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PS 127: Politics of Development Midterm Study Guide

The midterm will consist of identifications, short answer uestions, and one essay! Most, if not all, of the "Ds will #e drawn from the list #elow! $ complete answer will provide a definition and e%plain the si&nificance! The short answer uestions will re uire that you relate concepts! " have provided a few e%amples 'that will not #e on the e%am( to &ive you an idea of what mi&ht #e as)ed! The essay will re uire that you recall, e%plain, and apply core concepts! The uestion will have multiple parts so that it is clear to you what we e%pect that your answer will address, #ut you should plan to incorporate all parts into a sin&le essay!

"! "dentifications
Time horizon Effective veto players State capacity Politics Separation of purpose Policy stability Policy adaptability Public-regardedness Institutions Shared/complementary/competitive interests Encapsulated interest Decree authority Credible commitments Particularistic outcomes Tying one!s o"n hands# $esoluteness Inter-temporal agreements %ulti-member districts &ederalism Clientelistic parties Principled 'egotiation ()T') Dovetailing differences (loc*ing coalition Se+uencing Patterns of deference

""! Short $nswers

,- .hat does our study of interests/ institutions/ and interactions suggest "ould be a possible do"nside of term limits0 1- In "hat "ay is state capacity tied to credibility0 2- 3o" might decree authority affect policy stability0

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