Neffy Episode 2 1

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INT. CLUB. NIGHT. PRESENT DAY. Three DRUNKEN GIRLS queue up against the sinks and top up their make-up. They chat and slur amongst themselves, tumblers and bottles in hand. NEFFY sits quietly and patiently at her post. She stares into space. NEFFY V/O Its been almost a week since I last saw Allie. She left in the middle of the night after I heard her mother crying through the wall. I dont know her pain, but I pray, as I pray for myself, and my own children. DRUNKEN GIRL #2 applies her lipstick in the mirror, #1 perches herself on the side, taking off her shoes and rubbing her heels. #3 rummages in her bag for her mobile phone. DRUNKEN GIRL #3 Oh my God, did you see Danny though? necking on Grace. DRUNKEN GIRL #1 (Laughing) Yeah. The cunt. NEFFY flinches at the obscenity, and throws them a disapproving look. DRUNKEN GIRL #2 catches her glare in her reflection in the mirror. DRUNKEN GIRL #2 Alright there Delatreese? DRUNKEN GIRL #2 turns to look at NEFFY suggestively. NEFFY looks up at her, purses her lips and shakes her head. NEFFY V/O Just what I need. DRUNKEN GIRL #2 You sure? DRUNKEN GIRLS #1+#3 stop talking, and look on towards #2. DRUNKEN GIRL #1 What are ya doing Carly?




DRUNKEN GIRL #2 ignores her. She sips from her VK Bottle and walks slowly towards NEFFY. She bends down to her table, invading NEFFYS personal space. DRUNKEN GIRL #2 Who do you think you are? NEFFY I dont want any trouble. DRUNKEN GIRL #2 Oh, I think you do. You cant be throwing shade round here and expect nuffink. NEFFY holds her stare. DRUNKEN GIRL #2 You from Africa? NEFFY ...Yes DRUNKEN GIRL #2 Hot there? NEFFY Yes. DRUNKEN GIRL #2 You look parched. DRUNKEN GIRL #2 empties the remaining VK over NEFFYS head. DRUNKEN GIRLS #1 AND #3 gasp and laugh. NEFFY coughs and splutters. DRUNKEN GIRL #2 You should take that back to your people. I hear theyre thirsty too. The DRUNKEN GIRLS scuttle out of the bathroom laughing. NEFFY wipes her face with the back of her sleeve. Eye make up bleeding down her cheeks. She breathes deeply to calm herself. INT. CHURCH. DAY. SUNDAY. Waves of people sway to the hymns. NEFFY remains seated, eyes closed, savouring the pastors word.




NEFFY V/O Ive not felt God in my heart for a while. The singing comforts me when I feel that Im furthest away from Gods reach. INT. NEFFYS HOUSE. EARLY MORNING. PRESENT DAY NEFFY shuts the front door behind her and leans herself against it. She covers her mouth and begins to sob. She drops her keys and handbag and drops to her side. NEFFY sits for a while, examining her home, expressionless. She takes off her alcohol infused wig and peels herself off the floor. She goes to the kitchen, she fills the kettle under the tap then goes to the fridge. She unscrews the milk bottle and sniffs it. She winces and looks over to the over flowing bin. She ties it up and opens the back door. EXT. GARDEN. DAY. NEFFY opens up the waste bin and drops the bag inside. She turns to retreat but is startled by JACKIE PEARSON smoking at the other side of the fence. NEFFY V/O Not today. Please not today. NEFFY touches her head, noticing that shes without her wig. Embarrassed. NEFFY V/O Oh lord. NEFFY takes off her wig cap revealing her cornrows. JACKIE Morning. NEFFY acknowledges with a nod. JACKIE takes a long draw from her cigarette. She exhales slowly. NEFFY proceeds to shuffle inside. JACKIE (CONTINUED) Wait! NEFFY turns on her heels. JACKIE runs inside for a moment and returns with small box of chocolates.




