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Corie Leslie ENG 1102 28, October 2013 Annotated Bibliography

Gee, James Paul. Identity as an Analytical Lens for Research in Education. American Educational Research Association. Oct 2, 2011. Web. Oct 28, 2013. <>. Knowing that kids with special needs can mean a whole bunch of disorders and Gee talked about a kid with an ADHD disorder. Gee purpose of stating this is to describe an example of a N-identity. He concludes that the identity of this child is under the nature identity because it is either caused by a childs neurology or early events in that childs life. The whole source that Gee writes about is the different types of identities and what they mean. He makes is clear that everyone has an identity and some identities you may not find out until later in life. This source is credible because it is what we mainly discuss in class and what we use for our blogs too. Gorman, Jean Cheng. Working with challenging parents of students with special needs. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press, 2004. Print. The main situation is that this source focuses on the difficulties that parents are going through when they have children with special needs. Gorman lists methods of ways on what you should do and shouldnt do when you are in contact with a furious parent.

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Gorman is writing to mostly inform teachers on how to deal with the challenging parents that are angry or unhappy. Gorman states that teachers, which work with kids with special needs, not only work with the kids, but with their parents too. Being really empathic and communicating well are very important. This source is very relevant for my research because dealing with parents isnt always easy especially when their child is in school. This is a credible source because Gorman focuses on all of the main points on how parents might act like when they have kids with special needs. She gives different advice for all different situations that you may be put into. Nikaitani, Julie. Raising Children with Special Needs. American Medical Association. Web. 23 Oct 2013. <>. The significant part about this article is that she tells you her own experience with her kids with special needs. She includes that it may be overwhelming and very hard at most times, but it is rewording to have her kids. The author isnt writing to specific people, but to anyone. Nikaitani main focus is describing to you what she had to go through in life and having three kids with all disabilities. She loves her kids and wouldnt trade them for the world. This source is credible because it is her own life experience as a parent with special needs children and what she has to go through. S, Mary. Adjusting to life with my special needs child. Top Mommy Blogs. Web. 23 Oct 2013. <>.

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Talks about her daily life struggles as a parent dealing with a special needs child. Her blog post are mainly about her daughter with ASD and what she has to go through. Mostly moms will read these blog post, but she is really writing to anyone who reads. She emphasizes that going through life with a special needs child is never easy, in fact its quite hard and exhausting. Sometimes she feels like giving up, but that is not an option. She doesnt make any assumptions since this is a blog post and she just writes about how she feels. This would be a credible source because it is under a major blog site and is one of the top blogs under Children with special needs. This is her own experience and her own words through her blog.

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