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Ethical Standards

Standard 3.4. The educator shall not exclude a student from participation in a program, deny benefits to a student, or grant a advantage to a s student on the basis of race, color, sex, disability, national origin, religion, or family status.

The ethical standard stated above will apply to my future classroom because as a teacher I will have students of all different types. As an educator is is my duty to treat each student equally and without prejudice. As it is stated in my Teaching Philosophy, I believe that all students have the right to learn not mater their gender, race or religion. This standard also applies to the opposite end of the spectrum. It would be unfair of me to grant a student an opportunity based on their social standing. Every student should have an equal chance to participate in all programs. I will ensure this by monitoring my own thoughts and beliefs. As a mathematics teaching I am there to teach math, not my own view points. When teaching I plan to strive to be as unbiased towards gender, race, and religion. Even though students with disabilities will have a modified lesson plan and assessments, I will not treat them any differently than any of my other students. They will follow the same rules and procedures as my other students and will receive the same consequence for acting out. Treating students equaling is a very important part of being a good teacher. This not only goes for how I handle misconduct in my classroom but it also deals with how I grant different opportunities.

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