Seating Arrangement: Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For The Awards of The Degree of

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Seating Arrangement

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the awards of the degree of

Master of computer application [Software Engineering]

Mrs. Jyostna

Submitted by:
Rajeev Ranjan MCA (S !" ###rd Sem. Rollno$ %&'&())*%+

University School of Information echnology GGS Indraprastha University! "elhi#$$%%%& '(%%)#(%$$*


+E, I-I+. E

,his is to -ertify that the proje-t report (#,"'**! entitled .Seating Arrangement/ done by Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 0 Roll no. %&'&())*%+ is an authenti- wor1 -arried out by him under my guidan-e. ,he matter embodied in this proje-t wor1 has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my 1nowledge and belief.


Mrs. Jyotsna

# would li1e to than1 my proje-t guide0 Mrs. Jyotsna for her guidan-e. ,his proje-t entitled .Seating Arrangement/ -ould not have been -ompleted without the fle7ibility and support provided by her to me to pursue this proje-t. # wish to than1 our proje-t in -harge Mr. Sanjay Mali1 for -oordinating all the proje-t related a-tivities. At last # wish to e7press my sin-ere than1s to all the authors whose wor1s (both online and in print! we have referred to0 in -ourse of my study of the subje-t.

Rajeev Ranjan MCA (S !"###rd Sem. %&'&())*%+ 3S#,0 44S#53 Rajeevranjan&8.6%%9:gmail.-om

able of contents
+ontents &.&#ntrodu-tion &.&.& 5urpose &.&.6 S-ope &.&.8 2efinitions0 A-ronyms0 and Abbreviations &.6. ;verall 2es-ription &.6.& 5rodu-t 5erspe-tive &.6.&.& System #nterfa-es &.6.&.6 3ser #nterfa-es &.6.&.8 <ardware #nterfa-es &.6.&.) Software #nterfa-es &.6.&.* Memory Constraints &.6.6 5rodu-t =un-tions &.6.8 Constraints &.6.) Assumptions and 2ependen-ies

pageno&/ ( ( ( ( ( + + + + 9 9 9 &% &%

&.8. Spe-ifi- Requirements &.8.& 7ternal #nterfa-e Requirements &.8.6 =un-tional Requirements &.8.6.& >alidity -he-1s on the inputs &.8.6.6 7a-t sequen-e of operations &.8.6.8 Responses to abnormal situation &.8.8 5erforman-e requirement &.8.) ?ogi-al 2atabase requirements &.8.* Software System attributes &.8.*.& Reliability &.8.*.6 Availability &.8.*.8 Se-urity &.8.*.) Maintainability 6. 2ata flow diagram
8. ntity Relationship 2iagram ). 2ata di-tionary$
).&. 2es-ription of modules

&% &% && && && &6 &6 &6 &6 &6 &6 &6 &8 &8
&) &)

).6Student information and maintenan-e module$ ).8Course information module$ ).)Subje-t information module$ ).*2atabase maintenan-e module$ *. 3ses Case 2iagram$ *.&3ses Case des-ription$ *.6. Maintain student information

&* &* &* &( &( &' &+

*.8Maintain Subje-t #nformation *.). Maintain 3ser A--ounts (. Coding '. Snapshots +. Referen-es$

6% 6) 6+ )* *8

$/ Software ,e0uirements Specification 'S/,/S* $/ Introduction: $/$/$ 1urpose

,he purpose of this do-umentation is to present the Software Requirement Spe-ifi-ation for Seating Arrangement for the 7amination department .,his 2o-ument illustrate the how this software ma1es easier of arranging seat for an 7amination.
$/$/( Scope

,he software produ-t .Seating Arrangement .is a appli-ation whi-h arranges the Seat matri7 for an e7amination. ,he appli-ation -reates the databases for different Allo-ation table at run time0 information provided by user. ,he appli-ation then establishes the -onne-tion to a--ess database and allo-ates the seat for students.
$/$/2 "efinitions:

"S3: Stands for data source name #t spe-ifies the sour-e name from where the data is -oming. +onnection string: Conne-tions string has information required to -onne-t to a database. #t generally -onsist of information of provider0 drivers0 data sour-e0 user name0 password et-.

,ecord set: Re-ordset obje-t is used for the management of re-ords that result from database request.

