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Written by UCA Television Production

Draft Date: December 2nd, 2013

UCA MAIDSTONE STUDIOS Vinters Park Maidstone Kent ME14 5NZ 01622-620151

INT.HOME - DAY We see a C/U on a time piece (clock, watch etc) Our CHARACTER (age? gender?) wakes from a DEEP SLEEP and stretches their hands to the stars. They take in their surroundings, their eyes and body betraying their emotions. The Character sits up and rubs their eyes, brushing their face clear of nighttime in preparation for the day ahead. They get up from their bed and STRETCH out even further, their feet gently scuffing the floor with a practiced ease. We see their surrounds, an ENVIRONMENT that clearly reflects their character. The SOUND of a TELEPHONE RINGING cuts through and brings SHARP attention from the Character... ...who answers after a few RINGS. Hello?... (beat) ...ok. (Beat) ...bye. CHARACTER

The Character hangs up the phone, quickly changing tone, clearly REACTING to some unheard request. They move around their space, getting dressed. INT. HOME - DAY The Character is checking their appearance in a mirror, their eyes searching deep into their reflection. Seemingly unsure of what theyve found, the Character turns away briefly and then completes the process of getting washed. EXT. HOME - DAY The Character steps from their home and feels the cold breath of the day on their skin, sending a slight ripple around their body. The Character hugs in tight to themselves, and looks in all directions before deciding on a way to go. They head off with a sense of purpose reflecting their mood, the environment coming into sharp view and also reflects the MOOD OF THE DAY. EXT. UNSPECIFIED LOCATION - DAY The cold air BITES across the place as our Character travels onwards, their eyes taking in the surrounds with a familiar glint.


Across the way from the Character another PERSON strides forwards, not paying any attention in this direction. Our Character flicks them a look, pausing slightly, but then continues onwards. Around them, the location spreads in all directions... EXT. ANOTHER LOCATION - DAY Character is now moving through a TIGHTER LOCATION, their energy and posture suggesting they are unfamiliar with their surroundings... ...Character, PULLING up abruptly and looking around. A move to go one way and then the other, before finally deciding and then heading off again, their actions ECHOING around the location. EXT. DIFFERENT LOCATION - DAY Emerging through a BLUR of action, Character is unsure of their place, now clearly LOST, eyes darting one way then another. Their emotion of the moment almost takes over. A quick check of their TIME-PIECE and then back onto the view... ...something CLICKS in the sight, Character brightening with excitement and heads in that direction. EXT. UNSPECIFIED LOCATION - DAY The Character moves into SHARP view, they have clearly been travelling for some time, as their body pulls itself slowly to a halt. We see their BREATH breaking the cold air, slowly enveloping them. Their eyes hold tight on the distance as they take out a MOBILE PHONE from their pocket and PUNCH in a number... ...we can just hear the faint SOUND of the dialing TONE, then their eyes flick to attention as its answered. CHARACTER Hello, its me... (Beat) ...Im here, where are you? (beat) ...oh, ok. See you. The Character puts the phone away, and turns their eyes back to the horizon.

3. EXT. DIFFERENT LOCATION - DAY We see the FEET of NEW CHARACTER (Age? Gender?) as they travel forwards, their location and identity slightly obscured. EXT. UNSPECIFIED LOCATION - DAY The Character fiddles with a thread on their COAT, and steps around, looking towards one way then another. A undefined SOUND alerts them and they SWING round sharply. Their eyes squint, trying to focus and then relax, recognition PEELING across their face... ...A couple of steps forward, the Character waiting to greet... ...the New Character, who appears into view across the way. Character makes a little gesture across to them, this is clearly someone they know. New Character returns the gesture and comes ever closer. Character holds steady, the eyes picking out something... ...New Character is carrying an UNDEFINED PACKAGE. NEW CHARACTER Sorry Im late. Character nods. CHARACTER Sok. I was early. New Character arrives at the feet of Character and they exchange a greeting. NEW CHARACTER Cold today, isnt it? CHARACTER Yeah... (beat) ...I suppose it is. The two Characters hold still for a moment, then New Character holds out the UNDEFINED PACKAGE. NEW CHARACTER I hope its right. Character takes the UNDEFINED PACKAGE, eyes down to it for a moment then back to New Character.



New Character looks around and rubs hands together. NEW CHARACTER They say it might snow... (beat) ...think it will? CHARACTER Dont know. Maybe. (beat) Thanks again. New Character acknowledges and turns to walk away. NEW CHARACTER I think it will. Character watches, as New Character leaves the way they came, slowly disappearing from sight like an raindrop on a window. A few moments pass, Character fingering the UNDEFINED PACKAGE, before they also turn and leave, the sound of their DEPARTING filling the location. INT. HOME - LATER Character is sat, the trappings of their life and home surrounding them. Their eyes flick to the floor, the wrappings of the UNDEFINED PACKAGE lay in pieces... ...the CONTENT of the package is their to be seen and clearly influences the MOOD and ATMOSPHERE of the Character. We hold for a moment, taking in the sight.... .... before we drift and returns to a C/U on a time piece (clock, watch etc) and we... ...CUT TO BLACK

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