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Dear Diary, (Journal) I dont know where to begin. It has been three weeks since the event.

and nothing even remotely seems like it will be going back to normal any time soon. I feel like everyone is still in shock, even myself, like we are waiting for someone to tell us it was all a big joke or something.. or that we will walk into school and see everyone cheerfully walking around the halls like they used to I have to keep telling myself its real.. At 11:19 on that morning two weeks ago Dylan and Eric open fired in the school, and killed 13 people.. They both committed suicide afterwards, I just dont understand how something like this could happen.. and in my own school. I wish someone wouldve known.or at least their parents picked up on the idea that something was going on.

In memory of:
Cassie Bernall Steven Curnow Corey Depooter Kelly Fleming video before Matthew Kechter morning, Daniel Mauser parents wouldve have Daniel Rohrbough happened. Rachel Scott Isaiah Shoels John Tomlin Lauren Townsend Kyle Valasquez William Sanders

I heard that the boys made a they came to school this I wish their seen it before all of this

*Lost but not forgotten*


Dear parents, I know how challenging this time will be as we try to cope with the event that unfolded just last week. Many of you already know of the facts concerning the shooting, but as principle it is my duty to inform you completely of the situation. As you know on April 20, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris brought guns and bombs into the school in plan to open fire on the students and faculty. They succeeded in killing 13 people(12 students and 1 teacher) and also wounding 23 others. The SWAT team entered the school 47 minutes after the shooting began. I realize that many of you are still in shock, and may also be scared to give your child permission to come back to school. That being said I have began taking greater safety measures than any high school today. Before I allow any student to walk in to Columbine High School again, Im demanding that a metal detector be placed at every entrance into the school. Throughout the first week of students coming back there will also be many law enforcement officers standing by. I know many of you may be worried that Columbine will now be too strict on students privacy, but in the circumstances it is very necessary. Also beginning the first week of the students return, there will be an anti-bullying session in homeroom each day. Dylan and Eric both accused students of bullying them while they were in school, and it is crucial that students understand the harsh consequences that can happen when they bully someone. My thoughts go out to each and every family as we mourn the loss of our loved ones. I am in hope that the students will be able to return to school in a safe environment within the next week. If any of you have questions or concerns feel free to email me. (FAngelisHYPERLINK ""@HYPERLINK ""gmailHYPERLINK "".HYPERLINK ""com) Best regards, Frank DeAnglis

(Text Message)

Kenzie LaFevers

The first genre I chose was an informative text between two people. I chose this genre because I thought it would be fairly easy to display the information given through a short conversation based format. With a subject like the Columbine shooting, I think there is a limited amount of acceptable genres to choose from. That being said, I did not want to choose a genre that would take away from the importance of the event. This genre is not directed towards a specific audience because it is conversation based, information spread from one person to the other in a private setting. Therefore, this makes the information only accessible to the people involved in the text. I think many people do not think about texting as a genre, but it is a vital way to spread information quickly around the world today. Many people use this form of communication daily, and I think most people would agree that it is a very efficient way to communicate. I conveyed the information that I chose from a CNN online news article, and turned an informative article that was created for the viewing of many people into a question and answer conversation between two friends. While creating this text feed, I had to make it seem like a conversation was taking place. One person asked questions while the other person answered them. The biggest constraint with a conversation based genre was making it seem natural while still getting out the information that is needed. I think I met the conventions. Although conversations are natural this particular conversation had room to be more formal because of the seriousness of the event. This conversation serves the needs of the person asking the questions. She receives all of the information, while the person answering them already knows the information. This

genre does in a way privilege the texting genre as the best or fastest way to receive information. The reason I think this is because it can be assumed that both people have access to viewing the CNN news about the columbine shooting, but the person asking the questions resorted to texting because she thought it was more efficient and quick. My overall feeling about this choice was that it was easy to create through a conversation, and it also brought a new way to view genre choice. Before this project, and learning about different genres in and out of class I wouldnt have chosen this genre. I have expanded my views of what I think genre really is, and there are really so many options. When I started this project I made a list of genres that I could use even before I chose my topic. Like I said before, I think choosing the columbine shooting naturally narrowed down my genre choices, and I think that is how many people choose what genres they want to use. For example I wouldnt have chosen a comic strip because the information is in no way made for amusement, and having pictures probably wouldnt be the best way to go. I have realized while reading the online news article that I chose, not many or any pictures at all were used. This all is all because of the chosen genre.