$/(/ 4verall "escription:

A data base is an ordered set of data that is usually saved in one or several files that belong together. ,he data is stru-tured as tables0 with referen-e from one table to another being possible. ,here are various type of database management system are available for use li1e 2@60 ora-le0 MS"A--ess. All of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. MS"A--ess is treated -omparatively simple than other database system in terms of learning and using but not suitable for large databases. Some time the user need to -reate the database at runtime as per user requirement for ta1ing advantage of that database system. ,he appli-ation .seating Arrangement/ design and arranges seat matri7 in MS A--ess format. ,his appli-ation is general purpose that is it ta1es the information about database to -reate of any siAe and -an be added any number of tables to MS A--ess database. ,he appli-ation ta1es database name as the input. 3ser must have proper right to use the appli-ation. ,hen it establishes the -onne-tion to MS A--ess database. After su--essful establishing of -onne-tion the appli-ation ta1es the name of table0 number of -olumn0 number of rows as input from the user and -reates the table in runtime in the spe-ified database name provided earlier by the user. ,hen appli-ation establishes the -onne-tion to

the table and adds re-ords as per our requirement spe-ified or defined for the appli-ation.

$/(/$1roduct 1erspective:

,his appli-ation is fully windows based self -ontained and independent software 5rodu-t produ-ts.
=R;B, B2 A55?#CA,#;B #B >@ (.%


$/(/$/$ System Interface: Bone $/(/$/( User Interface: ,his system has very user friendly and menu based interfa-e. =ollowing s-reens will be provided$ & .A login s-reen for entering the username 0 password and user name. A--ess to different s-reens will be based on the information provided. 6. ,here is the s-reen for -reating the databases and opening databases. 8. ,here is a form in whi-h user -an spe-ify the table name and siAe of the table.

$/(/$/2 5ardware Interface: ,he hardware interfa-es for this appli-ation are$ #. S-reen resolution of at least +%% 7 (%% for proper and -omplete viewing of s-reens. @ut performs best at &%6) 7 '(+. ii. 5roper hardware -onfiguration for running ora-le and MS"A--ess databases

$/(/$/6 Software Interface: ,he software interfa-es for this appli-ation are$ i. Cindows DpE windows 9+ ii. MS A--ess 6%%8 or any higher version of MS A--ess as the 2@MS for database. iii. >isual @asi- (" for -oding Edeveloping the software.
iv. ;ra-le database

$/(/$/7 +ommunication interfaces Bone $/(/$/7 Memory +onstrains: At least &6+ M@ ram and & 4@ hard dis1 spa-e will be required.
$/(/( 1roduct -unctions:

,he system will allow a--ess only to authoriAed users. ,hose -an a--ess the A--ess database -an establish the -onne-tion by providing the information. =ollowing are the major fun-tions that will be provided by the system$ i. ?ogin fa-ility for enabling only authoriAed a--ess to system. ii. AuthoriAed user spe-ifies the database information require -reating or opening

the databases. iii. ,he appli-ation establishes the -onne-tion on the run time. iv. ,he appli-ation provides the fun-tionality to input the name of table to be -reated or opened. v. ,hen it a--esses the re-ords of the table to be evaluated a--ording to appli-ation. vi. using the above information it generate the report table into MS"A--ess format.
$/(/2 +onstraints:

i. 2ue to limited features of 2@MS being used performan-e tuning features will not be applied to the queries and thus the system may be-ome slow with the in-rease in number of re-ords. ii. 2ue to the limited features of the 2@MS database Auditing will also not be provided. iii. Administrator will have to implement a se-urity poli-y to safeguard the Re-ords from unauthoriAed users.
$/(/6 .ssumptions and "ependencies:

i. A user must have the 1nowledge of using appli-ation the handle databases. ii. ,he user must 1now username and password to a--ess database
$/2/ Specific ,e0uirements:

,his se-tion -ontains the software requirements to a level of detail suffi-ient to enable designers to design the system0 and testers to test that system.
$/2/$ E8ternal Interface ,e0uirements:

$/2/$/$ User Interfaces: ,he following s-reens will be provided to the users$ &. ?ogin S-reen$ from this s-reen the user will login to the appli-ation. >arious fields available for this s-reen will be (a! 3ser #2$ alphanumeri- of length up to &% -hara-ters (b! 5assword$ alphanumeri- of length up to + -hara-ters 6. Step& S-reen$ After logging in su--essfully by the user the step& s-reen of the appli-ation will appear. ,he user -an enter the database information for MS A--ess database. 8. step6 s-reen$ Be7t s-reen is step6 s-reen in wit-h user -an input the table name and siAe of the table to be -reated. ). Step8 s-reen$ in this s-reen user -an spe-ify the -ourse information of the student for allo-ation of seat matri7. Also -an spe-ify multiple -ourse information.
$/2/$/( 5ardware interfaces As stated in se-tion 6.&.8 $/2/$/2 Software interfaces As stated in se-tion 6.&.) $/2/( System feature $/2/(/$ 9alidity chec:s on the inputs:

(i! ;nly the authoriAed user -an a--ess the database and appli-ation. (ii! 5roper validity -he-1s should be imposed while data is being transfer from one database to other.

