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Lesson Plan Template (ITE 604) Name Katie Lutz "u%&ect "cience Grade Le el ' (ate )*+)*,I.

"ETTING T/E "T#GE (#0 + /$P" III "T#N(#1(" Benchmark "$.'.+., IN"T13$TION#L O45E$TI6E"

Lesson Title GMOs structured academic contro ers! ("#$)

Benchmark "$.'.2.+

By reading and analyzing reliable print and electronic sources, SWBAT judge if they believe G !s are beneficial for society" By describing ho# an inherited trait can be determined by one or more genes #hich are found on chromosomes, SWBAT e$plain ho# G !s are created" #NTI$IP#TO10 "ET %Warm&'p or Bell Work( %Time )* minutes( Written +onversation #ith table mate, -.o# do you think G !s might affect your life/ What evidence supports your opinion/0 1 minutes for #ritten conversation 2 minutes for class discussion #GEN(# ITEM" PO"TE( ON 71ONT 4O#1( G !s 3" Written +onversation 33" 4repare for SA+ ab 333" SA+ 35" 4ersonal reflection Turn in by end of period, Group poster Scribe6s notes for group 4ersonal reflection

II. #$83I"ITION ,. "#0 %7$planation( %Time 8* minutes( Group time to prepare for SA+ Students #ill #ork together to create poster #ith key points Tell students #hat is e$pected of them, clear position for9against G !s, facts clearly displayed on poster, #hat SA+ group they are part of %doctors, politicians, citizens( and ho# that influenced their decision" Students #ill give 2&: minute presentation" +hecking for 'nderstanding,

"EE % odeling( Sho# students an e$ample of a completed poster"

(O %Structured 4ractice( Students #ill #ork on their posters and finalize information for their presentation"

+hecking for 'nderstanding, Ask to make sure students understand #hat is e$pected from their presentations"

+hecking for 'nderstanding, +heck in #ith each group individually to ensure students understand the assignment and are on

;ormative, thumbs up9do#n, asking if there is any <uestions" +. "#0 %7$planation( %Time 2: minutes( 7$plain ho# the structured academic controversy #orks" Tell students #hat is e$pected of them both #hen they are presenting and #hen they are in the audience" +hecking for 'nderstanding, Specific <uestions, +all on student to e$plain ho# SA+ #orks "EE % odeling( =emonstrate #hat is e$pected during presentation %eye contact, clear voice, e$planation of facts(" Give <uick demonstration of both good and bad presentation skills"


(O %Structured 4ractice( Students conduct SA+ #ith teacher guidance

+hecking for 'nderstanding, Ask students #hat good listening looks like, #hat presentation skills are important" "EE % odeling(

+hecking for 'nderstanding, !n&going checking for understanding throughout SA+" +larify student opinions, facts, data etc"

-. "#0 %7$planation( %Time >>>>>>>>>>>>(

(O %Structured 4ractice(

+hecking for 'nderstanding,

+hecking for 'nderstanding,

+hecking for 'nderstanding,

III. $ON"OLI(#TION G3I(E( P1#$TI$E if applicable %Time >>>>>>>>>>>>>(

"3MM#TI6E #""E""MENT %Assessment of ?earning( if applicable %Time ): inutes( Students #ill #rite a short essay on the overvie# of #hat a G ! is and ho# it is created as #ell as their personal opinion if G !s are good for society or not"

$LO"31E if applicable %Time >>>>>>>>>>>>>( M#TE1I#L" butcher paper for presentation pens, colored pencils, crayons etc rulers and other art supplies for creating poster #orksheets

IN(EPEN(ENT P1#$TI$E if applicable


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