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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum Small Group Activity Form

Name of Activity: Dunk-Dunk

Curriculum Area:


Length of Activity: 15-20minutes

Learning Objectives Child will be able to communicate results from the gravity activity(Measure27). Child will be able to see the movement of the water(Measure13). Child will be able to predict if the objects will float or sink(Measure30).

Material/Equipment Needed: Bucket Water Balls Hollow shapes

Preparation (What do you need to do beforehand?): Set up the activity Make sure all the materials are clean Make sure all the materials are age appropriate Procedures (step by step) Be Specific *Beginning (How will I introduce activity?) I will give a warning during the large group activity that the dunk-dunk activity will be next I will introduce this activity in the beginning of class I will introduce this activity by talking about water in different forms, gravity, and asking open-ended questions. Afterwards I will allow few of them to start the activity *Middle: (How will I support/enhance/scaffold?) The person reading your lesson plan should be able to identify what you are saying or doing to support your stated learning objectives. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. As the children begin to use the materials I will support them by making sure they understand how to use them in this activity. The child will be able to drop objects of different shapes and weigh into a bucket of water. Children will then be able to determine if the objects will sink or float after being dropped in the water. I will ask the children, What do you think will happen to the water when we drop an object into it?

I will ask the child an open-ended question, such as What do you think will happen when we drop the object in the bucket of water? I will support the child by helping them find the words to describe what they have seen. I will have the children in pairs so they can do the experiment together. I will ask the child, Can you tell me what you think will happen next? When a child needs individual help I would say, Would you like me to help to you drop the object? I will ask the child, What happens to the water after the object hits it? Does it move, if so does it make waves? I will be sure to bring the children to attention when is say, Look, the water does not move when nothing is dropped into it? When the child is dropping the objects, they will also see if the object floats or sink. I will have the objects at different types of weigh. I will ask the child to tell me if the solid object will sink or float. I will then ask the child a question to see if they can predict the outcome of the next object when it hits the water. I will ask the child, Do you think the hollow object float or sink to the bottom?

*End: (How will I bring this activity to a conclusion and transition to the next activity? Be very specific in how you will transition the children.) I will give the children a 5 minute warning, so they know the activity is coming to an end. I will ask them to share what they thought about the activity I will ask for feedback about the activity, like if they enjoyed themselves I will ask the children to help clean up I will ask the child to move like a wave as they move on to the next activity The child will go to art center after this activity

Throughout the day/week, what opportunities will the children have to reflect back on this activity? During the day the child will be able to reflect on the activity at their own will while in the science center. I will have a water based activity in the math center area. When the child enters the classroom, they will see pictures of themselves doing the activity. I will ask them Do you remember if the solid objects sunk or floated?

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