$/2/(/( E8act se0uence of operations ,here must e7ist an Ms A--ess database to be opened. ,he user must have proper right to a--ess the Ms A--ess database before using this appli-ation the -onne-tion must be established and tested before the transa-tion between different tables ta1es pla-e. A 3ser -an e7it from the appli-ation whenever heEshe wants. $/2/(/2 ,esponses to abnormal situation Error handling and recovery rroneous data operations are reje-ted with an error message prompt. Bo re-overy module is needed as erroneous operation is not allowed to pro-eed.
$/2/2 1erformance re0uirement Bone $/2/6 "esign +onstraints Bone $/2/7 ;ogical "atabase re0uirements: 'i* ?og$ user id0 password 'ii* Student info$ enroll no.0 student name0 -ourseFid0 year $/2/& Software System attributes:

$/2/&/$ ,eliability ,he system would be reliable enough to save a number of re-ords. $/2/&/( .vailability ,he system has to run as per the requirement of the user.

$/2/&/2 Security ,he system will use password prote-tion to allow only authenti- users to a--ess ,he system a--ording to their privilege. $/2/&/6 Maintainability ,he appli-ation is to be designed in a maintainable manner. #t should be easy to #n-orporate new requirements in the individual modules.

(/ "ata flow diagram

Report generation

Student details

Student info management

2ata entry operator



#d0 password

Course id

Course name

3ser a--ount info

User account management


Study in



Entity ,elationship "iagram:

Student id age Student name

Consist of

subje-t &)

Subje-t id

Subje-t name

"ata dictionary:
2ata di-tionary des-ribes the -olumns0 whi-h are used in the development of the system. #t is one of the most important 2@A tools. ,he data di-tionary des-ribes effe-tively a database that -ontains information about the entities. 2atabase profile helps -onne-ting to the databaseG it prevents unauthoriAed use of database. =ollowing are the tables and views that the database -ontains. .<;E 3.ME: Student record 3.ME StrudentFid Student name CourseFid HearFofFadm =1E Bumber ,e7t Bumber 2ate >I" 5 &% 6% %( ""

.<;E 3.ME: +ourse ,ecord 3.ME =1E CourseFid Bumber Course name ,e7t BoFofFSem Bumber .<;E 3.ME: Sub?ect ,ecord =1E Bumber ,e7t ,e7t

>I" 5 %* 6% %(

3.ME CourseFid Subje-tFid Subje-t name

>I" 5 %* 6% %(

"ES+,I1 I43 4- M4"U;ES

System is -ontrolled in mar1et units of limited siAe to simplify development

and maintenan-e when ne-essary0 modifi-ation of SEC is done partly due to separate fun-tion they perform. ;ur system -an be modulariAed into various modules ea-h one performing some spe-ifi- fun-tion to a-hieve their obje-tive. ,here modules are$ Student information and maintenance module: ,his module -onsists of fun-tions that perform the operation to 1eep re-ord of individual information of students in data file. All ,he details of a single student a-t as a single re-ord in the file. +ourse information module: ,his module -onsists of fun-tions that perform the operation to 1eep re-ord of -ourse related information li1e subje-t id0 -ourse id 0 subje-t name 0no of semester in whi-h they taught et-. All these information are used to maintain the relation between student in -ollege and their respe-tive -ourse. Sub?ect information module: ,his module -onsists of fun-tions that perform the operation to 1eep re-ord of subje-t name in ea-h semester of -ourse and all optional subje-ts also. #t also 1eeping the re-ord of new subje-ts if it is going to be add in parti-ular -ourse. ,he various operations -an be performed on the data files$ &. Addition of new re-ords. 6. 2eletion of a parti-ular re-ord 8. Retrieving data. ). 2isplaying data. *. Modifi-ation of any information stores. "atabase maintenance module: ,his module is used to maintain the entire database whi-h are -reated for ea-h e7amination time and 1eeping all the seating arrangement re-ord with room no. So0 that if any requirement o--urs then -an able to open and see their information

2/ Uses +ase "iagram:


