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Professional Journals BioMed Central: Medicine http://www.biomedcentral.

com/bmcmed BMC Medicine is the flagship medical journal of the BMC series, publishing original research, commentaries and reviews that are either of significant interest to all areas of medicine and clinical practice, or provide key translational or clinical advances in a specific field. American Association for Clinical Chemistry: Clinical Chemistry. This Association was founded in 1948 and is now headquartered in Washington, DC. It is an international society comprised of medical professionals with an interest in clinical chemistry, clinical laboratory science, and laboratory medicine. Clinical Chemistry is one of the most cited journals in the field. It is now one of the most leading forums for peer-reviewed, original research on innovative practices in todays clinical laboratory.

American Chemical Society : Chemical Biology. This journal provides an international forum for the rapid communication of research that broadly embraces the interface between chemistry and biology. The journal also serves as a forum to facilitate the communication between biologists and chemists that will translate into new opportunities and discoveries. This journal also serves a large scientific community, exploring cellular function from other chemical and biological perspectives.

ACS : Biochemistry Including Biophysical Chemistry and Molecular biology. Biochemistry publishes research from areas where biochemistry, biophysical chemistry, and molecular biology meet. The journal covers structure, function, and regulation of biologically active molecules, gene structure and expression, biochemical mechanism, protein biosynthesis, immunochemistry, global protein analysis and function, membrane structure-function relationships, biochemical methods and protein folding.

BMC: Medical Research Methodology This journal is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on methodological approaches to healthcare research. Articles on the methodology of epidemiological research, clinical trials and meta-analysis/systematic review are particularly encouraged, as are empirical studies of the associations between choice of methodology and study outcomes. BMC Medical Research Methodology does not aim to publish articles describing scientific methods or techniques: these should be directed to the BMC journal covering the relevant biomedical subject area.

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