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Paper Airplanes

Patrick Atherton, Juan Pablo Arizpe, Juan Carlos Garcia and Luis Videgaray

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page: Table of contents: Abstract: Question: Hypothesis: Background research: Essay outline: Procedure: Variables: Materials: Results: Conclusion: Bibliography: acknowledgments: appendix:

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ABSTRACT In this project we will be testing out five different types of paper airplanes to see which can fly out the furthest and if possible determine if aerodynamics make the plane better. QUESTION Which type of paper airplane can fly out the furthest and why? HYPOTHESIS If we build different types of paper airplanes then we will know which one flies out the furthest because we will test different models and launch them at the same rate.

BACKGROUND RESEARCH Today, we will show you how the design of a plane affects the airplanes ability to fly. Although this seems like a simple experiment, there are several complicated aspects to it. Did you know that paper airplanes originate from China? They are believed to have been originated there around 300 BCE. After the creation of paper airplanes, origami and paper folding became very popular in Japan and China. Over the next thousand years, paper airplanes became a tool to design bigger aircraft models. Architects like Da Vinci, George Cayley and Alberto Santos-Dumont used paper folding to design bigger models. The most significant users of paper airplane designing were the Wright Brothers, they tested paper airplanes in a wind tunnel to find a design that would work for powered flight. Paper airplanes have been around for thousands of years. The purpose of this experiment is to see what design is better for flight. At least in the distance aspect. We are trying five different designs and they will be tested in several aspects in three tries for each plane.

1.- Gather materials 2.- Fold the five paper airplanes 3.- Test the airplanes by launching them 4.- Record data of the distance flown 5.- Find average VARIABLES Independent Variable: Design of plane Dependent Variable: Distance Controlled Variables: the starting distance, paper

MATERIALS Paper Cardboard Rubber bands Stopwatch Meter Stick RESULTS model # Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Try 1 4.8 m 2.3 m 4.1 m 1.9 m 6.85 m Try 2 5.6 m 8.1 m 3.3 m 2.4 m 2m Try 3 4.7 m 4.1 m 5.9 m 1.9 m 7m Average 5.03 m 4.80 m 4.47 m 2.13 m 5.28 m

Our results show that plane design 5 flew the farthest.Our results also show that sometimes the more elaborate paper plane was the best, but its more complicated to make than the others. we can prove this using the chart. The chart shows that the more elaborate planes were better. We believe this is because since the plane is more elaborate it is also more aerodynamic and thus better for flight.A potential error is that some of the planes after the first trials flew a bit weird because the tips bent when they hit the ground.


Which type of paper airplane can fly out the furthest and why? If we build different types of paper airplanes then we will know which one flies out the furthest because we will test different models and launch them at the same rate. We believe that the hypothesis was supported because the data showed that some planes were worse than others. An idea to solve the error is probably to use a different surface that will not bend the planes tip.One idea to change the experiment is to change the materials that the planes were made of.

"PaperPlane."Wikipedia.WikimediaFoundation,11Jan.2013.Web.05Nov.2013. "HistoryofPaperAirplanes."PaperAirplanes.N.p.,n.d.Web.05Nov.2013. "History."PaperAirplane.N.p.,n.d.Web.05Nov.2013. "PaperAirplanes."PaperAirplanes.N.p.,n.d.Web.05Nov.2013. "ScienceofFlight:PaperAirplanesCheapflights."ScienceofFlight:PaperAirplanes Cheapflights.N.p.,n.d.Web.05Nov.2013.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Kevin Our parents rubber chicken (R.I.P. 2013-2013) APPENDIX Include anything that will give more insight into your scientific process. This could be the original data sheets or log book from your study. It should also include any photos or documentation of your research.



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