Task 1 - Major Muscles in The Human Body

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Major Muscles in the Human Body

Muscle Biceps Location Inside Upper arm Outside Upper arm Forms cap of shoulder Function Flexes lower arm Extends lower arm Abducts, flexes and extends upper arm Flexes and adducts upper arm Flexion and rotation of lumbar region of vertebral column Extends lower leg and flexes thigh Diagram



Pectoralis Major

Large Chest muscle Six-pack muscle running down abdomen

Rectus Abdominis

Rectus Femoris

Front of Thigh

Vastus Lateralis

Front of Thigh

Extends lower leg and flexes thigh

Vastus Medialis

Front of Thigh

Extends lower leg and flexes thigh

Vastus Intermedius

Front of Thigh

Extends lower leg and flexes thigh

Semimembranosus Back of Thigh

Flexes lower leg and extends thigh


Back of Thigh

Flexes lower leg and extends thigh

Biceps Femoris

Back of Thigh

Flexes lower leg and extends thigh


Large Calf Muscle

Plantar flexion, flexes knee


Deep to Gastrocnemius

Plantar Flexion

Tibialis Anterior

Front of tibia on lower leg

Dorsi-flexion of foot

Erector Spinae

Long muscle running either side of Spine

Extension of spine

Teres Major

Between Scapula and Humerus

Rotates and abducts humerus


Large triangular muscle at top of back

Elevates and depresses scapula

Latissimus Dorsi

Large muscle covering back of lower ribs

Extends and adducts lower arm



Lateral flexion of Trunk

Gluteus Maximus

Large muscle on buttocks

Extends thigh

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