Maintain Student info. AddEmodifyEdelete student details ?ogin

2ata ntry operator

Reset System 2eletion of all e7isting #nformation from the from ba-1end database

Maintain Subje-t info. AddEModifyEdelete subje-t for different semester

administrator Maintain user A--ounts Add modifyEdelete user A--ounts 4enerate Reports &.student list report 6.seating arrangement report


Uses +ase description:

$/ ;ogin

$/$/ <rief "escription ,his use -ase des-ribes how a user logs into the Seating Arrangement System $/(/.ctors ,he following a-tor(s! intera-t and parti-ipate in this use -ase$ 2ata ntry operator0 Administrator0 Co"-oordinator. $/2/-low of controls ,his use -ase starts when the a-tor wishes to login to the Seating Arrangement system. &. ,he system requests that the a-tor enter hisEher name0 password and role. ,he role -an be any one of data entry operator0 -o"ordinator or administrator. 6. ,he a-tor enters hisEher name0 password and role. 8. ,he systems validate the entered name0 password0 and role and log the a-tor into the system. $/2/(/ .lternative flows $/2/(/$Invalid name@password@role #f in the basi- flow0 the a-tor enters an invalid name0 password and Eor role0 the system displays an error message. ,he a-tor -an -hoose to either return to the beginning of the basi- flow or -an-el the login0 at whi-h point the use -ase ends.

&.) Special ,e0uirements Bone &.* 1re#+onditions


All users must have a user a--ount -reated for them in the system0 prior to e7e-uting the use -ases. #f the use -ase was su--essful0 the a-tor is logged into the system. #f no0 the system state is un-hanged. #f the a-tor has the role I2ata entry operatorJ he Eshe will have a--ess to only s-reen -orresponding to the subje-t info maintenan-e0 student info maintenan-e module of the system. #f the a-tor has the role IadministratorJ heEsheE will have a--ess to only s-reen -orresponding to user a--ount maintenan-e module and reset system feature of the system. &.' E8tension points Bone

(/ Maintain student information

(/$ <rief "escription ,his use -ase allows the a-tor with role I2ata ntry operatorJ to maintain student information. ,his in-ludes adding0 -hanging and deleting student information from the system. (/( .ctors 2ata ntry ;perator (/2 -low of Events (/2/$ <asic -low ,his use -ase starts when the data entry operator wishes to add0 -hange0 andE or delete student information from the system. &. ,he system requests that the data entry operator spe-ify the fun-tion heE she would li1e to perform.

6. ;n-e the data entry operator provides the requested information0 one of the sub" flows is e7e-uted. a. #f the data entry operator sele-ted .Add a Student/0 the Add a student Sub" flow is e7e-uted. b. #f the data ntry operator sele-ted/ 3pdate a student/0 the update a student sub flow is e7e-uted. -. #f the data entry operator sele-ted .2elete a student/ 0 the delete a student sub flow is e7e-uted (/2/$.lternative flows (/2/$/$ Student not found #f in the update a student or delete a student sub"flows0 a student with the spe-ified enrollment number does not e7ist0 and the system displays an error message. ,he data entry operator -an then enter a different enrollment number or -an-el the operation0 at whi-h points the use -ase ends (/2/$/( Update cancelled #f in the update a student sub"flow0 the data entry operator de-ides not to update the student information0 the update is -an-elled and the basi- flow is re"started at the beginning.

(/2/$/2 delete cancelled #f in the delete a student sub"flow0 the data entry operator de-ides not to delete the student information0 the delete is -an-elled and the @asi- =low is re"started at the beginning.

(/2 Special ,e0uirements Bone (/6 pre#condions ,he data entry operator must be logged onto the system before these use -ase beginnings. (/7 1ost#+ondition #f the use -ase was su--essful0 the student information is added0 updated0 or deleted from the system otherwise0 the system state is un-hanged (/& E8tension points Bone

2/ Maintain Sub?ect Information

2/$ <rief "escription ,his use -ase allows the a-tor with role I2ata ntry ;peratorJ to maintain subje-t information. ,his in-ludes adding0 -hanging and deleting subje-t information from the system. A-tor 2ata ntry ;perator. =low of vent 8.8.& @asi- =low ,he use -ase starts when 2 ; wishes to add0 -hange0 andEor delete subje-t information from the system. (i! ,he system requests 2 ; to spe-ify the fun-tion heEshe would li1e to perform. K Add a subje-t

