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School Based Assessment

Street Children
Dear Respondents,
This survey is conducted to identify some of the reasons why children live on the streets,
how they cope and solutions to the problem. This study is a requirement for a social
studies school based assessment. Kindly assist the questions below. Each question can be
answered by placing a tick in box provided or write on lines where applicable

1. To what gender do you belong?

Male [ ] Female [ ]
2. To what age group do you belong?
13-18 [ ] 18-23 [ ] 24-27 [ ]
3. At what age do children start living on the street?
8-10 [ ] 11-13 [ ] 14-18 [ ]
4. What do you think are reasons for street children?
Peer Pressure [ ] Abuse [ ] Poverty [ ]
Please State
5. How do street children survive?
Begging [ ] Stealing [ ] Cleaning windshield [ ]
Please State
6. Where do street children sleep?
Bus stops [ ] Abandon buildings [ ] Old cars [ ]
Please State
7. Can street children lead to juvenile delinquency?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
8. How can this problem be solved?

9. What can the government or any political head do to relieve the New
Kingston area of street children?
10. What types of disturbances are caused by street children?
11. How do street children feel about themselves?
Worthless [ ] Neglected [ ] Unamibious [ ]
Please state

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