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4) Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) Nursing Responsibilities before the procedure: a. Secure informed consent. b.

Patient should be on NPO 8 hours prior to the examination. c. Administer sedative or anesthetic gargle or sprat as ordered before the procedure. d. Place patient in the left lateral position to facilitate clearance of pulmonar secretions and provide smooth entr of the scope. e. Ans!er an "uestions or concerns from the patient related to the procedure. Nursing Responsibilities after the procedure: a. Assess #O$% vital signs% ox gen saturation and pain level of the patient. b. &onitor for signs of perforation 'ex. (leeding% pain% unusual difficult in s!allo!ing and rapidl elevated temperature). c. After the gag reflex of the patient returns patient ma be given ice chips% lo*enges% saline gargles and oral analgesics. d. +ischarge and follo!, up instructions are provided to the person accompan ing the patient home since man patients !ill not remember post procedure instructions because of sedation. e. Ans!er an "uestions or concerns from the patient related to the procedure. Source: (are% (. - Smelt*er% S. './0/). Brunner and Suddarths Textbook of Medical- Surgical Nursing. ' ed.).#ippincott 1illiams - 1il2ins: Philadelphia

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