JACKIE (CONTINUED) Thank you, for watching my baby. JACKIE passed the box over the fence pressing it into NEFFYS hand. NEFFY smiles. NEFFY Youre welcome. NEFFY disappears inside. JACKIE lingers at the fence. INT. NEFFYS HOUSE. BEDROOM. DAY. NEFFY tosses and turns in her duvet. She lies on her back, looking at the ceiling, She looks across to her vanity table spies the box of chocolates. She plants her head firmly into her pillow. NEFFY V/O Whos watching my babies? *LAUGHTER OF CHILDREN AND AFRICAN DRUMS FILL THE ROOM. NEFFY turns over and pulls a photo album from underneath her bed. She turns the pages, little children with toothy smiles, birthdays, family. Her face brightens. She goes to retrieve the box of chocolates from the vanity table, and hovers her fingers over the pieces. She slides open her bedside cabinet and rummages for an international call card. She picks up the telephone and proceeds to dial. *A VIOLENT RING OF THE DOOR BELL BREAKS HER SOLITUDE NEFFY places the phone back on the receiver, checks the time - its 13:27. She leaves the room. EXT. OUTSIDE NEFFYS HOUSE. DAY NEFFY opens the door to ALLIE dressed in school uniform and an over sized hoodie. Her eyes are tired and her skin is pale. NEFFY Allie? ALLIE faints. NEFFY catches her just in time.


INT. NEFFYS HOUSE. DAY. ALLIE blinks awake, she is draped in a blanket. A mug of hot milk and custard creams are placed on the floor in front of her. She sits herself up and reaches for the mug. She sees her hoodie draped over the arm rest at the opposite side of the sofa. Her jumper is tight around her swollen belly. She panics and holds her bump unknowing that NEFFY watches her at the door behind her. NEFFY How far along are you? ALLIE shuts her eyes and breathes deeply. A tear rolls down her cheek. ALLIE (Under breath) Shit. NEFFY walks over and sits next to her. ALLIE (Sniffles) Erm, a-about 18 weeks. NEFFY The morning sickness seems to have gotten the best of you. NEFFY gives a weak smile. She crosses her fingers and places them in her lap. NEFFY (CONTINUED) Do you want to keep it? ALLIE shrugs. NEFFY sighs. NEFFY (CONTINUED) Ill let you sleep. NEFFY walks past ALLIE and strokes her head. She leaves the room. INT. NEFFYS HOUSE. BEDROOM. EVENING NEFFY sits in her room blow drying her wig. She places it on the wig stand and brushes it. She tidies away hair products and puts the photo album back under her bed. She checks the clock, it reads 18:30. She lingers for a minute then picks up the telephone and dials.


INT. NEFFYS HOUSE. LIVING ROOM. EVENING ALLIE slowly wakes up. She sits up and sniffs the air. She swings her legs off the sofa and throws on her hoodie. INT. NEFFYS HOUSE. KITCHEN. EVENING NEFFY has the radio on whilst two stepping in the kitchen cooking yam, chicken and plantain on the stove. She dabs her forehead with the tea towel slung over her left shoulder then continues to cook and dance. ALLIE carefully pushes open the door. She laughs to herself, NEFFY hears and turns around, startled. NEFFY Hungry? ALLIE A bit. ALLIE shuffles over to the dining table and rests her head in her hands. NEFFY plates up the food and places them on the table. ALLIE looks at the plate cautiously. She picks up her cutlery, and pokes at the food gingerly. NEFFY watches her. NEFFY Try it, youll like it. ALLIE picks up a forkful and travels it into her mouth. She chews for a moment, she raises her eyebrows in approval and continues. ALLIE (Mouthful)You working tonight? NEFFY No, I took the night off. ALLIE looks awkward. NEFFY (CONTINUED) Its not because of you. Im not feeling well. ALLIE So no plans then? NEFFY shakes her head.




ALLIE (CONTINUED) I know what we could do. INT. NEFFYS HOUSE. LIVING ROOM. NIGHT Silk scarves and tribal print dresses billow about the room. candles, incense and fairy lights flicker and dances off fabrics, sweet wrappers and crisp packets. THE FORT stretches over the entire room. Blue tac and sticky tape cling to doors, arm chairs and wallpaper supporting the canopy of incandescent textures. ALLIE and NEFFY lay on their bellies, laughing, snacking and sipping. ALLIE I want my hair like yours NEFFY smiles. She sits up and shuffles behind ALLIE and starts to braid her hair. ALLIE rubs her swollen stomach. ALLIE (CONTINUED) Do you have kids? NEFFY hesitates for a moment. NEFFY INEFFY is interrupted by subtle droning sirens. Blue and red lights filter through the canopy. NEFFY gets up and goes to the window. The lights shine brighter, the sirens are piercing. END

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