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Governor Cuomo and Legislators: Stop taking our childrens school aid away to balance the state budget

Do away with the GEA today!

Dear ___________________________________________: As 2013 comes to a close and the 2014 Legislative Session is set to begin, I am writing to respectfully request that you make a commitment to New Yorks children and schools today by restoring funds for public education that are cut each year as a result of the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA). East Greenbush students have been subject to lost opportunities during their academic careers. Our schools have been subject to cuts in academic and extracurricular programs, loss of electives and accelerated courses, and elimination of sports programs. We dont want future generations to miss out on these important opportunities that can help build the proper foundation for them to become strong students. The East Greenbush Central School District has already lost more than $16 million as a result of the draconian GEA since the 2010-11 school year. Each year following, East Greenbush schools have been shorted millions in aid in order for New York State to balance its own budget. Albanys move is to cowardly balance the state budget by taking away critical aid from our schools and children. Stand up, push back, and do away with the GEA today! The East Greenbush CSD has already made painful and difficult choices that have ultimately and unfortunately affected our students. Our District has worked tirelessly to balance its budget through the elimination of extracurricular activities, athletics, retirements and attrition, and stagnant faculty salaries. Our district has done its part now its time for you to do yours. Our district is running out of time and options we cannot continue to cut our budget at a rate the state demands while raising taxes on our community. My family and my community are counting on you to support an end to the Gap Elimination Adjustment. This is a top voting issue for my family in the 2014 elections. Sincerely, ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 2014 Voter

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