Safia Grade 6 Paragraph Handout

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Al Dhafra Private School, Al Ain Grade 6 English Writing Name:__________________________ Section:________

What is a paragraph? A paragraph is a group of sentences that support one main idea (the most important idea that you are trying to tell your reader). Steps in writing a paragraph: 1. Write a topic sentence. The topic sentence has two parts: topic + controlling idea The topic is the subject of the paragraph and the controlling idea tells what the paragraph will tell about the topic. 2. Add the supporting sentences (at least three). The supporting sentences make the body of the paragraph. We write facts, details and examples here. 3. Write a concluding or ending sentence. The concluding or ending sentence can: Repeat the topic in a different way or summarize the information Paragraphs in nonfiction are usually used to introduce a new piece of information or a new point of view. In these types of text, new paragraphs use connectives at the beginning of the first sentence instead. Some common connectives are:

As a result On the other hand Firstly Secondly Finally

Example: My Dog Romeo is so much fun to play with. One reason hes fun is because he loves to play catch. Whats also fun is that he follows me around the house with a toy and drops it on my foot, so I will kick it. Additionally, he can catch just about anything, but his favorite thing to catch is a Frisbee. Finally, he

loves it when I pretend like Im falling dead, and he runs over to lick me. All these reasons show why I really have fun playing with Romeo.

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