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Dear Dr. Hartman, I am not sure if I had ever seen an infographic before this assignment.

I am glad that they were introduced to me because they get their points across nicely and easily. Working on my infographic was not a tedious or boring assignment, it was one that I enjoyed, especially because I am really interested in my topic. I think I did a great job and really hit all of the key elements of an infographic in the category of information. I tried to find a great deal of information from reputable sources to include in my infographic to make it packed with information. I tried to find a good balance of graphs, statistics, and text information. I graded myself in the second category for process work. I think that I did a great job in changing my infographic from barely any information to a great deal of it. I also changed my infographic from the website to I added information, removed information that was less important or irrelevant, and rearranged and changed the design multiple times. In the category of rhetorical knowledge, I thought that I did a great job. I feel that my purpose is very clear and that my infographic appeals to the visual sense but I am not sure that it appeals to the other senses as much. !lso, since the text I included is mostly factual, I didn"t really use figurative

language. I really like the way I designed my infographic. I gave myself a #$ike whoa%& in design'presentation. I tried to be visually appealing and blend text and graphs'visuals nicely. I tried to be creative with my title and the way I worded some of my information. I like the city as a background to try and represent !merica. I really wanted the text to be red for intensity but whenever I chose the color, it only made the main title red and the rest of the words gray. I like the green though, it is bright and eye(catching.

$astly, I rated myself as a #$ike Whoa%& in rhetorical knowledge because I feel that my infographic is really easy to read and the information is easy to understand. I tried to cite my sources correctly by )$! standards and edited my infographic a great deal to search for errors. *he library session was not really a big help to me. It was not very easy to find information about my specific topic. It would generally include the overall category but was not as helpful in finding information. !lso, it was very difficult to find graphs'visuals on the library databases. I did, however, find a great deal of helpful information on reputable websites such as the +enter for Disease +ontrol and the ,urgeon -eneral.

*hank you for your consideration, )egan Wray

.ubric for Working Draft /

+riteria $ike, #Whoa%& 0ou need to teach a class on infographics% -reat job% 0ou really hit all the key elements of a good infographic% Infographic provides clear and relevant information given the topics, audience, and purposestats, charts, graphs, sources, etc. -reat start% 0ou1ve got some good stuff going. $ooking forward to seeing you develop this more% Infographic provides somewhat clear and relevant information given the topics, audience, and purpose 3stats, charts, graphs, sources, etc. Writer may have had trouble making decisions on what to include and how Hmmm20ou did turn something in3great% ,eems like you1re struggling to understand some key concepts or to fully participate Infographic lacks clear and relevant information in the form of stats, charts, graphs, sources, etc. Writer may either did not include these or used ineffective information given the topic, audience, and purpose

I456.)!*I64 !s a working draft, piece shows7

Infographic provides exceptionally clear, relevant, and effective information given the topics, audience, and purpose3stats, charts, graphs, sources, etc.

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8rocess work is present and provides robust evidence that student has participated: +lear evidence of strong idea development: .obust evidence of revision ;changes in at least < drafts= is clearly present Writer has fulfilled the assignment beyond expectations: 9xceptionally clear what topic'subject is being described: 9xcellent attention to audience by appealing to senses, using appropriate figurative language, etc. E#ceptional use of key design elements$ visuals, colors, font, contrast, order and organi%ation, etc.; infographic displays creativity through the a"ove elements and reflective letter demonstrates that these choices were clearly thought out Infographic is easy to read, information provided is easy to understand, sources are cited correctly, no spelling errors, misused or incorrect words, etc.

Process work is present and evidence of participation is clear; Evidence of idea development is present; Evidence of effective revision is clearly present in at least 2 drafts Writer has clearly fulfilled the assignment; lear purpose; !ood attention to audience to audience "y appealing to senses, using figurative language, etc.

,ome evidence of process work: !ttempts at idea development, but ideas are lacking in some way: $ittle evidence of revision is present ;ex. 6nly > draft submitted=

8articipation in process work, development of ideas, and'or evidence of revision is incomplete or insufficient

Writer has fulfilled the assignment: 8urpose is hard to decipher or not yet clear: $ittle evidence of attention to audience due to vague description, little to no sensory details or figurative language, etc. ,ome use of key design elements7 visuals, colors, font, contrast, order and organi@ation, etc.: infographic may or may not display potential creativity through the above elements and reflective letter may'may not discuss these choices Infographic might be difficult to read, information provided might be difficult to understand, sources are not clearly cited, a few to several spelling errors, misused or incorrect words, etc.

*his aspect of the piece is incomplete' insufficient. Work shows little to no evidence of rhetorical knowledge

-ood use of key design elements7 visuals, colors, font, contrast, order and organi@ation, etc.: infographic displays creativity through the above elements and reflective letter discusses these choices

$ittle to no use or attention to key design elements: writer struggled to present a creative design, reflective letter missing or does not discuss these elements

Infographic is easy to read, information provided is generally easy to understand, sources are cited, few to no spelling errors, misused or incorrect words, etc.

-laring issues'errors in grammar, capitali@ation, punctuation, spelling, and other conventions: 8iece is difficult to read: $ittle to no attention has been given to conventions of writing

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