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Current Address 1819 West Pensacola Street Tallahassee, FL 34747 (407) 744 3!9! deandra"e#an$#%a&l"co% PROFESSIONAL GOAL A career &n the '&eld o' A((l&ed Theatre, )or*&n# )&th at r&s* +outh that )ould &n,ol,e s*&lls &n leadersh&( and colla-orat&on" EDUCATION Flor&da State .n&,ers&t+/ 01(ected #raduat&on, 2a+ 3014 4achelor o' Arts &n Theatre and Wo%en5s Stud&es 2&nor/ Ps+cholo#+ 6PA/ 3"4! MAJOR RELATED COURSES Creat&,e 7%(ro,&sat&on Ps+cholo#+ o' Adolescent 8e,elo(%ent 6ender, 9ace and Per'or%ance Pol&c&n# 8&,ers&t+ 8e,&sed Theatre

SKILLS Leadership Led ,ar&ous theatre )or*sho(s 'or *&ds a#ed : 1: &n the co%%un&t+ Created lesson (lans and tau#ht se,eral theatre;%o,e%ent classes at a local ele%entar+ and %&ddle school 7nstructed other e%(lo+ees &n (ro(er custo%er ser,&ce (rocedure Conducted the tra&n&n# o' ne) e%(lo+ees &n co%(uter s+ste%s and o''&ce (rocedure Collaboratio Co d&rected and de,&sed a (er'or%ance (&ece colla-orat&n# )&th a lar#e cast o' -oth ch&ldren and adults Ass&sted &n de,&s&n# a (er'or%ance (&ece )&th o,er t)ent+ other de,&sers Wor*ed <o&ntl+ )&th se,eral co)or*ers to de,elo( an e%(lo+ee (rocedure %anual Colla-orated )&th a 'ello) theatre art&st to de,elo( a structure 'or a theatre and %o,e%ent class !ORK E"PERIENCE Custo%er Ser,&ce 9e(resentat&,e, FS.Card Center, Flor&da State .n&,ers&t+, =ul+ 3010 to (resent REFERENCES A,a&la-le u(on re>uest"

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