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Sunday 11/03/13

Greensboro, N.C Everyday thousands of children and women die due to poverty, according to The United Nations. Many of these people who have died from poverty have been forced to follow the path of poverty because of war. These causes of poverty are prominent in Africa and the Middle East. These regions are known for being rich in natural resources, which has been a cause of the wars. War causes displacement of peoples lives or refugees, loss of jobs, political and economic instability, destruction of infrastructure, and the difficulty of acquiring resources such as, food and water. Which ultimately leads to poverty. Poverty is a widespread problem around the world that needs to be fixed. The sad thing is that many people are forced into poverty because of war and violence. War destroys peoples lives by forcing them to move and leave everything behind. Infrastructure is destroyed, so individuals dont have a source of obtaining basic needs of food, water and health care. War has destroyed many peoples lives, forcing them to live in poverty. The citizens of the world should give a hand to these victims and support them with all their will. Africa, has greatly suffered because of poverty. Violent conflict has led Africa to where it is today. With the depletion of their natural resources, and corruption. Ibrahim Cheikhali

Conflict & Poverty

"Medsin: Advocate - Action of the Week - No More Arms for Atrocities. It's Time for a Bullet Proof Arms Trade Treaty." Medsin: Advocate - Action of the Week - No More Arms for Atrocities. It's Time for a Bullet Proof Arms Trade Treaty. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2013. <>.

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