K 3pdate a subje-t K 2elete a subje-t. (ii! ;n-e the 2 ; provides the required information0 one of the sub flows is e7e-uted. A. #f 2 ; sele-ted .Add a subje-t/ the .Add"a subje-t sub flow is e7e-uted. b. #f 2 ; sele-ted .3pdate"a subje-t/ the .update"a" subje-t/ sub flow is e7e-uted -. #f 2 ; sele-ted .2elete" a" subje-t/0 the .2elete"a"subje-t .sub flow is e7e-uted. 2/7/$ .dd a Sub?ect (i! ,he System requests the 2 ; to enter the subje-t information. ,his in-ludes$ L Bame of the subje-t 2/7/( Update a Sub?ect (i! ,he system requests the 2 ; to enter subje-tFid. (ii! 2 ; enters the subje-tFid. ,he system retrieves and displays the subje-t information. (iii! 2 ; ma1es the -hanges. (iv! Re-ord is updated 2/7/2 "elete a Sub?ect (i! ntry of subje-tFid. (ii! After this0 system retrieves M displays subje-t information. L System prompts the 2 ; to -onfirm the deletion. L 2 ; verifies the deletion. L ,he system mar1s the subje-t re-ord for deletion.

2/& .lternative -low 2/&/$ Sub?ect not found #f in any sub flows0 subje-t"id not found0 error message is displayed. ,he 2 ; may enter a different id or -an-el the -ase ends here. 2/&/( Update +ancelled #f in the update a subje-t sub"flow0 the data entry operator de-ides not to update the subje-t information0 the update is begin. 2/&/2 "elete +ancellation #f in delete"a"subje-t sub flow0 the 2 ; de-ides not to delete subje-t0 the delete is -an-elled0 and the basi- flow is restarted from the beginning. -an-elled and the basi- flow is restarted at the

2/A Special ,e0uirements: Bone 2/) Use +ase#relationships Bone

). Generate ,eport
6/$ Introduction ,his use -ase allows the 2R to generate Student reports. ;ptions are a. Course -ode wise


b. Semester wise C. nrollment Bumber wise 6/( .ctors 2ata Reporter 6/2 1re#+onditions 2R must logged on to the system 6/6 1ost conditions #f use -ase is su--essful0 desired report is generated. ;therwise0 the system state is un-hanged. 6/7 <asic -low ,he use -ase starts0 when 2R wishes to generate reports. (i! 2R sele-ts option. (ii! System retrieves the information displays. (iii! 2R ta1es printed reports. 6/& .lternative -lows 6/&/$ ,ecord not found #f not found0 system generates appropriate message. ,he 2R -an sele-t another option or -an-el the operation. At this point0 the use -ase ends. 6/A Special ,e0uirements Bone

6/) Use case relationships Bone

7/ Maintain User .ccounts

7/$ Introduction ,his use -ase allows the administrator to maintain user a--ount. ,his in-ludes adding0 -hanging and deleting user a--ount information from the system. 7/( .ctors Administrator 7/2 1re#+onditions ,he administrator must be logged on to the system before the use -ase begins. 7/6 1ost#+onditions #f the use -ase was su--essful0 the user a--ount information is added0 updated0 or deleted from the system. ;therwise0 the system state is un-hanged. 7/7 <asic -low ,his use -ase starts when the Administrator wishes to add0 -hange0 andEor delete use a--ount information from the system. (i! ,he system requests that the Administrator spe-ify the fun-tion heEshe would li1e to perform (add a 3ser A--ount0 3pdate a 3ser A--ount0 or 2elete a 3ser A--ount!. (ii! ;n-e the Administrator provides the requested information0 one of the sub"flows

is e7e-uted L #f the Administrator sele-ted .Add a 3ser A--ount/0 the .dd a User .ccount sub flow is e7e-uted. L #f the Administrator sele-ted .3pdate a 3ser A--ount/0 the Update a User .ccount sub"flow is e7e-uted. L #f the Administrator sele-ted .2elete a 3ser A--ount/0 the "elete a User .ccount sub"flow is e7e-uted.66 7/7/$ .dd a User .ccount &. ,he system requests that the Administrator enters the user information. ,his in-ludes$ (a! 3ser Bame (b! 3ser #2"should be unique for ea-h user a--ount (c! 5assword (d! Role 6. ;n-e the Administrator provides the requested information0 the user a--ount information is added. 7/7/( Update a User .ccount &. ,he system requests that the Administrator enters the 3ser #2. 6. ,he Administrator enters the 3ser #2. ,he system retrieves and displays the user a--ount information.


