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Video Guide: King Leopolds Ghost

1. What are 3 natural resources that are found in the Congo? 2. What was the Congo previously known as for decades? 3. How large is the Congo? 4. What country did King eopold rule? !. What is eopold"s pri#ary o$session? %. What area was still up for gra$s? &. Who $eca#e the first white #an to chart the Congo 'iver"s course? (. Why was the infrastructure $uilt in the Congo? ). What was the $est for# of punish#ent? Why was it the $est for# of punish#ent? 1*. What was the na#e of the private ar#y? 11. Why would the Congo chiefs sign over their lands+ water ways+ ga#e and #ining? 12. Why did the ,nited -tates and other delegates support King eopold"s Congo .ree -tate? 13. What are the accusations that /eorge Washington Willia#s #akes against eopold? 14. What phrase does Willia#s use that predates its use in the 0ure#$urg trials? 1!. What was the tool of this sanctioned terror? 1%. Who was the 1r#y of 2rphans loyal to? 1&. What $eco#es a very valua$le resource at the turn of the century? 1(. How did workers collect ru$$er in the Congo? 1). What happened to wives of villagers that resisted $eing forced to collect ru$$er? 2*. What happened to workers that did not return with the re3uired a#ount of ru$$er? 21. What did -heppard find was happening in the Congo? 22. What would soldiers do if they used their $ullets for hunting? 23. What was the #ost talked a$out e4hi$it at the 1()& World .air in 5elgiu#? 24. What sign was put up in front of the e4hi$it and why? 2!. Who is 6d#und 7orrell in the situation? 8rying to show the deception of eopold 2%. What did eopold do with the entire Congo -tate archives?

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