Historical Timeline Project

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Historical Timeline Project

I hope you brought your CTA fare cards to class today because were about to take a tour of Chicago by !" #hat$ %ou didnt bring them$ #ell I guess this #TT# &ideo will ha&e to do '(eoffrey )aer is a much better tour guide than I am* anyway+, )ut dont get too carried away with all the fun and learning-I want you to pay close attention and write down all of the topics 'e&ent* person* place of interest+ youd like to learn more about because.%/012 A)/0T T/ 3/ A 1242A1CH P1/52CT* %A%%%%%%! /nce you get your topic assigned to you* you will6 7, Research the topic to find out all of the important facts surrounding it, a, If its an e&ent6 When did it take place? Where did it take place? What happened? How did this impact Chicago? b, If its a person6 When did he or she live? What did he or she do and when did this happen? How did this impact Chicago? c, If its a place of interest6 Why should someone visit this place? What happened here? What people are associated with it? Why is this important to Chicago history?

8, Create a small poster '9 : ; 77+ and include all of these facts on it, <ake the most important features bold and readable from anywhere in the room, =eatness and creati&ity count! >, Prepare a 10-minute presentation to teach the class about this important Chicago person* e&ent or place of interest,

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