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Phytochemical Screening Of Medicinal Plants

PPOCEDURES A. Alkaloid Testing (Mayers Test) 1. Grind 2 -4 g of plant material in a mortar and pestle with acid washed sand and chloroform to yield thick slurry. 2. dd 1! m" ammoniacal chloroform and the mi#ture was stirred for a$out one minute. nd filter chloroform into a test tu$e. %. dd 1 m" of 1M sulphuric acid to the test tu$e and shake& and then allow separating from chloroform layer. 4. 'emo(e the a)ueous layer with pipette and place in a test tu$e. *. dd Mayer+s 'eagent to a)ueous layer. ,he precipitate will form with any alkaloids in the solution. -. ,he semi-)uantitati(e results ha(e $een rated from . for faint tur$idity to .... for hea(y white to cream precipitate. B. Terpenoid and Steroid Testing (Libermann-Burchard Test) 1. /rush ca. % g of medicinal plant material in mortar with 0! m" 1thanol and $oil the solution on the warm water $ath. 2. 2ilter the mi#ture in the test tu$e. %. 1#tract the residue 32! m"4 with diethyl ether and transfer the ether e#tract into a spot plate and allow it to dry. 4. dd %-* drops of acetic anhydride and stir to allow them to mi# *. dd 1-2 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid 3from the wall of spot plate to let theacid to mi# slowly4. -. O$ser(ed any formation of colour and5or changes of colour. 6. 7ased on your o$ser(ation& identify which sample contains triterpenoid and steroid. C !"a#$n$id Testin% 1. 8ash 2! m" solution 37-24 with 1! m" petroleum ether % times 2. 9i(ide the solution into two put in test tu$e and la$el them as test tu$e and 7 %. 9rops % pieces of magnesium coils into test tu$e 7 followed $y !.* m" of concentrated hydrochloric acid and allow the solution to mi# and settled for 1! minutes 4. 'ecord the colour changes o$ser(ed in test tu$e 7 *. 7ased on your o$ser(ation& identify which sample contain fla(onoid

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