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How To Create A Glogster Poster

1. Log in to Glogster Go to

The teacher will tell you your login nickname At the top go the log in and type in your nickname: redland_ _ _ Your password is bulldogs

2. Create a New Glog

Toward the top of the screen you will see a green button that says Create a New Glog. lick on it to start your glog. !n the far left" choose #ertical.

3. Choose a Background
Go to the toolbar and choose wall $rowse the different selections by choosing gallery" then a folder for backgrounds %hen you find one you like click on it and click Use t. You may change this at any time" by going back to the wall and switching it out.

!. Add A Title
&ind the toolbar again" locate and click on Te"t hoose a style from the left" then choose a banner or long rectangular style for a title bo'. lick on it and select Use t Go to the te't bo' on your poster" click on it so it is highlighted" click on the edit feature and begin to type. Ab1 changes the te't si(e" font and color

#. Add $our Paragra%hs

&ind the toolbar again" locate and click on Te"t hoose a style from the left" then choose a banner or long rectangular style for a title bo'. lick on it and select Use t o Ad)ust the font si(e to make the te't fit by using the Ab1 feature locating on the te't toolbar. o Ad)ust the si(e of the te't bo' to make the paragraph bigger or smaller.

&. Add Pictures

&ind the toolbar again" locate and click on 'ages lick on the u% arrow icon. Go to your *y +ictures folder and select the pictures you want to use. You may select more than one photo by holding the control button down and selecting the photos.
Updated 11/5/13

lick on Use t. You may also browse and select frames for your picture. +ictures can be rotated or resi(ed by using the circular and directional arrow buttons on the pictures.

(. To )a*e
At the top of the page" click the button )a*e or Pu+lish on the top of the page. hange the Glog ,ame to Your &irst - .ast ,ame /a0e 1nfinished until you are completely done %hen you are completely done you will select finished and /a0e +ublish

General n,o -ou )hould .now/

To come back to your glog and work on it again: After you log in" choose the glog you started and click on 2dit. You may access Glogster at home" at school or anywhere you ha0e internet access. To mo0e ob)ects around" simply click on them and drag them around +lay around with the features and ha0e fun3333 *ake your presentation original" creati0e and uni4ue33

%hen you are finished turn your checklist and rubric into the teacher.

Updated 11/5/13

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