Sunil Narwariya IT Resume

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Sunil Narwariya

109, Goya colony, Karond, Berasia road, Bhopal (MP) 462038 Ho e! 0"##$ 6890819, %ell! 08349"9019" &$ ail! s'nil(nar)aiya2012*+ ail(co

Career Objective
,chie-in+ .he Posi.ion in an or+ani/a.ion .ha. )ill o00er e .o 'se in.ellec.'al a1ili.ies 0or .he en. o0 .he or+ani/a.ion( y .echnical as )ell as

Professional Experience AISECT NSDC learnin Centre 0or IT and Management

2an 2013 .o Presen.

NIIT !t"#

SLS (School Learning Solution)

March 2012 .o 3c. 2012

AISECT I$NO% learnin Centre 0or IT and Management

2an 2011 .o March 2012

&isin Star Classes AI' E"ucation $roup Tec(nical S)ills

May 2010 .o 2an 2011 4e1 2010 .o May 2010

Kno)led+e o0 pro+ra in+ lan+'a+es and 5echnical 6'17ec.s( 3n$call e8perience( %'s.o er needs assess en.(

Teac(in S)ills
5eachin+, .'.orin+ and co'nselin+ &8perience )or9in+ special needs s.'den.s 5eachin+:.'.orin+ s.'den.s ;n.erac.i-e .eachin+ learnin+ Posi.i-e learnin+ en-iron en. &00ec.i-e lis.enin+ %rea.i-e lesson plan de-elop en. 6.'den.$cen.ered learnin+

Posi.i-e a. osphere pro o.ion 6.'den. o.i-a.ion

Tec(nical *ualifications
M%, 0or 5echnocra.s ;ns.i.'.e o0 5echnolo+y (<GP= >ni-ersi.y) )i.h 68(29? in 2011(

Aca"e+ic *ualifications
Exa+ination Passe" Hi+h 6chool Hi+her 6econdary Grad'a.ion (B,) 2oar"3%niversity MP Board MP Board B> Bhopal 4ear of Passin 1999 2002 2006 5 'ar)s "1(40 61("" #4(63 'ajor Subjects Hindi, &n+lish, Ma.h, 6( 6cience, 6cience, 6ans9ri.( Ma.h, Physics, %he is.ry, Biolo+y( Poli.ical 6cience, 6ociolo+y, &cono ics(

Personal Details
@a.e o0 Bir.h 4a.herBs Aa e Mo.herBs Aa e Aa.ionali.y de.ail Dan+'a+es Kno)n Per anen. ,ddress ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 18.h Ao-e 1er, 1984 Mr( 2a 'na Prasad Aar)ariya 6 .( Aanni @e-i Aar)ariya ;ndian 0"## C 6890819, 8349"9019"( Hindi E &n+lish( H(Ao$109, Goya %olony Karond, Berasia <oad Bhopal (M(P) 462038 <eadin+ Boo9s, Fa.chin+ Ao i possi1le( o-ies and @isco-ery channel(


! !

; here1y declare .ha. all .he a1o-e s.a.e en.s are .r'e, co ple.e and correc. .o .he 1es. o0 9no)led+e and 1elie0( y

Place, Bhopal , Date, - .. Dece+ber ./01(

yo'rs sincerely 6'nil Aar)ariya

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