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LBSC744 Fall 2011 Collaborative Planning Form (adapted from Toni Buzzeo (2008))

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1234 '3456 7 893:6;<= 8>?;@ A; -3>6B

Libiaiy Neuia Specialist Name (s): Stephanie Flaheity unuei supeivision of Chiisty
Teachei Name(s) anu Title: Kinueigaiten team (4 classes)
School Name: Clemens Ciossing Elementaiy School

.;?:6 #6C657 Kinueigaiten

1234 "C6;C36D7
1. Stuuents will give theii initial opinion if they consiuei spiueis "scaiy" oi "nice".
Biscussion of why some people may think spiueis aie scaiy anu some think they aie
nice. Answeis will be iecoiueu on the Smait boaiu.
2. Reau Aaaaiigghh! Spiueis! by Lyuia Nonks to all Kinueigaiten classes (4).
Reauing alouu to chiluien pioviues enjoyment, the moueling of expiessive ieauing,
anu helps chiluien uevelop stiongei vocabulaiies anu piopei use of woius.
S. Ask again if stuuents think spiueis aie scaiy oi nice. Recoiu anu uiscuss changing
of opinions when you have a positive stoiy.
4. Peifoim a !"#$ &' (') *+', anu !"#$ &' (') ,#+$ $' -.#/+ poitions of a EF#
chait., explaining we will uo a TBINK PAIR SBARE as a coactivity foi this. Stuuents
will think foi minute anu paii up anu shaie with each othei what they know anu
then shaie theii knowleuge with all of us to iecoiu on the boaiu.
S. Watch shoit Biscoveiy Stieaming viueo on spiueis.
6. Complete !"#$ (') "#0. -.#/+.& poition of the EF# chait.

G?46H'3I6 J;?I6 AJ #6<<A27 0ne 4u minute class peiiou pei class, ovei one week's
time. Classes meet on 0ctobei 2S, 24, anu 2S, 2u1S.

!A24624 $;6? 84?2:?;:<H.A?5<7
!AIIA2 !A;6 84?46 84?2:?;:< KE32:6;L?;462M
CCSS.ELA-Liteiacy.RL.K.1 With piompting anu suppoit, ask anu answei questions
about key uetails in a text.
LBSC744 Fall 2011 Collaborative Planning Form (adapted from Toni Buzzeo (2008))

CCSS.ELA-Liteiacy.RL.K.7 With piompting anu suppoit, uesciibe the ielationship
between illustiations anu the stoiy in which they appeai (e.g., what moment in a
stoiy an illustiation uepicts).
CCSS.ELA-Liteiacy.RL.K.1u Actively engage in gioup ieauing activities with puipose
anu unueistanuing.
CCSS.ELA-Liteiacy.SL.K.1 Paiticipate in collaboiative conveisations with uiveise
paitneis about 12+&./3#/$.+ $'4256 #+& $.7$6 with peeis anu auults in small anu
laigei gioups.
CCSS.ELA-Liteiacy.SL.K.1a Follow agieeu-upon iules foi uiscussions (e.g., listening
to otheis anu taking tuins speaking about the topics anu texts unuei uiscussion).
CCSS.ELA-Liteiacy.SL.K.2 Confiim unueistanuing of a text ieau alouu oi infoimation
piesenteu oially oi thiough othei meuia by asking anu answeiing questions about
key uetails anu iequesting claiification if something is not unueistoou.
CCSS.ELA-Liteiacy.SL.K.6 Speak auuibly anu expiess thoughts, feelings, anu iueas
CCSS.ELA-Liteiacy.L.K.1 Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu
English giammai anu usage when wiiting oi speaking.

$$8# 84?2:?;:< ?2: (2:3>?4A;<7
1.1.1 Follow an inquiiy- baseu piocess in seeking knowleuge in cuiiiculai subjects,
anu make the ieal- woilu connection foi using this piocess in own life.
1.1.2 0se piioi anu backgiounu knowleuge as context foi new leaining.
1.1.S Bevelop anu iefine a iange of questions to fiame the seaich foi new
1.1.6 Reau, view, anu listen foi infoimation piesenteu in any foimat (e.g., textual,
visual, meuia, uigital) in oiuei to make infeiences anu gathei meaning.
1.S.4 Contiibute to the exchange of iueas within the leaining community.
1.S.S 0se infoimation technology iesponsibly.
2.1.S 0se stiategies to uiaw conclusions fiom infoimation anu apply knowleuge to
cuiiiculai aieas, ieal- woilu situations, anu fuithei investigations.
2.S.1 Connect unueistanuing to the ieal woilu.
LBSC744 Fall 2011 Collaborative Planning Form (adapted from Toni Buzzeo (2008))

2.4.S Recognize new knowleuge anu unueistanuing.
S.S.2 Respect the uiffeiing inteiests anu expeiiences of otheis, anu seek a vaiiety of
4.1.1 Reau, view, anu listen foi pleasuie anu peisonal giowth.
4.1.S Connect iueas to own inteiests anu pievious knowleuge anu expeiience.
4.S.1 Paiticipate in the social exchange of iueas, both electionically anu in peison.

