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Name__________ Date___________ Period____________ Genetics Unit Test Multiple Choice: 1. Which statement is true about mutations? a.

Mutations are always harmful to the or anism. b. Mutations are easy to predict. c. Mutations are always occurrin within a species. d. Mutations are not passed from one eneration to the ne!t. ". Which of the followin shows an accurate base chemical pair in DN#? a. #$C b. #$% c. %$& d. &$& '. DN# coils around itself to form what? a. Mutations b. (ase pairs c. Chromosomes d. # cell ). #n indi*iduals phenotype is: a. %he alleles found for a particular ene +e!ample: #a,. b. %he physical e!pression of alleles +what we see,. c. %he alleles displayed on a punnet s-uare. d. (oth # and C .. Which of the followin statements is accurate re ardin recessi*e alleles? a. /ecessi*e alleles are always displayed. b. /ecessi*e alleles are only displayed when the dominant allele is not present. c. /ecessi*e alleles are not common enou h to be important. d. /ecessi*e alleles are only partially displayed. 0. #n indi*iduals enotype is: a. %he alleles found for a particular ene +e!ample: #a,. b. %he physical e!pression of alleles +what we see,. c. %he alleles displayed on a punnet s-uare. d. (oth # and C 1. /ecessi*e #llele

a. #n allele that is mas2ed when a dominant allele is present. b. #n allele that is always present in e*ery indi*idual. c. #n allele that is ne*er present in any indi*idual. d. #n allele that is always phenotypically displayed. 3. Which statement is true about homo4y ous indi*iduals a. %hey ha*e " copies of the same allele. b. %hey ha*e a copy of the same allele. c. %he recessi*e allele is #5W#67 displayed. d. None of the abo*e are true. Matching 1. %he different forms of a ene. ". # se ment of DN# on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait. '. #n allele whose trait always shows up in the or anism when the allele is present. ). #n allele that is mas2ed when a dominant allele is present. .. #n or anism8s physical appearance. 0. #n or anism8s enetic ma2e$up9 or allele combination. 7. :a*in two identical alleles for a trait.

8. :a*in two different alleles for a trait. 9. # characteristic that an or anism can pass on to its offsprin throu h its enes.

1;. %he passin of traits from parent to offsprin . 11. # condition in which neither of two alleles of a ene is dominant or recessi*e. Word (an2 #lleles9 :eredity9 /ecessi*e #llele9 :omo4y ous9 &enotype9 Codominance9 %rait9 Dominant #llele9 :etero4y ous9 &enes9 Phenotype %rue<=alse 1. Mutations are always bad. %rue =alse ". 6our traits are passed down from one eneration to the ne!t. %rue =alse '. Punnet s-uares are useful for determinin traits of offsprin . %rue =alse

7hort #nswer: Draw a picture of the shape of DN#.

Complete the punnet s-uare: %he enotype of both parents is: #a. #:" antennae present a: no antennae

Ma2e sure to label both the parents. What are the enotypes and phenotypes found in the offsprin ?

What is your opinion of &M>s? Pro*ide e*idence for your answer.

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