CV Georgia Guliashvili

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Consultative Meeting - Asia Pacific Procurement Forum

24-25 August 2009

1. Name of Expert (please also attach an electronic copy of your recent ID photo):
Tinatin Guliashvili

2. Current Office and Address: #28 Pekini str., Tbilisi, Georgia.

Telephone No.: +995 32 38 04 15

Fax No.: (+country code – area code – number)

Cellphone No.: +995 95 64 90 03
E-Mail Address (official and personal):,

3. Date of Birth [dd/mm/yyyy ]: 29/10/1978 Citizenship: Georgian

4. Countries of Work Experience [List countries where expert has worked in the last ten years ]: Georgia

5. Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading, and writing ]:
Russian (good)
English (good)

6. Past Employment: [please summarize your past employment over the previous ten year period relating to your
procurement work including, if you wish, dates of employment, name of employing organization, position held]:

Summary: State Procurement Agency of Georgia

7. Areas of Specialization in Procurement Policy & Reform

[Please tick those areas where the expert has had experience of 2 years or more.]

□Procurement Legislation □Procurement Management

□Capacity Assessment & Development □Electronic Procurement
□Public Private Partnerships □Governance
□Procurement & Civil Society □Risk Management
□Capacity Building & Training □Anti-Corruption
□New Contracting Methods
□as advisor of the Head of Agency and later head of apparatus activly participating in
processes at the State procurement Agency of Georgia connected with procurement and
relevant reforms
NOTE: This CV and your photograph will be published on ADB’s Asia Pacific Procurement Forum website which
is presently under development, and will become available to members of the Forum. Should you not wish this
information to be published, please indicate below.

□ I do not wish that my CV be published on the website.

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