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Trace of Silk

By: Kelsey Morris

Narrator (Male or Female) Taihe (ten and eleven Female) Taihe (15 Female) Mother of Taihe (Female) Merchant 1(male) Merchant 2 (Female) Cassius (Male)

Scene One Narrator: We are in china 1347 CE; the first deaths of the bubonic plague have started to occur as we follow the life of a young girl, Taihe and her widowed mother. Taihe: (Jumping up and down with excitement) Mommy! Mommy! I found a rat! Mother of Taihe: (Looks extremely worried) Taihe where is it? Rats are not good! Taihe: Outsidedont worry mommy I didnt touch it. Mother of Taihe: Good girl, now no more going outside ok? Taihe: (sigh) Okay. Narrator: A few weeks later death is starting to occur and Taihes mother becomes ill; now Taihe sits next to her dying mother. Taihe: Mommy, are you feeling okay? Mother of Taihe: Yes I am. (trying not to sound sick) Darling, I have to ask you to do something. You are ten years oldyou know English and you have to be brave, ok? Taihe: (she says terrified)Okay. Mother of Taihe: China is not safe anymore you need to leave. Travel on the Silk Road and barter with our chickensget away from China. (Cough) Taihe: (starts to cry) I dont want to leave you mommyplease. Mother of Taihe: Shhh dont cry my darling Taihe. Do you remember the story of Princess Taihe? Taihe: Please tell me.

Mother of Taihe: A long ago, a princess named Taihe was chosen to marry a prince to bring peace to Uighur and China. She was beautiful and she was an amazing dancer. During her journey the people whom traveled with her only ate meat and had devilish pictures; she recommended burning evil pictures and eating vegetables, but to no comply. During her journey she missed home, even though she never actually explored it, she read stories about it and so very missed home. The princess became bored with the landscape and longed to flea from her camel until finally she reached the capital of China. Princess Taihe was very able to see the princes palace because the top was entirely gold. The wedding was successful and Taihe became queen of China, and she wrote many stories and poems and had children of her own. Taihe: Thank you Mommy. Mother of Taihe: (Sense of urgency) Now leave my darling and be safeI love you. Taihe: I love you too Mommy. Narrator: Sadly, Taihes mother never survived the night and Taihe, now orphaned , had no choice but to try and escape Chinas fate by traveling on the Silk Road with nothing but five skinny chickens that she traded for food and a necklace her mother had given to her. We are now here with Taihe as she reaches Southern Europe, the beginning of the Silk Road; unlike China at the end. Little did she know that the plague had gotten on the train along side her

Scene Two

Merchant 1: (Talk with a slight accent) TRADE! BARTER! I HAVE CHICKENS, ROOSTERS, DUCKS, TURKEYS, AND ALL THE WAY FROM ROME! Taihe: Excuse me sir Merchant 1: Hello there young lady, how may I help you today. Would you like to trade me for some poultry? Taihe: (sounding nervous) Actually, I have come for work. Merchant 1: (laugh) Now why would a girl like yourself be interested in this kind of work? Taihe: (still nervous) Well, um I dont have a place to go. Please sir, I will work hard!

Merchant 1: Get lost kid, I dont want a girl working for me. This is mens work! (Look proud) Merchant 2: (Talk in an elegant accent) Come and smell my elegant perfume and dont miss a second of its natural beauty. Taihe: Hello, my name is Merchant 2: Oh, it is a peasant girl. Ha and what may you have to trade me for my divine scents? Taihe: Um, well Merchant 2: Nothing, of course, well off you goes now. Taihe: Wait! Please I have come for work. Merchant 2: Why should I adopt z peasant girl? Now leave before I get you arrested. Narrator: It may be harsh what Taihe is having to go through, but dont worry help is just around the corner even though it seems bleak. Cassius: SILK! MADE HERE IN ROME ONLY BY THE FINEST CRAFTMEN! Taihe: (Now very confident) Sir my name is Taihe and I have come for work. Please accept my offer I have no place to go! Cassius: Why should I allow you to work for me? Im sorry to say this girl, but it takes years to master the art of making perfect silk. I dont think you have what it takes. Taihe: (Now talk with annoyance) My mother has died and I am sick of being pushed around. I dont need anyone telling me what I can or cant do! So you can either let me work for you or you dont! Cassius: Give me a better reason. Taihe: Well, Im a very hard worker and I can learn very fast. Cassius: So you think that you can learn the artful skill of silk making? Taihe: Yes I do. I will work as hard as I can and I will hardly be any bother to you.

Cassius: Okay, I will give you a chance. Taihe: THANK YOU SIR! Cassius: Call me Cassius. Narrator: Cassius and Taihe begin bonding and Taihe starts to look up to him almost like a father. Taihe is learning how to make silk quickly and is eager to learn more every day. Cassius is impressed with her natural ability to create silk and how hard she is willing to work. Cassius and Taihe are now sitting next to each next to a warm fire at their rental house in Asia after a long day of silk making. Taihe: Cassius? Cassius: Yes Taihe. Taihe: I was wondering why you took me inmean orphan Cassius: Do you want to hear a story? Taihe: Please tell. Cassius: When I was a boy my father taught me they way of silk making. Even as a boy I was naturally skilled, but I was always distracted and never stayed on topic. When I was 15 and almost had completely mastered the art of silk making I was doing something that I shouldnt have been doing Taihe: (sounds nervous) Whats that ? Cassius: I was playing with fire, and I burned down my entire house and silk shop, after that I had to work hard and do my best because my house was gone and I actually had to work for a reason. So my father and I became traders traveling along the Silk Road. When my father died he gave me his cloak that has been passed on for many years. After his death, I vowed to train a hard worker and not someone like I use to be. You are a hard worker and responsible. You have had to go through to much for a ten year old. Taihe: (asleep) Cassius: Sleep well sweet Taihe. Thank you for coming into my life. Scene Three

Narrator: Only one year later and the plague has reached Europe, so Cassius and Taihe have no choice, but to try and survive. Although many lives were taken, Taihe and Cassius miraculously pulled through and continued to travel along the Silk Road selling silk of all sorts. Finally, the plague has ended and Taihe is now 15 years old and has almost mastered the art of silk making. Taihe and Cassius are now on the train arriving in Turkey. Taihe (15): Isnt this exciting traveling on a train to Turkey with a heap of beautiful silk? Cassius: You are almost as good as me now (winks at Taihe). Taihe (15): Ha are you afraid to admit I am better? (starts giggling) Cassius: Oh, dont worry, you are still a rookie in my book. (smile) (Cassius and Taihe start to laugh) Cassius: I have been meaning to give this to you; it is a mark of a true silk maker. It has been passed down for generations and now you may have it. (pull off a rare exotic looking cape that has jewels on it) Taihe: (gasp) Your cape! Cassius: No Taihenow it is your cape. (Taihe and Cassius hug) THE END

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