8. ,he Administrator ma1es the desired -hanges to the user a--ount information. ,his in-ludes any of the information spe-ified in the .dd a User .ccount sub"flow. ). ;n-e the Administrator updates the ne-essary information0 the system updates the user a--ount re-ord with the updated information. 7/7/2 "elete a User .ccount &. ,he system requests that the Administrator enters the 3ser #2. 6. ,he Administrator enters the 3ser #2. ,he system retrieves and displays the user a--ount information. 8. ,he system prompts the Administrator to -onfirm the deletion of the user a--ount. ). ,he Administrator -onfirms the deletion. *. ,he system deletes the user a--ount re-ord. 7/& .lternative -lows 7/&/$ User 3ot -ound #f in the Update a User .ccount or "elete a User .ccount sub"flows0 a user a--ount with the spe-ified 3ser #2 does not e7ist0 the system displays an error Message. ,he Administrator -an then enter a different 3ser #2 or -an-el the operation0 at whi-h point the use -ase ends. 7/&/( Update +ancelled #f in the Update a User .ccount sub"flow0 the Administrator de-ides not to update the user a--ount information0 the update is -an-elled and the <asic -low is re"


started at the beginning. 7/&/2 "elete +ancelled #f in the "elete a User .ccount sub"flow0 the Administrator de-ides not to delete the user a--ount information0 the delete is -an-elled and the <asic -low is re"started at the beginning. 7/A Special ,e0uirements Bone 7/) Use case relationships Bone

6/ +oding
Splash form: ;ption 7pli-it 5rivate Sub =ormFNey5ress (NeyAs-ii as #nteger! 3nload Me nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub =orm ?oad (! 5rogress@ar&.>alue O % ,imer&. nabled O ,rue nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

5rivate Sub ,imer&F,imer (! 5rogress@ar&.>alue O 5rogress@ar&.>alue P 6* #f 5rogress@ar&.>alue QO &%% ,hen ,imer&. nabled O =alse frmlogin.Show Me. <ide nd #f nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

M"I -orm: 5rivate Sub M2#=ormF?oad (! mnu dit.>isible O =alse nd Sub 5rivate Sub mnu 7itFCli-1 (! nd nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub mnu=ile;pen2esignFCli-1 (! nd Sub 5rivate Sub mnu=ileCreateFCli-1 (! =orm&.Show nd Sub """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

5rivate Sub mnu=ile;penFCli-1 (! db& O #nput @o7 (R nter the database nameR! Hr O #nput @o7 (R nter the yearR! db& O db& M yr Stb O db& M yr Sdb& O db& M R.mdbR 3nload Me ?oad =orm) =orm).Show S?oad =orm) S=orm).Show S?oad studentfrm Sstudentfrm.Show S?oad =orm6 S=orm6.Show nd Sub """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;ogin -orm: 2im db As 2atabase 2im rs As Re-ordset 5rivate Sub -md-an-elFCli-1 (! t7tuserpassword.,e7t O RR t7tuserpassword.Set=o-us -md-an-el. nabled O =alse

nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub =ormFA-tivate (! t7tusername.Set=o-us nd Sub """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub -mdhelpFCli-1 (! Msg@o7 R=or pro-eeding to the ne7t window please enter the valid username and password. After that press ;N./ vb#nformation0 R< ?5 @3,,;BSR nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub -mdo1FCli-1 (! ;n rror 4o,o e7 #f rs.Re-ordCount O % ,hen 7it Sub nd #f rs.Move=irst Chile not rs. ;= #f rs.=ields(%! O t7tusername.,e7t And F rs.=ields(&! O t7tuserpassword.,e7t ,hen Msg@o7 R>alid 3serR0 vb#nformation 3nload Me mainfrm.Show 7it Sub

nd #f rs.MoveBe7t Cend Msg@o7 R#nvalid 3ser..R0 vbCriti-al S-mdo1. nabled O =alse S-md-an-el. nabled O =alse St7tuserpassword.?o-1ed O ,rue t7tusername.,e7t O RR t7tuserpassword.,e7t O RR t7tusername.Set=o-us e7$ Msg@o7 R2atabase already e7istR nd Sub """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub =ormF?oad(! Set db O ;pen2atabase(App.5ath P RTlog.mdbR! Set rs O db.;penRe-ordset(RloginR! nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub ,imer&F,imer(! ?abel).Caption O ,ime ?abel*.Caption O 2ate nd Sub """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

+reate "atabase: 2im db As 2atabase 2im wr1 As Cor1spa-e 2im tabldf As ,able2ef 2im fld As =ield S2im tablename As String S2im dbname As String 2im year As String 2im a As String 2im rs As Re-ordset """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub -md-an-elFCli-1(! dbnamet7t.,e7t O R R dbnamet7t.Set=o-us yeart7t.,e7t O Clear tablenamet7t.,e7t O Clear nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub -mde7itFCli-1(! nd nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub -mdo1FCli-1(!

