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CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LOS ANGELES Charter College of Education Division of Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Fall

2013 EDAD 581 Instructor: Student: Bradford Allison, Ph.D. Jorge Guilln Seminar: Reflection and Assessment Class Location: KH B3014

Reflection Epilogue


What are your perceptions of any personal and professional changes that you

experienced as a result of your participation in the PRN/ EDAD program at Cal State LA? Please cite specific examples whenever possible. A. One of the major personal changes I experienced as a result of my participation in the PRN/EDAD program was the self-realization that my contribution to the learning of our students has a major impact as a learning community, than what I thought previously. Not only, am I teaching students, but also have the influence to create bridges in the community that could be used to truly lead the work. The impact and the influence in the behaviors my students will develop and depend so much on how I approach education. Now, I begin to deeply understand that as a leader, I have a deep responsibility to the community and its members. But none of this, could be possible without examining my own biases and philosophies about education and the educational system. The personal discoveries through PRAXIS were not

accidental in this program. This program was delicately designed for us to explore our very own misconceptions and biases, and as uncomfortable this was, it was the first time I had to face these realities. The personal and Intra-personal approach to my learning helped me shape my convictions and assisted me to acknowledge and get rid of many biases I had. During the intense conversations we had throughout the program and the discussions around the work of Freire, I was able to begin to understand how the status quo is maintained through hegemonic practices that at times, I was facilitating. And now is the time, to begin to create NEW and authentic platforms of equal opportunities for all in the community. Professionally, I am able in a higher degree to observe other teachers instruct and identify areas of strength and areas of growth. This, will help me in supporting those practices that are relevant and efficient, but also, it will help me on facilitating instructional support to improve teaching and learning at my site.


What were the most transforming experiences you had while participating in the

program? A. The most transforming experience I had while participating with PRN/EDAD was the understanding that the educational system has many faults that we, as educators and administrators must acknowledge and begin to abolish for the sake of teaching and learning. In the past, I had very nave ideas about the educational system, but nowaft er 18 months of discussions, many books and many articles, I can safely say that my perception about education has truly transformed me. My instructional practices, my grade level meetings and discussions in our school-site have changed. I, no longer waste my time on matters that are empty on context and that will continue to maintain the status quo.

Q. Do you feel that you are ready to assume an administrative position? Whether yes or no, please elaborate. A. I am quite ready to become an administrator right now. First, I would love to work as an Instructional Specialist (Assistant Principal) to continue to learn the many other things I havent

learned yet, and to continue to support and facilitate instruction in our school. I believe that becoming an instructional specialist is a great opportunity to learn how to run a school when your intentions are in the right place. Having had the opportunity to be under the guidance of EDAD and LAPRN principles, I have become much more intentional and less accidental in the way I conduct, facilitate and support my school site. I am becoming a strong educational force not to be reckon with. And this force, comes with great responsibilities and deep appreciation for the profession and most importantly, for the community I am accountable to prepare and educate.

Q. What will you want to work on next to increase your effectiveness as a school leader? A. One of the CCTC standards that I would like to continue to work with is the ensuring that our school operates consistently within the parameters of federal, state and local laws, policies, and regulations. Im hoping to continue to learn all of these in two different ways. One, shadowing successful principles. So far, I have observed three different principles and it is apparent to me, that there is a lot to learn by shadowing and intentionally observe and analyze how other principles go about their day on these regards. Having the opportunity to observe other principals and getting into meaningful discussions about the mentioned CCTC Standard is beneficial and essential in my development. In addition, I will prepare myself to do the following, but not limited to: *Prepare a teachers or a students legal guide under the supervision of an

administrator. * Become familiar with the administrative and financial operation of a school. *Assume responsibility for the supervision of the student-body funds. *Facilitate or assist in discussion of the effectiveness of resources purchased through categorical funds.

About You and Your Portfolio... Q. What were your feeling and thinking at the beginning of the portfolio compilation process? A. At the beginning of the Portfolio process, I was feeling very frustrated and anxious. It seemed very challenging and uncertain how I was going to go about it. The fieldwork log was beneficial on the compilation of the artifacts. Nonetheless, the beginning of the process was a bit frustrating. But my frustration was only based on the lack of understanding of the major task before me. I was thinking that perhaps the Portfolio class should be introduced during the first semester of the program, so that at the end of the program, it would have become a much less stressful event.

Q. What were your feeling and thinking at the end of the portfolio compilation process? A. Yes, I did it! That was exactly what I was thinking! And wow! That was exactly what I was feeling at the end of the portfolio. At the end, I was asking myself this? 1. 2. 3. 4. Why didnt I do this before? Why didnt I see this before? Why didnt I worked on this Portfolio before? How come it was not introduced on the beginning of the program?

Q. Do you agree that portfolio assessment is authentic, i.e., measure the competence of candidates accurately? A. The portfolio is a very good way to assess the experiences and competency of the candidates. In addition, I believe that the Portfolio is a very authentic way to have candidates be introduced to the CCTC standards and their rigorous expectations. The Portfolio is a great business card for all candidates and it gives a tremendous opportunity to assessors to have an

idea of the kind of work the candidate has lead. Theres no doubt in my mind, that the Port folio is a great way to measure the experiences a candidate has been exposed to.

Q. Do you have any suggestions for the students in the EDAD program regarding portfolios? A. Yes, I do have a suggestion. My main suggestion is to have the Portfolio started as soon as the program begins. This suggestion is not only for the students in the program, but for the Department responsible to make it happen.

Summer Quarter Introduction to Professional Portfolio: Analyzing Portfolios from previous cohort members and guest speakers to present their portfolios and experience. Fall Quarter Selecting a web-site for Professional Portfolio Begin to construct skeleton for Portfolio Adding Tabs: Home page Table of Contents Resume Philosophy CCTC Standards Etc. Etc. Etc. Winter Quarter Add Rubrics for all

CCTC standards (10-15) Spring Quarter Begin to add graphics to all standards Begin to add artifacts to all standards Summer Quarter Continue to add graphics to all standards Continue to add artifacts to all standards Fall Quarter Continue to add more graphics to all standards Continue to add more artifacts to all standards Complete Professional Portfolio

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