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Surya Group of Institutions

Gaura Mohanlalganj Lucknow

Subject- Engg !hysics-I Subject $o%e- &'S-(#( Se*ester-I SE$)I-& -' 'tte*pt all !arts Q1-(a) Define acceptance cone. (b) What is grating element? (c) Show that a particle travel with velocity of light has infinite mass. (d) Define phase and gro p velocity. (e) Why !e-"e laser is s perior than # by laser? (f) What is difference between $-rays and %- rays? SE$)I-& -B Q&-(a) !ow fast wo ld a roc'et have to go relative to an observer for its length to be contracted to (( ) of its length at rest. (b) *ind the energy of an electron moving in one dimension in an infinitely high potential bo+ of width 1,-..iven m / (.1101--11 2g and h / 3.3101--145-S. (c) 6alc late the thic'ness of a half wave plate of 7 art8 for a wavelength of 9---, -. !ere :e / 1.991 and :- / 1.994. (d) ;n "ewton<s ring e+periment the diameter of 4th and 1&th dar' rings are -.4-- cm and -.=-- cm respectively. Ded ce the diameter of &-th dar' ring. (e) ,n optical fibre has core refractive indices 1.13 and relative difference in inde+> ? / -.-&9. *ind the val e of the n merical apert re and acceptance angle? SE$)I-& -$ 'tte*pt one !art fro* each .uestions Q1-(a) $btain the e+pression for the addition of the relativistic velocities. Show that c is invariant. (b) Ded ce @orent8 transformations e7 ations and show that it red ces into .alilean transformation for low velocity. Q4-(a) What do yo nderstand by the resolving power of a grating? Derive the necessary e+pression. (b) Show that in "ewton<s dar' ring> Dn A B n and bright rings> Dn A B(&n-1). Q9-(a) Derive the Schrodinger time independent wave e7 ation. (b) Crove wave nat re of an electron with the help of Davission D .ermer e+periment. Q3-(a) Write down the constr ction and wor'ing of !e-"e laser. (b) Describe the process of constr ction and reconstr ction of a hologram. ,lso describe the application of holography. Q=-(a) Derive the form la for ,cceptance angle and derive the e+pression for the n merical apert re of an optical *iber. (b) %+plain do ble refraction and give the properties of $ and %-rays. M M - "# )i*e+ )wo ,rs

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