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1esson Plan: Practicing 2ood 0ygiene


3ames: #ngelica 2utierre$ 4aricarmen 5anuelos 2rade: 6th 7 8th .ontent #rea: Personal and .ommunity 0ealth /opic: 0ygiene

1.1. P: Describe the importance of health-management strategies (e.g., those involving adequate sleep, ergonomics, sun safety, hearing protection, and selfe amination!. ".1. P: #naly$e a variety of influences that affect personal health practices. %.1. P: #pply a decision-ma&ing process to determine safe and healthy strategies for dealing 'ith personal health problems. %.". P: #pply a decision-ma&ing process 'hen selecting health care products. #naly$e the characteristics of informed health choices. %.(. P: #naly$e the characteristics of informed health conditions. ).1. P: *stablish goals for improving personal and community health.

Instructional Objectives
-pon .ompletion of the lesson:

/he learner 'ill e plain the importance of good hygiene.

/he learner 'ill identify the various forms of good hygiene.

/he learner 'ill distinguish bet'een good and bad hygiene.

1.%. P: Discuss the importance of effective personal and dental hygiene practices for preventing illness. 1.). P: +dentify effective brushing and flossing techniques for oral care. (.1. P: Demonstrate the ability to access information about personal health products (e.g., deodorant, shampoo, sunscreen, and dental care products! and evaluate the information,s validity.

Students 'ill 'al& into class and see the hygiene products displayed on table to catch their attention. +ntroduce students to the topic of good hygiene. 0andout pretest for students to complete before the lecture and the activity to

see 'hat they &no'. 6.1. P: Practice and ta&e responsibility for personal and dental hygiene practices.

4aterials for 1ecture

Paper pencil (for notes!

Materials for Activity

Different colors of glitter Paper to'els Soap <ater # sin&

During lecture discuss samples of hygiene products: Soap and body 'ash Shampoo Deodorant 9 #ntiperspirant Sponge, 'ash cloth, bath-mitt Dental :oss, toothbrush, mouth'ash .hange of clothes Shaving supplies ;eminine hygiene products

/he name of the activity is =2litter 0ands>. /he glitter 'ill represent the germs. -sing different colors allo's the &ids to see that they get germs from many different people throughout the day. /hrough this activity, the &ids 'ill notice that some of the glitter remains on their hands. #llo'ing &ids to 'ash 'ith cold 'ater 'ithout soap for &ids to see that it gets a fe' more of the glitter germs off but not all. /he activity 'ill help the &ids relate the activity to the importance of 'ashing hands for germ removal. /he overall purpose of the activity is to educate &ids that 'ashing their hands 'ith 'arm 'ater and soap can get rid of the germs.


Distribute post-test and conclude lesson. .onclude the lesson by reminding students that germs are every'here and the importance of practicing good hygiene.

Students 'ill be introduced to personal hygiene practices. /his lesson 'ill go into detail of 'hat a germ is and the importance of 'ashing their hands. /he lesson 'ill also cover some of the important products for good hygiene.

Teacher Prior to class starting teacher 'ill display products on table to catch students attention as they 'al& in

Students Students 'ill not be in class

Materials 0ygiene products that 'ill be displayed: -Soap and body 'ash -Shampoo -Deodorant 9 #ntiperspirant -Sponge, 'ash cloth, bath-mitt -Dental :oss, toothbrush, mouth'ash -.hange of clothes (soc&s, under'ear, tshirt! -Shaving supplies -;eminine hygiene products (sanitary pads, panty liners, tampons!

Time Prior to class starting

+ntroduction to topic 0and out pre-test 1ecture on samples of hygiene products 2ive instructions for the activity

/a&e Pre-test

Pre-test papers and pencils

1@ 4inutes

<ill ta&e notes

Paper, pencils, erasable mar&ers, and 'hiteboard Different color of glitters, paper to'els, 'ater, soap, and a sin&

1% 4inutes

<ill participate by putting glitter on hands (different color per student!, Sha&e hand 'ith other student, and try to 'ash off the glitter Students 'ill be ta&ing the posttest, as& any questions they might have.

1% 4inutes

.onclusion, Posttest, and .losure

Pretest papers and a pencil

1@ 4inutes

* amples of personal hygiene products that 'ill be displayed on table:

Soap Shampoo

5ody 'ash


<ash cloth 7 sponge

/oothbrush, mouth 'ash, and floss

4ale -nder'ear 7 soc&s

;emale under'ear 7 soc&s ;eminine sanitary pads

Pre- Test: Ho /rue or ;alseA

much do you !no

about hygiene"

1. 4outh'ash is better to use than brushing your teeth. ". Deodorant stops people from s'eating. (. Squee$ing pimples helps them go a'ay. ?. ;lossing teeth is only for people 'ho can,t brush their teeth. %. ;eeling sad, confused and hungry can be due to normal changes. ). Puberty in girls starts at age 1( and is over by 1?. 6. Bne breast may gro' bigger and more quic&ly than the other breast. 8. *very girl should start having her monthly periods (menstrual cycle!. C. +t is only necessary to bathe 'hen one feels dirty. 1@. Deeping clean helps one to stay healthy. 11. Puberty in boys starts at age 1( and is over by 1?. 1". 4uscle aches often happen from gro'ing and stretching. 1(. # Ecrac&ingE voice is a normal sign of puberty in a boy. 1?. +t is only necessary to bathe 'hen one feels dirty. 1%. Deeping clean helps one to stay healthy.

