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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan Template

Instructors name: Devin Ayers Week of: 12/02 12/06 Course/Grade: Grade 12 AP Literature and Composition Unit Name: The Gulag and the American Penal System

Common Core/ NM Content Standards: SL11-12.1; SL11-12.3; SL11-12.6; L11-12.1; L11-12.2; L11-12.3; W11-12.1; W11-12.2; W11-12.4; W11-12.10; RL11-12.1; RL11-12.2; RL11-12.3; RL11-12.5 Essential Question(s): How did people survive the harsh conditions of the Siberian labor camps of the Stalinist era? What can we learn about human nature and the human capacity for hope by reading about these events? What differences and similarities exist between the U.S. prison system and the Gulag work camp system? Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Students who require it will receive extended deadlines for writing assignments and/or shortened reading. Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Through research, students will connect and compare the state of affairs in the United States modern prison system with the Stalinist work camps of the WWII era.

Resources/Materials Teacher: Students: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: direct observation This Week: direct observation/notes/research paper/peer editing work sheets Unit: direct observation/notes/research paper/peer editing work sheets/project Time allotted MONDAY Learning TargetInstructor absent. See separate substitute plan. TUESDAY Learning TargetInstructor absent. See separate substitute plan. WEDNESDAY Learning TargetStudents will improve their skills in writing research papers, including organization, thesis, Lesson activities for instructor and students Assignment(s) Due-

Assignment(s) Due-

Assignment(s) DueResearch Paper Rough Draft Peer Editing Work Sheets

citation and MLA format. They will show their learning by peer editing rough drafts of research papers.

THURSDAY Learning TargetStudents will improve their skills in analyzing literature in the context of multiple choice questions on the AP exam. They will show their learning by completing and discussing practice AP multiple choice questions. FRIDAY Learning TargetStudents will learn how syntax, tone and diction affect the impact of a work of fiction. They will show their learning through Socratic dialogue.

Assignment(s) Due-

Assignment(s) DueSocratic dialogue: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (first half of book)

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