The second genre I chose was a journal entry from a student who went to

Columbine High School. I chose this genre because I thought it could bring emotional value to a subject that should be portrayed in that way. For this genre choice the audience was once again more private. This was also in a way conversation based as the writer, was writing down her thoughts for herself, and the individuals that were lost in the event. When creating this piece I felt that it was personal to the writer, and that she would most likely be the only person having access to it. This genre isnt something that can be looked up online, checked out at a library, or seen on TV. It is found through technology, specifically a cellphone in this case. Many people also use this genre of writing throughout their lives. They express their personal thoughts and feelings through a private journal of there own. In this genre I included the list of names that were written on the CNN online newsletter, with a couple details from the event. I wanted the writer to be more focused on the people involved because she was so closely related to the event. While creating this genre I thought the conventions were in the format mostly. For example, it needed to be hand written, so I chose a handwritten font, and also most journal entries arent perfectly aligned. The words that went into the journal also played a part in the conventions. The person writing the journal entry wouldnt have the words stated like on the news. I wanted to convey it in a way that made it seem personal, like there was emotion involved in the writing. I think I did meet the conventions. Being that this genre is personal, I would say the purpose is that it allows the writer to remember certain moments in time, and to go back and read it after it has been a while. I think that is mostly the point of a journal, to express feelings and emotions, but also so you can go back and remember the feelings you had when you wrote it. The needs of the writer are served in this genre. She wanted a way to express the emotions she had about the event, and she did it through writing. I dont think that this genre privileges a certain way of doing things although I do think many people use this type of

writing to express the way they feel. I think in a situation like columbine, this genre choice was kind of a given. By that I mean, although my journal entry wasnt from a real student, Im sure at least one student wrote something about it in their own journal. Having the list of names made it easier for me to write a journal entry, because I feel like someone so close to the event would want to pay some kind of tribute to the people that passed away. The way I came up with what to write in this journal entry was a little bit from learning, but mostly from my own experiences. I used to always write when times got hard, so I felt it was a good choice for this event.

The last genre adaptation that I chose was a letter from the principal of the school to the parents describing new safety precautions being taken at the school. I think

this was a fairly easy choice also, because there was a lot I could reference from the original news page. This genre is directed towards the parents of students, but I assume the students may read them also. This may also be shared to the public if they were curious about what will be changing to make the school a safer place. I think that kind of gives room for who has access to it. It was intended for parents, but like I said it could go further than that. I would expect this genre to be found through the mail or through a personal email. This type of letter may happen when people need to be informed of important information. This genre allowed me to include important details from the situation being that it should be a principal's duty to make sure everyone is aware of all of the details. I think I did meet the conventions for this genre. An email from a principal should be formal, but because of this situation also comforting, on a caring level. I also added the columbine mascot, and a logo at the bottom to make the letter seem more official as I would picture it to be if it were real. This genre gives the parents and students access to important information. Part of the email states what happened in the event; the other half includes what is being done to prevent it from happening again. By this genre I think the parents needs are met. Im sure in the real life situation a lot of the parents and students had concern about returning to school. I dont believe that this genre gives privilege to information through a letter. I feel there is other ways the information couldve been spread, but I chose a letter because I thought it was the best way to portray the information given. Writing each of these genres helped me to pick out what worked and what didnt. Ive learned that the type of genre depends on the audience, and also the information. I think that really helped me to pick my three adaptations. I think this project was a really good learning experience for me. I realized that I have learned a lot just by creating the adaptations, and I feel I have a much better understanding of what genres are.

Answering the questions also got me to think about what goes into a certain genre, who sees it, and what constraints it should follow. Having chose columbine as my subject I realized that I pretty much had to conform within the conventions of the genre, because I felt the situation needed to be dealt with formally. The exception was with the journal entry, it wasnt formal because I felt it shouldnt be, but it was sentimental, so I think I stayed within the conventions of that as well.

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