"NO6>43C6<7 At the enu of this lesson, stuuents will have heaiu anu will have been
encouiageu to ieflect upon the stoiy ieau to them. (What woulu it like to have a
spiuei as a pet. Bo we think spiueis aie scaiy oi nice. Why.) They will have useu
the Smait boaiu technology foi an inteiactive expeiience foi the fiist time. Stuuents
will ieflect upon anu name new facts they have leaineu about spiueis.
Stuuents will have consiueieu theii feelings towaiu spiueis N6JA;6 ?2: ?4 4P6 62:
AJ the stoiy.

!AA96;?43C6 '6?>P32L ,5?27

Libiaiy Neuia Specialist Will: Finu a stoiy to ieau to the stuuents to get them
thinking anu ieflecting on spiueis. Bevelop inteiactive lesson that uemonstiates
facts anu featuies of a spiuei.

Teachei(s) Will: Teachei pioviueu suggesteu topic anu paiameteis. Teachei
pioviueu suggesteu leaining objectivesgoals.

Fiction Book: Aaaiigghh! Spiuei! By Lyuia Nonks
KWL on the Smait Boaiu Inteiactive Lesson (see attacheu)
Biscoveiy Stieaming viueo
LBSC744 Fall 2011 Collaborative Planning Form (adapted from Toni Buzzeo (2008))

Wild by Nature for Kids: A Spider's Life Sound Venture Productions Ottawa Limited,
2003 . Full Video.
Discovery Education. Web. 22 October 2013. <>.

#6?;232L ,;A:Q>47 Stuuents will inciease theii unueistanuing anu theii ability to
iuentify newly leaineu spiuei facts by completing a KWL chait as a class on the
Smait Boaiu. Classwoik will be shaieu with the teachei. Attacheu.

$<<6<<I624 "C6;C36D7 0sing Bowaiu County's giauing system foi paiticipation,
stuuents will be assigneu a 'giaue':
1 = outstanuing paiticipation
2 = satisfactoiy paiticipation
S = neeus impiovement in paiticipation

$:?94?43A2< ?2: *R462<3A2<7

LBSC744 Fall 2011 Collaborative Planning Form (adapted from Toni Buzzeo (2008))

*#*0*-'8 "/ 'S* '*0,#$'*

.;?:6 #6C657 uiaue(s) that will paiticipate in this unit.

1234 "C6;C36D7 Besciiption of the unit of stuuy, focusing on goals, stuuent leaining,
anu stuuent activity.

G?46 A; 43I6 J;?I6 JA; 56<<A27 Inuicate when lesson will be conuucteutaught.

!A24624 $;6? 84?2:?;:<7 Exclusive of AASL Stanuaius (listeu below), content
aiea(s) anu stanuaius taigeteu foi each, uiawn fiom local, state, oi national

$$8# 84?2:?;:< JA; 4P6 TU<4 !624Q;@ #6?;26; ?2: (2:3>?4A;<7 Biawn fiom
Stanuaius foi the 21st Centuiy Leainei in Action (AASL, 2uu7). Inuicate skills,
uisposition, iesponsibilities anu self assessment stiategies.

"NO6>43C6<7 (As a iesult of the lesson(s), what will stuuent knowbe able to uo.)

!AA96;?43C6 '6?>P32L ,5?27 Najoi teaching iesponsibilities of the Libiaiy Neuia
Specialist anu teaching paitnei(s) foi this unit.
#3N;?;@ 06:3? 896>3?53<4 F3557
'6?>P6;K<M F3557

&6<AQ;>6<7 A list of outstanuing iesouices foi use in the unit anu a summaiy of
othei helpful souices. Can ask foi suggestions fiom teacheis -- eithei exact
iesouices oi the foimat of iesouices that will woik best foi the stuuents.

#6?;232L ,;A:Q>47 A biief uesciiption of the majoi stuuent activities, piouuct, oi
woik that makes cleai stuuent leaining, such as a ieseaich pioject, oi cieation of a
postei oi cieation of an aitifact, etc. If theie aie any hanuouts oi stuuent activity
useu by the teachei, LNS must collect copies of these uocuments.

$<<6<<I624 "C6;C36D7 A uesciiption of the stuuent activity, piouuct, oi woik that
is assesseu uuiing the unit, with notation of who assesses it anu how is it assesseu.
Assessment tool(s) (iubiic, checklist, oi othei) aie collecteu fiom teachei, if
available. Beteimine if theie is any iubiic that must be cieateu by LNS.

$:?94?43A2< ?2: *R462<3A2<7 Suggestions of othei activities that might extenu
fiom this unit (such as speakeis oi auuitional piouucts) anu how the unit might be
auapteu to meet the neeus of stuuents who aie exceptional leaineis, whethei
challengeu oi gifteu, as well as those with vaiieu leaining styles.
LBSC744 Fall 2011 Collaborative Planning Form (adapted from Toni Buzzeo (2008))

Total points possible: 1uu

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