Syllabus Monday

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Advanced ASL Conversation - DEAF 300 Mondays, 12:30 - 3:15pm

Instructor: Nick Zerlentes! Classroom: ED 1130! Email: Office Hours: By appointment only


FALL 2013

Course description: This course focuses on Deaf Studies Student Learning Outcome (SLO #1): Students demonstrate an ability to communicate in American Sign Language (ASL) with Deaf people. The course also provides further development of conversational abilities in American Sign Language, emphasizing the area of selfexpression.

Required textbook: Signing Naturally, Level Three Student Workbook & DVD, Units 18-26, by Smith, Lentz, and Mikos (2008).

Course Expectations:
1. Contribute to a positive signing atmosphere during class sessions, breaks, and class outings. 2. Demonstrate a positive, sincere, and enthusiastic attitude and work ethic towards improving your ASL skills at all times. 3. Complete all assignments on time. Class sessions are only once a week and to be able to fully participate during class, you must come prepared. Contribute to group work and delegate tasks equally for each group member.

Course Outcomes:
Students will obtain ASL conversational fluency in the following areas: 1.Develop their signing style and critical thinking skills and build a critical, evaluative framework. 2.Acquire and demonstrate knowledge of appropriate Deaf cultural behaviors. 3.Master spontaneous and prepared discourse. 4.Recognize and use various ASL conversational registers.

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The classroom is a strictly no-voice environment. Cell phones and other electronics must be turned to an off/silent/vibrate position during class. If you are expecting an important call, please have your conversation outside of the classroom.

ASL Registers
Students will be participating in various projects and assignments aligned with the five ASL registers. 1. Consultative: Unit lesson 2. Formal: Presentation 3. Informal: Debate Each assignment is worth 40 points. Instructions for each assignment will be provided later. Possible total points: 120 (40 points per assignment)

Final Project
The final project consists of two parts. The first part will be in class and assess students ability to partake in group discussions using the various ASL registers appropriately. The second part will be done outside of class and will require students to videotape themselves signing a series of sentences to show comprehension of semantics. Part1: 20 points Part 2: 20 points Total possible points: 40

Important Info.
Grading scale
250 - 225 points: A 224 - 200 points: B 199 - 175 points: C 174 - 150 points: D

+/- will be determined based on effort and participation Points will be deducted for excessive voicing (and mouthing) during class.

Class Participation
Every session will include activities that require everyones participation. Please remember to share your comments and questions in a respectful manner.

Throughout the semester, students will be assigned English sentences and/or ASL signs/ phrases to translate and discuss with their classmates. Students will explain why and how certain signs fit specific situations. Possible total points: 20

Since class meetings take place once a week, attendance is mandatory. Roll call will be done at the beginning of each class. Students will be allowed one absence. Each absence after will result in one letter grade lower. Total possible points: 10

Students w/ Disabilities
If you need accommodations, please register with the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) in Bayramian Hall or the National Center on Deafness (NCOD). Please feel free to discuss any accommodations with the instructor.

Video Journals
Students will videotape three journals throughout the semester using appropriate conversational techniques. Topics for each journal will be assigned later. Possible total points: 60 (20 points per journal). COURSE TOTAL POINTS: 250

Class Schedule*
Aug. 26 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14

Semantics/ASL Registers Back Channeling/Turn Talking

Assignments Due

Video Journal #1

Fluency/Script Reading Group Project: Unit 22 Group Project: Unit 23 Group Project: Unit 24 Group Project: Unit 24 Cinematic/Classifiers
Giving Directions/Scavenger Hunt

Group lesson: Unit 22 Group lesson: Unit 23 Group lesson: Unit 24 Group lesson: Unit 24 Video Journal #2

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Oct. 21



Nov. 4

Nov. 11


Nov. 18

Debate Preparation Debate Final Project: Part I Final Project: Part II

Video Journal #3

Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 9

*Subject to change. You are responsible for keeping up with all changes.

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