Ans er !ey to Pre-test 1. 4outh'ash is better to use than brushing your teeth. (;alse! ". Deodorant stops people from s'eating. (;alse! (. Squee$ing pimples helps them go a'ay. (;alse! ?. ;lossing teeth is only for people 'ho cannot brush their teeth. (;alse! %. ;eeling sad, confused and hungry can be due to normal changes. (/rue! ). Puberty in girls starts at age 1( and is over by 1?. (;alse! 6. Bne breast may gro' bigger and more quic&ly than the other breast. (/rue! 8. *very girl should start having her monthly periods (menstrual cycle!. (/rue! C. +t is only necessary to bathe 'hen one feels dirty. (;alse! 1@. Deeping clean helps one to stay healthy. (/rue! 11. Puberty in boys starts at age 1( and is over by 1?. (;alse! 1". 4uscle aches often happen from gro'ing and stretching. (/rue! 1(. # Ecrac&ingE voice is a normal sign of puberty in a boy. (/rue! 1?. +t is only necessary to bathe 'hen one feels dirty. (;alse! 1%. Deeping clean helps one to stay healthy. (/rue!

1. Start the discussion 'ith the question =<hat do you do 'hen you 'a&e up in the morning, before you eat brea&fast and before you come to schoolA> a. -se the restroom, brush your teeth, 'ash your face, and ta&e a sho'er. /hese are all e amples of 'hat people do to maintain a good hygiene, but ='hat is good hygieneA> ". /hen, During lecture dra' the follo'ing table on the blac&board. #s& the students to discuss out loud the consequences of being unclean and the disease, 'hich the respective parts of the body could contract.
Parts of the #ody to be cleaned$ 'onse(uences )iseases %ncleanliness could lead to Advantages of &ood Hygiene

*ace Hair #ody +including legs and hands, *inger nails and toe nails Teeth and mouth

Additional information for teacher-s !no ledge: #other to #athe$ /he most basic of hygiene rituals F but someho' the old soapy routine doesnGt appeal to all teens. # sho'er every day or t'o is a must, and al'ays after a rigorous sports practice or outdoor play. Sho' the shampoo bottle as e plaining the importance of sho'ering- to reduce s'eat and bacteria as 'ell as to eliminate odors and slough off death s&in cells. +t can be very rela ing as 'ell. Ma!e Time for Tooth brushing$ <hile it may be'ilder you to thin& about that fu$$y feeling of unbrushed teeth, some &ids hate to do the deed. 5e persistent. /he teacher 'ill tal& about gingivitis, cavities, and bad breath (often the most convincing evil of all!. #l'ays have floss and mouth'ash on handH Sho' them materials such as dental floss, tooth brush, tooth paste, and mouth 'ash.

a. 2ingivitis: inflammation of the gums. +t is a disease that causes irritation, redness and s'elling of the gums. .an lead to a serious gum disease &no'n a periodontitis and eventual tooth loss. b. .avities: are small holes in your teeth that need to be filled. 'lean Hands$ *ncourage frequent hand-'ashing, especially before eating and after using the bathroom, snee$ing, or playing 'ith pets. 4a&e sure the student &no's to scrub 'ith 'arm 'ater and soap for at least 1% seconds, rinse, and dry. S ee. A ay S eat$ 5ody odor usually becomes evident 'hen puberty hits. Discuss the difference bet'een deodorant, 'hich controls bacteria 'hile adding fragrance, and antiperspirant, 'hich is supposed to stop or limit s'eating. Sho' the deodorant that is part of the materials. )e-&rease Hair$ 4any preteens find their hair gets oilier as they gro'. *ncourage a thorough 'ashing every day or t'o. #n added benefit: &eeping hair clean and out of the students face 'ill lessen brea&outs caused by oil and greasy hair products. Sto. S!in Suffering$ 1i&e hair, s&in tends to become oilier as puberty progresses F especially the E/-$one,E or the forehead and bridge of the nose. *ncourage gentle face'ashing once or t'ice a day 'ith a mild cleanser. 4ost importantly, urge the student not to pic& at any pimple or blac&head on her face. 3ot only 'ill germy fingers 'orsen the bump, but pic&ing causes inflammation, spreads the oil, and can leave permanent scars. Time to Shave" 4iddle school is 'hen many girls 'ant to start shaving. 5uy a &id-friendly ra$or and shaving cream. Bffer tips for tric&y spots li&e an&les, &nees, and underarms. /al& about ho' often to rinse the ra$or and change the blade. ;or a boy 'ho is ready to shave, itGs also nice to have an older family member coach him the first fe' times. Prevent /ot-So-/ice /ails$ #dvise your students to clip 'ee&ly and cut nails straight across to prevent ingro'n nails. /ry to fi nail-biting by teaching about possible infections to the nail or surrounding the s&in. 4ention that it spreads germs from your fingers to your mouth and inside your body. 0ust for &irls$ #dvice your female students not to share hairbrushes or ma&eup, especially things used near her eyes or mouth F it spreads germsH 0elp them feel comfortable as&ing questions or raising concerns about menstruating, and teach her 'hich products to use, ho' often to change them, and ho' to chart her cycle. 0ere the professor 'ill tal& about using tampons and paths, as 'ell as to ic shoc& syndrome, 'hich is 'hat happens 'hen a female leaves a tampon in their body too long.


