SAP Unix Commands For Basis Admins

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SAP Unix commands for Basis Admins

ps -ef |grep <SID> cat <filename> ls -la ls -ltr du <filename> nsloo&up <ipaddres> find 'wor& -name sap cdpro cde e stopsap startsap c"mod c"own To View SAP Processes running To dispaly contents in a Uni file To !iew "idden file #t"e dot files$ To !iew all files in a directory wit" modified dates and time %"ec& dis& usage #du$ of a file or filesystem To resol!e IP to "ostname (ind files named sap in 'wor& directory To c"ec& t"e profiles pat" SAP)*T'<SID>'profile To c"ec& files in SAP &ernel (older To stop all instances of SAP #D+ , %I$ To start all instances of SAP #D+ , %I$ To c"ange permission of a file or directory To c"ange owner of a file or directory

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