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Lina Rodriguez Professor Powell ENC 1102


1930 there was an ethylene glycol poisoning that made scientist want to start testing on innocent animals Soon after another drug, thalidomide, led to over 10,000 babies being born with birth defects which convinced scientists to test almost every drug on animals before it was to be used on humans.

Mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, cats, monkeys, goats, pigs, etc. *Mice and rats are forced to inhale toxic fumes *Dogs are force fed pesticides *Rabbits have chemicals rubbed on skin and eyes *Turtles are smashed and drilled to be manipulated *Monkeys are addicted to drugs *Amphibians are pulled from their natural habitat (causing large population decline) *Goats and pigs are shot, stabbed, and blown up Most result in death.


than 100 million animals are subject to some type of animals testing each year. *education *cosmetic and household products *military purposes *governmental use 20 million are used for educational purposes 2,000 are used due to government requirement 1,000 laboratories nation wide

EPA- US Environmental Protection Agency *require pesticides be tested on dogs FDA- Food and Drug Administration *swab the teeth of 200 rats for two weeks National Toxicology Administration Lethal Poisoning Test *Introduced in WWI *animals are force fed poison with increasing doses until death Johnson&Johnson *single handedly the most sued company for cruel animal treatment and testing

Most animal testing is not required by law Due to biological differences the results are inaccurate and misleading * The drug thalidomide had been tested on animals before the birth defects occurred and showed no signs of harm but cause birth defects on babies. As technology advances, there is an alternative to animal testing to virtually anything It is so senseless that it is now possible to become a board certified surgeon without touching and animal. *More than half of students who participate in animal testing and dissecting are traumatized, develop insensitivity towards animals, and even switch majors.


march 2013 the European Union banned sale of any cosmetic tested on animals It took: *public protest *phone calls *over 20,000 emails Israel, China, and India will soon be joining the European Union in this ban 95% of schools that participated in animal testing and dissecting have found alternatives


computer software * replace dissection in education * allows students to repeat the process numerous times Human cells * 3D tissue can be grown from a single human cell Studies of human population, volunteers and patients

Get informed ! *Go to PETAs database of companies who use animal testing and those who do not *Request a free copy of PETAs cruelty free shopping guide Boycott ! *stop buying from the companies who animal test *write the companies you have stopped buying from and explain to them why Join PETAs Action Team *find guidance in all the actions you can take to assist these helpless creatures

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