2im S(6%! As String 2im i0 j As #nteger S;n rror 4o,o e7 dbname O dbnamet7t.,e7t year O yeart7t.,e7t dbname O dbname M year Stablenamet7t.,e7t O dbname M year Set wr1 O 2@ ngine.Cor1spa-es(%! Set db O Create2atabase(dbname0 db?ang4eneral0 RGpwdR O R R! Msg@o7 Rdatabase -reated..R 3nload Me ?oad mainfrm mainfrm.Show 7it Sub e7$ dbnamet7t.,e7t O Clear yeart7t.,e7t O Clear tablenamet7t.,e7t O Clear Msg@o7 Rdatabase already e7istR 3nload Me nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub -mdo1F4ot=o-us (! Stablenamet7t.,e7t O dbname M year

nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub =orm ?oad (! nd Sub 5rivate Sub mnu=ile 7itFCli-1 (! 3nload Me ?oad mainfrm nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 4pen -orm: 2im i0 j As #nteger 2im s-0 -r As #nteger 2im db As 2atabase 2im rs As Re-ordset 2im -n As Bew A2;2@.Conne-tion 2im rs& As Bew A2;2@.Re-ordset 2im str As String """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub Command&FCli-1 (! Set rs& O Bew A2;2@.Re-ordset 2im a As Bew A2;2@.Command -id O ,e7t&.,e7t sid O ,e7t6.,e7t SLLLLLLLLLwhen inde7 is not fullLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

nseat O ,e7t8.,e7t j O nseat " & ,e7t&. nabled O =alse ,e7t6. nabled O =alse ,e7t8. nabled O =alse a.Command,e7t O RS ? C, S,32 B,F#2 =R;M S,32 B,F#B=; C< R C;3RS F#2OSR M -id M RSR a.A-tiveConne-tion O -n Set rs& O a. 7e-ute =or j O j ,o seat Step j P 6 SMsg@o7 j #f j Q seat ,hen 7it Sub nd #f #f j Q % ,hen iO% Chile Bot rs&. ;= And i U nrow =or i O % ,o nrow " & #f j Q % And i O % ,hen rs.Move=irst nd #f SMsg@o7 Rseat R M j M i rs. dit SMsg@o7 rs&.=ields(%!

rs.=ields (j! O rs&.=ields (%! rs&.MoveBe7t rs.3pdate rs.MoveBe7t #f rs&. ;= ,hen Msg@o7 R,< R #S B; M;R S,32 B,R0 vb;N;nly P vb#nformation0

RR C;R2F#B=;RMA,#;BR str O Msg@o7(R2; H;3 CAB, ,; A22 M;R S,32 B, R C;R2R0 vbHesBo P vb#nformation0 RR C;R2F#B=;RMA,#;BR! #f str O ( ,hen ,e7t&.,e7t O R R ,e7t6.,e7t O R R ,e7t8.,e7t O R R ,e7t&. nabled O ,rue ,e7t6. nabled O ,rue ,e7t8. nabled O ,rue ,e7t&.Set=o-us 7it Sub lse 3nload Me ?oad =orm) =orm).Show 7it Sub nd #f

nd #f Be7t i Cend lse SMsg@o7 tb iO% Chile Bot rs&. ;= And i U nrow =or i O % ,o nrow " & SMsg@o7 Rseat R M j M i rs.AddBew SMsg@o7 rs&.=ields(%! rs.=ields(j! O rs&.=ields(%! rs&.MoveBe7t rs.3pdate #f rs&. ;= ,hen 7it Sub nd #f Be7t i Cend nd #f SMsg@o7 tb SMsg@o7 RsubdivisionR M j Be7t j Set rs& O Bothing

