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Unicef is a Charity for do lots of different tings to help children. They give poor children living in horrific conditions.

Giving We are organising an food and vaccines. event (Nonsuch Park)

Alfie Black has offered to come and play his fantastic music for this special event. He will be playing is

We are aiming to raise 5000 pounds to give more food and vaccines to give children the life needs and some celebrity guests! they deserve and

to thank Unicef for all their hard work.. There will be a play area for the toddlers and kids and a tent filled with food and supplies . Anyone is welcome to come help the children and see how much During the event, Blacks theyve helped. merchandise will be on sale and all (Children under go the money raised by12 everything will go to Unicef. The event will be from free!) 3.00 per 5-9 pm. We will be providing all entrance.

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