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JAIN Iota RAYMOND) PIEUEBBERS (@e) ERC PRESS KARL 5S. KUNZ RAYMOND J. LUEBBERS CRC Press Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C. Tinrary of Congress Cataloging Publication Dal Bowtewrss os ad ae. Pema tle-Mateaic 2 ined ani Later Raed Saracen nos ‘tna en ot mi ds Rm serene seca Senet aero caer oie y a a aa bre cose Bt ‘ete tk an ay a oedema in ny mr yay ec Any Fc, rng at rng yearn soe ESS hes etn et me er se ini Ce L280, Capote Bo Ram a 63 [aye ecicn d cpnar oe ‘Vis the CRC Press Web seat wwwcrepresst Aon ogo US cont it ‘ie i he Ue Sr Ames 7590 AUTHORS Karl S. Kunz, PLD, hus worked in industry, government, ad academia snc eevig his PD i plyscs NMSU in 1911, Now st Pn tty 8 Professor, he specializes in computational eapaerig in parce FDTD applications and developments for modeling erspace stems, atenes, ‘gia aye a pan fname Jot ow ses "His past ssc incade Lawreace Livermore National I shorty (LLL), TRW, Mision Research Corporation, BDM, and White Sands Mi sil Range He wasn charge o te Microwave and EMP Uroup at LLL with {esganchliy fr tri indoor vane range AF TRW be we 4 Tecoclogy ‘Seco Lede and an EMP Group Leader st MRC. Whi at BDM he was tit ‘ARES EMP Simultor Scentst At Wife Sands he worked a8 Dr, Kun i an active constant having worked with LLNL, Chening ‘Lt, Lockheed, BUA, and Dymaleton. He perfarms soe of ts werk at ‘tthe canting firm he founded ath ate, Kane Acces Ines ith his fates, Kaiser. Kun. While a enn Sth served as Departnent Head ‘nom 1986 to 1989 and hs enjoyed an activ esearch caer tought ht Raymond Lubbers, PhD. is Poise of Eerie! Engiceing tthe Peonsylania State Univer le seeived the BSED. degree an the Universi of Cincianat,and MLSE and PAD. dees fm he Ohi State ‘Univesiy where he was a member ofthe EleroSience Laboratory. He hss eon an ceetnca eaglacingfasty meter a Ohio Univers alt ‘Research Semis a the Locteed Plo Alo research abst. He as a0 1 Vising Professor at Toheku University, Seni, der the National ence oundation poy fa US 2apan Copeative Reba, Ur LiebOes has writen series of technical paper in several ares inclaing fqn ele tive sures, psometrial theory of eifiaction, and FDTD. He is Senior ‘Member of the Antena end Prpugton Society of te IEEE, an so the Board of Directors af the Aplin Compuinal Eactrmapines Society He hs chaired a number of IEEE and URSI conference season inling a0 LURSI Geneal Assembly session, ana reviews aces for several tech iowa

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