3nload Me ?oad =orm) =orm).Show S nd nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub Command6FCli-1(! 2im r As String r O Msg@o7 (RAR H;3 CAB, ,; D#, ,< A55?#CA,#;BR0 vbHesBo P

vbVuestion0 RS A,#B4 ARRAB4 M B,R! #f r O ( ,hen nd nd #f nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub =orm ?oad (! Set db O ;pen2atabase (db&! Set rs O db.;penRe-ordset (tb! Set -n O Bew A2;2@.Conne-tion Set rs& O Bew A2;2@.Re-ordset -n.Conne-tionString O R5roviderOMi-rosoft.Jet.;? 2@.).%G 2ata Sour-eOinfo.mdbR -n.Conne-tionString O RdriverOMi-rosoft a--ess driver (L.mdb!GR -n.;pen Rinfo.mdbR ?abel&.Caption O tab

nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .dd able: 2im dbt As 2atabase S2im rst As Re-ordset 5rivate Sub Command&FCli-1 (! 2im S (6%! As String 2im i0 j as #nteger S;n rror 4o,o e7 tablename O ,e7t&.,e7t n-ol O ,e7t6.,e7t nsub-ol O ,e7t8.,e7t nrow O ,e7t).,e7t seat O n-ol L nsub-ol SMsg@o7 seat tb O tablename Set tabldf O dbt.Create,able2ef (tablename! =or i O & ,o seat S (i! O RseatidR M i SMsg@o7 S (i! Cith tabldf SMsg@o7 i .=ields. Append .Create=ield(S (i!0 db,e7t! nd Cith

Be7t i dbt.,able2efs.Append tabldf SMsg@o7 RseatR M seat Msg@o7 R,able -reated..R 3nload Me ?oad =orm6 =orm6.Show 7it Sub S7$ Sdbnamet7t.,e7t O Clear Syeart7t.,e7t O Clear Stablenamet7t.,e7t O Clear SMsg@o7 Rdatabase already e7istsR S3nload Me nd Sub """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub Command6FCli-1(! nd nd Sub """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub =ormF?oad (! ?abel*.Caption O db& Set wr1 O 2@ ngine.Cor1spa-es (%! Set dbt O ;pen2atabase (db&!

nd Sub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Student -orm: 2im dbt As 2atabase S2im rst As Re-ordset 5rivate Sub Command&FCli-1(! 2im S(6%! As String 2im i0 j As #nteger S;n rror 4o,o e7 tablename O ,e7t&.,e7t n-ol O ,e7t6.,e7t nsub-ol O ,e7t8.,e7t nrow O ,e7t).,e7t seat O n-ol L nsub-ol SMsg@o7 seat tb O tablename Set tabldf O dbt.Create,able2ef(tablename! =or i O & ,o seat S(i! O RseatidR M i SMsg@o7 S(i! Cith tabldf SMsg@o7 i .=ields.Append .Create=ield(S(i!0 db,e7t! nd Cith

Be7t i dbt.,able2efs.Append tabldf SMsg@o7 RseatR M seat Msg@o7 R,able -reated..R 3nload Me ?oad =orm6 =orm6.Show 7it Sub S7$ Sdbnamet7t.,e7t O Clear Syeart7t.,e7t O Clear Stablenamet7t.,e7t O Clear SMsg@o7 Rdatabase already e7istR S3nload Me nd Sub """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5rivate Sub Command6FCli-1(! nd nd Sub 5rivate Sub =ormF?oad(! ?abel*.Caption O db& Set wr1 O 2@ ngine.Cor1spa-es(%! Set dbt O ;pen2atabase(db&! nd Sub


Snapshots $/Splash form:


,he first page of appli-ation is Splash form. Splash form whi-h shows the appli-ation is loading their pro-essing file and going to be start.

(/;ogin from:


?ogin form is used to a--ept the user information li1e username and their respe-tive password. #t allows only authoriAed user who have the permission to a--ess this software.



Main form whi-h is the parent form of this appli-ation helps us to -reate database for seating arrangement and room details where seat are allo-ated.

6/+reate datablase:


Create database form where user -an ma1e a database for seating arrangement. And all the information related to seating plan li1e room detail and student allo-ated to that room are store in this database.

7/ .ddBroomdetail from:


&/.dd ,ecord form


A/ StudentBrecord form:


)/ +ourseBdetail form:


,eferences: vangelos 5etroutsos0 .Mastering >isual @asi- (/0 @5@ 5ubli-ation.

Spe-ial edition using visual basi-( by @rian siler and Jeff Spotts.

Steven <olAner 0 .>isual @asi- ( 5rogramming0 @la-1 @oo1/0 ,he 2reamte-h5ress0reprint W 6%%).

#van @ayross0 .SV?0 5?ESV?/0 @5@ 5ubli-ations0 8rd dition" 6%%*




http$EEwww.bigresour-e.-omE>@">@("Adding"2ata"to"A--ess",able"=ield" ?<j3he2DJt.html



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