expectations and Rules

Lesson Title:
Multi-digit whole nu be! addition

Goals & Objectives:

T"#$%T use place value unde!standing to &luentl' add ultidigit whole nu be!s using the standa!d addition algo!ith and appl' the algo!ith to solve wo!d p!oble s using tape diag!a s( T"#$%T solve two-step wo!d p!oble s* including ultiplicative co pa!ison using diag!a s and the a!!a' ethod( T"#$%T exp!ess et!ic length easu!e ents in te! s o& a s alle! unit, ethod and solve addition and subt!action wo!d p!oble s involving et!ic length* et!ic ass and et!ic capacit'( T"#$%T explain how people* events and develop ents b!ought about changes to co unities in va!ious !egions o& .(C( b' !eading aloud with a pa!tne! &!o text and ta/ing notes on these th!ee o& the &ou! !egions o& .(C( T"#$%T c!eate a b!ochu!e displa'ing &acts and in&o! ation along with d!awings o& each .(C( !egion( T"#$%T co pa!e the !oles and !esponsibilities o& state elected leade!s b' !eading aloud with pa!tne! about th!ee .(C( )!esidents( T"#$%T !esea!ch each p!esident collecting &acts and details to p!esent and displa' on a poste! designated to each )!esident( T"#$%T !ead and !esea!ch the th!ee b!anches o& gove!n ent in g!oups gathe!ing co!!ect in&o! ation to give details and &acts about each with 012 accu!ac'( T"#$%T wo!/ togethe! in g!oups t!ans&e!!ing in&o! ation about each b!anch neatl' to t!ee leaves to be displa'ed on Th!ee $!anches T!ee( T"#$%T !ead and su a!i3e a sho!t sto!' and explain the the e o& the sto!' while showing evidence o& thei! explanation( T"#$%T !ead a passage and co plete a wo!/sheet a/ing an in&e!ence with a pa!tne! with 512 accu!ac'( T"#$%T !ead a passage and answe! a 6 7uestion 7ui3 about in&e!ences with 512 accu!ac'( T"#$%T pa!ticipate in whole g!oup discussion about non &iction text &eatu!es with assistance &!o teache! and pee!s( T"#$%T co plete a scavenge! hunt wo!/sheet with a pa!tne! and a non &iction boo/ to &ind di&&e!ent &eatu!es that thei! pa!ticula! boo/ includes such as glossa!'* table o& contents* index* diag!a s* cha!ts and photog!aphs( T"#$%T co pa!e the ph'sical p!ope!ties o& sa ples o& atte! b' watching a video and co pleting a wo!/sheet with a pa!tne!( T"#$%T co pa!e the ph'sical p!ope!ties o& sa ples o& atte! b' co pleting a cha!t sectioned speci&icall' &o! notes about each state o& atte!( T"#$%T pa!ticipate in the 9aagan st!ateg' showdown with thei! g!oup to co pa!e notes and &indings( T"#$%T explain how ine!als a!e identi&ied using tests &o! the ph'sical p!ope!ties o& ha!dness* colo!* luste! and st!ea/ b' using /nowledge o& the &ou! wa's to distinguish ine!als to c!eate a : doo! &oldable about : di&&e!ent ine!als(

Two-"tep Multiplication #o!d )!oble s +nit Conve!sions

Regional -ive!sit': Coastal )lain* )ied ont Region and Mountain Region

.otable Ta!heels

Th!ee $!anches o& Gove!n ent

The e 4n&e!ences

.on-8iction Text

%to s "tates o& Matte!


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