+nstructions for #ctivity

&litter Hands Step 1: Sprin&le different colors of glitter on the hands of students. Step ": 4a&e &ids sha&e hands 'ith each other, then, after a fe' minutes, e amine their hands to see all of the glitter they accumulated. Step (: * plain to &ids that germs can be received and passed on Step ?: 2ive each &id a paper to'el to 'ipe a'ay the glitter. Students 'ill notice that by 'iping their hands 'ith a paper to'el 'ill not remove all the =germs> (glitter! Step %: #llo' &ids to 'ash their hand 'ith cold 'ater 'ithout soap. Students 'ill notice that not all =germs> (glitter! 'ill be 'ashed off. Step ): #llo' &ids to 'ash hands 'ith 'arm 'ater and soap. *ducate &ids that 'ashing their hands 'ith 'arm 'ater and soap can get rid of the glitter (germs!.


Post-test: 1hat you learn about hygiene that you did not !no /rue or ;alseA 1. 4outh'ash is better to use than brushing your teeth. ". Deodorant stops people from s'eating. (. Squee$ing pimples helps them go a'ay. ?. ;lossing teeth is only for people 'ho cannot brush their teeth. %. ;eeling sad, confused and hungry can be due to normal changes. ). Puberty in girls starts at age 1( and is over by 1?. 6. Bne breast may gro' bigger and more quic&ly than the other breast. 8. *very girl should start having her monthly periods (menstrual cycle!. C. +t is only necessary to bathe 'hen one feels dirty. 1@. Deeping clean helps one to stay healthy. 11. Puberty in boys starts at age 1( and is over by 1?. 1". 4uscle aches often happen from gro'ing and stretching. 1(. # Ecrac&ingE voice is a normal sign of puberty in a boy.



Ans er !ey to Post-test 1. 4outh'ash is better to use than brushing your teeth. (;alse! ". Deodorant stops people from s'eating. (;alse! (. Squee$ing pimples helps them go a'ay. (;alse! ?. ;lossing teeth is only for people 'ho cannot brush their teeth. (;alse! %. ;eeling sad, confused and hungry can be due to normal changes. (/rue! ). Puberty in girls starts at age 1( and is over by 1?. (;alse! 6. Bne breast may gro' bigger and more quic&ly than the other breast. (/rue! 8. *very girl should start having her monthly periods (menstrual cycle!. (/rue! C. +t is only necessary to bathe 'hen one feels dirty. (;alse! 1@. Deeping clean helps one to stay healthy. (/rue! 11. Puberty in boys starts at age 1( and is over by 1?. (;alse! 1". 4uscle aches often happen from gro'ing and stretching. (/rue! 1(. # Ecrac&ingE voice is a normal sign of puberty in a boy. (/rue!


%th Standard . (n.d.!. UNICEF. Ietrieved #pril 1, "@1(, from '''.unicef.org9 1@ <ays to /each Preteen 0ygiene J Parents J (n.d.!. Scholastic, Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn | . Ietrieved #pril 8, "@1(, from http:99'''.scholastic.com9parents9resources9article9health-nutrition91@'ays-to-teach-preteen-hygiene .alifornia Department of *ducation. (n.d.!. Cali!ornia "epart ent o! Education. Ietrieved #pril C, "@1(, from http:99''' .asp ;rost, S. ("@11, 4arch (1!. ;un <ays /o /each .hildren #bout <ashing 0ands J 1+K*S/IB32..B4. LI#E S$R%N&. Ietrieved 4arch "6, "@1(, from http:99'''.livestrong.com9article91%))@%-fun-'ays-to-teach-children-about-'ashinghands9 0ealthy 5.#.S.+...S 1esson Plan 5ody .hanges and 0ygiene 5oys. (n.d.!. Children's Health Fund . Ietrieved #pril C, "@1(, from http:99'''.childrenshealthfund.org9 0ealthy 5.#.S.+...S 1esson Plan 5ody .hanges and 0ygiene 2irls . (n.d.!. Children's Health Fund . Ietrieved #pril C, "@1(, from http:99'''.childrenshealthfund.org9 /innitus - ("@1(, ;ebruary %!. (a)o Clinic. Ietrieved #pril 8, "@1(, from http:99'''.mayoclinic.com9health9gingivities9DS@@()% /o ic shoc& syndrome - ("@11, 4ay 6!. (a)o Clinic. Ietrieved #pril 8, "@1(, from http:99'''.mayoclinic.com9health9to ic-shoc&-syndrome9DS@@""1


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