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Appendix D Lesson Plan 2January 28 ESL 6CE CC200

Topic Time Period oal %b&ecti"es Describing People and Places 60 minutes To e!!ecti"ely produce concise# descripti"e sentences$ '$ Students (ill learn to di!!erentiate descriptions (it) be and have 2$ Students (ill be able to de!ine *ey terms and concepts +$ Students (ill be able to gi"e basic descriptions o! people and places ,$ Students (ill learn to group ideas at t)e sentence le"el -$ Students (ill be able to recogni.e and create descripti"e sentences$ Time /aterials

Teac)ing Procedures

Warm up Activity 01arious pictures (ill appear on t)e Po(erPoint slide 0Students s)ould (or* in groups o! +0, to describe t)e picture$ 02 student !rom eac) group (ill s)are t)e description o! t)eir picture (it) t)e class$ Lecture 0Students s)ould understand )o( to apply ne(ly learned "ocabulary in e"eryday conte3t$ 04se a )andout o! descripti"e ad&ecti"es 0Describe people# t)ings# and places 0E3plain descriptions (it) be and )a"e$ 02llo( enoug) time !or 5uestions$ Class Discussion 0 2s a class# (e (ill read and discuss t)e assigned reading on page ,8$ 0 Students (ill closely obser"e descripti"e sentences o! t)e reading$ 0Distinguis) bet(een true6!alse statements 0Pro"ide t)e general idea o! t)e reading$ 07n!ormal 2ssessment8 Students9 understanding (ill be assessed t)roug) "arious acti"ities$

'0 mins

Po(erPoint# (riting paper# pen6pencil

'- mins

>andout# te3tboo*# c)al*board

'- mins$


Class Activity 0Students (ill )a"e '8 minutes in total to complete t)e e3ercise 22 and 2: on pp$ ;; 07n e3ercise 22# students s)ould read about Donna9s !amily 04nderline t)e correct (ords indicated in t)e reading$ -7n e3ercise 2:# students )a"e to loo* at t)e pictures 0<rite about t)e di!!erences bet(een Donna and )er )usband

'; mins


Closure 0=e"ie( "ocabulary# basic descripti"e sentences# etc$ 02ssign )ome(or*8 <rite 20+ sentences describing yoursel!$ 02llo( enoug) time !or 5uestions$

+ mins

?otes# )andout materials

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