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Join the National Assembly! Decide the future of your country.

The Paris Times

Yearlong slaughter over!
Robespierre dead.
After one year the killing has stopped.

Support Declaration of the Rights of the Man: Youll have more rights and life will get better!

This year marks the beginning of something new. After the death of former ruler Maximilien Franois Marie Isidore Robespierre, the killings by the thousands have stopped. He was beheaded on the 28th of July of 1794. He was charged of the murder of over 40,000 people. 30% who were nobles, clergy, and middle class citizens.

If youre interested in helping our country, well be having this assembly including all three estates. Itll be to discuss financial problems. Well be waiting for you on Htel des Menus Plaisirs in the town of Versailles. Attentively: Your King.
Come to the storming of the Bastille, July 14th, 1789.

Q: What should we do with Louis St. Just? A: We should arrest him, hes causing trouble to our country and disturbing the peace. Q: How to join the Jacobins? A: All citizens are welcomed to join. Q: is it true that women are going to march to Versailles? A: Yes, It will happen but we dont know when.

The loss of a great man.
Jean Paul Marat was killed in his bath. He meant a lot to the people. He gave insight of what was happening. And he told the truth of what really happened. He was a great man. He didnt panic people but he inspired them against the system. I believe that this system has gone corrupted. As proven by Marat getting murdered.

Real estate
Are you looking for a nice palace? No? well you can get one for a very low price. This place is called the Palace of Versailles. It was the kings own so live like a king. And call now.

No sports today so we have something different.
Since there were no sports today we will bring you something different. The third estate just held a meeting and made a new oath. They called it the tennis court oath. It states that no man shall be treated with inequality.

Letters to the editor.

Dear JC, So the king tried to flee. This means that he believes that we are screwed right? What should we do? Sincerely, mr. rubber chicken

Dear editor man of the newspaper, With the tribunial gone what do you think we should do? I mean how are we going to decide on who to kill I mean how are we going to decide on what to do as a country.

Dearly, man who was totally not in the current government

Dear editor, What do you think about the King freeing slaves? Do you think this applies to the slaves in the new lands? Will this affect us? Also who gave him the power to do that? Sincerely, seriously confused man

King Louis XVI- he was a ruler. He made this
country into what it is. He was a hated man and an animal. He used his power for greed. There is only one thing to say. Good riddance.

Marie Antoinette- she as her husband was a

horrid person. Hording grain? While others starved? Again, good riddance.

Looking for a job? Well we have what you need! Just come to the Palace of Versailles at noon every day to see if you are the one for this job.

Lifestyle of King Louis XVI and the queen Marie Antoinette.
They lived in high comfort with heat food and other luxuries even the whole country couldnt provide. Now that the palace is for sale maybe someone will buy it and burn it. Just to say: screw everything.


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