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REFLECTIVE ESSAY By: Mohamed Hamed Ali Rashwan (Post !

"ad#ate St#dies T"anslation $ %& A '(%TATI%& FR%M &I)A*S ESSAY %& )Y&AMIC A&) F%RMAL E'(IVALE&CE

A translation of dynamic equivalence aims at complete naturalness of expression, and tries to relate the receptor to modes of behaviour relevant within the context of his own culture; it does not insist that he understands the cultural patterns of the source-language context in order to comprehend the message

The above quotation is sourced from Nidas article on theory of equivalence in translation studies. It is generally accepted that the main purpose of any translation is to make the TT, as much as possible, equivalent to the ST. Based on this very basic notion, the theory of equivalence in its both forms formal and dynamic, have attracted the attention of many translation scholars, !ho even developed many other theories in bet!een based on !hat Nida formulated. "lthough dynamic equivalence as an approach for translation, is good for conveying the message and its effect, and makes it easier for the recipients, especially !hen it comes to cultural#specific terms and concepts, full dependence on this approach could be also problematic. In other !ords, if !e are talking about $cricket as a famous sport in India and to render the same impact of the !ord on the target audience, the translator turned it into

$football for %gyptian readers. &e might encounter other problems, if the author elaborates and gives more details about the cricket game. "ccordingly, pure formal and pure dynamic !ill not al!ays !ork, and so approach needs more fle'ibility based on several factors, genre of the te't, conte't, target audience and cultural and linguistic untranslatability. In this conte't, translation equivalence can be easily reali(ed !hen the t!o languages, S) * T), are linguistically and culturally close and not distant.

In vie! of the above#mentioned, dynamic equivalence is a useful approach in certain conte'ts and it mainly seeks that the meaning of the original is to be translated in such a !ay that the T) !ording !ill trigger the same impact on the T) audience as the original !ording did upon the S) audience.

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