Ovarian Cancer Is Not Pretty

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Cancer is not Pretty: Ovarian Cancer

Andrew Pataky

Ovarian cancer is exactly what the name entails, cancer found on the ovaries in the female reproductive system.

Who Does it Effect

All women are at risk of getting this cancer 90% of the cases are in women over the age of 40, with the majority being 60 and older

Off all cancers found in women it is the 8th most commonly occurring In addition to that it the 5th deadliest behind lung and bronchus, breast, colorectal, and pancreatic cancers


Unfortunately, there are no symptoms that can be recognized in the early stages of the disease which accounts for the high fatality rate. Routine gynecologic care and annual pelvic exams are currently the best way to screen for symptoms of ovarian cancer

Symptoms continued

When caught early, Ovarian cancer is very treatable The treatments common for this disease are similar to that of other cancers: Surgery Chemotherapy Hormone therapy Radiation therapy

Survival Rate

Life After Cancer

For many the years immediately after going into remission are the most difficult for fear of the cancer returning For others there can even be remnants of the cancer still in the body and must go through treatments on and off for many years to follow

Life after cancer continued

For many women in spite of having surgery that could possibly include removal of both ovaries life can still be created For many women doctors will save what eggs have not been infected for possible later in vitro fertilization. These kids are Miracle Children

Near Future
Even today a vaccine for the disease is being put through trial by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America This monumental drug could help prevent one of the deadliest diseases in women

http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/ovarian/index.ht m http://www.cancercenter.com/ovariancancer/ http://www.cancer.org/cancer/ovariancancer/ detailedguide/ovarian-cancer-after-follow-up

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