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By: Dominque Miller Organizational theory Dr.


Alexis I. DuPont University

Alexis I. DuPont University (AIU) is an H.B.C.U college located in Wilmington, Delaware. AIU has an enrollment of 7500 students and is a member of the N.E.A.C conference. AIU athletics competes in Div 1A. AIU has had years of prominent athletes. These highly recruited athletes are considered to be some of the most talented and elite athletes in the nation. In recent years AIUs outstanding athletic performance has been plagued with low student athlete class attendance; disregard for N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulations and poor communication between DuPont athletic academic services, coaches and athletes.

Planning Committee
1. 2. 3. 4. President of the University: Keith Miller Athletic Director: Dominque Miller DuPont Athletic Academic Services Alexis I. DuPont Sports Compliance Committee

Mission Statement
The Alexis I. DuPont University Athletics department mission is to excel academically and competitively in intercollegiate sports. AIU athletics takes pride in integrity, honesty, bravery, sportsmanship and success on and off the field. The Athletic department encourages tradition and the heritage of this great institution. At AIU there is an excess of opportunities for student athlete funding. We strive to keep this a major goal each year so that our athletes have the full opportunity for acquiring scholarships. AIU facilities continue to improve in technology and entertainment capabilities. At AIU all athletes, both men and women have equal opportunities to compete in all intercollegiate sports. All AIU student athletes and staff adhere to compliance, rules and regulations of the NCAA and the NEAC. Alexis I. DuPont University is an institution with a rich tradition, perseverant present and a thriving future. You cant hide that Tiger Pride

S.W.O.T-Analysis Opportunities and Threats

Key area #1: Low student-athlete class attendance Opportunities: 1. Students that attend class regularly acquire better grades. 2. High class attendance will increase student-athletes knowledge, social and communication skills. Threats: 1. Students-athletes are often skipping class to complete homework for other classes. 2. Students-athletes think they can get good grades without attending class . Key are #2: Disregard for N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulations Opportunities: 1. If compliance and regulations are completed correctly, no sanctions or punishment will be received from N.E.A.C and the sports programs can operate at full capacity. 2. The athletic department and teams will have a better reputation and relationship with the N.E.A.C conference. Threats: 1. Compliance rules and regulations were overlooked because the desire to win at all cost. 2. New recruits were unaware of compliance rules and regulations. Key area #3: Poor communication between athletic academic services, coaches, and athletes. Opportunities: 1. Improved communication will improve the quality of solutions made to resolve athletic department problems. 2. Good Communication will keep all parts of the department up-to-date. Threats: 1. Low number of resources (computers, fax machines, and telephones) for healthy communication. 2. Environments for good communication are not maintained or up-to-date.(meeting areas and conference rooms)

S.W.O.T-Analysis Strengths and Weaknesses

Key area #1: Low student-athlete class attendance Strengths: 1. Teachers, coaches and academic services are willing to work together to improve attendance and relay the message to athletes that regularly attending class improves their grades. 2. New attendance monitory system tracks students-athletes attendance Weaknesses: 1. Class attendance is not mandatory for student-athletes. 2. Students can miss an abundance classes without receiving repercussions or punishment either from their coaches or academic services. Key are #2: Disregard for N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulations Strengths: 1. As of this year the athletic department , coaches, and compliance office has made it clear that they will be monitoring and completing all compliance and regulations for athletes before all deadlines . 2. Alexis I. DuPont sports compliance office is up-to-date and informed of the N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulations. Weaknesses: 1. Lack of communication between sports compliance office, coaches and athletes 2. Incoming recruits and current athletes are uninformed or confused about N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulations. Key area #3: Poor communication between athletic academic services, coaches, and athletes. Strengths: 1. 70% of all current athletes, coaches, and academic services staff have e-mails and telephone numbers on record 2. Funds have been acquired from the institution to improve resources for healthy communication. Weaknesses: 1. There is not enough scheduled meetings for the athletic department sections to meet , discuss information, problems and solutions. 2. athletic department sections are often misinformed or have conflicts due to misunderstanding because of improper communication strategies

1. Academic success will continue to be ranked number one before athletic success. 2. Community outreach will continue to be a priority of the athletic department. 3. Student-athletes will continue to be rewarded for the success in the classroom and in intercollegiate sports competition. 4. AIUs prominent tradition and history will continue to be celebrated.

Goal #1: To improve student-athlete class attendance Objective #1: To improve student athlete class attendance percentage from 45% attendance to 70% attendance by the spring semester of 2017. Strategy Development: Have 85% of student-athletes attend more than 70% of their classes Introduce attendance monitory system. Recognize students with high attendance Inform students on the importance of attending classes on a regular basis. Make attending more that 60% of classes mandatory for student athletes

Operations Plan
Goal #1: To improve student-athlete class attendance Objective #1: To improve student-athlete class attendance percentage 45% attendance to 70% attendance by spring semester of 2017. Student-Athlete Class Attendance Operation Strategy: To increase student-athlete class attendance, the institution will assemble a student-athlete class attendance monitory system, hire two new academic services assistants, they will form a student-athlete attendance committee to use the monitory system and assist with informing students on the importance of going to class. Year 2012-2013: Monitory system is constructed Year 2013-2014: Monitory system is put on-line and records student-athlete class attendance. Year 2014-2015:Academic Services attendance assistant #1 Year 2015-2016:Academic Services attendance assistant #2 Year 2016-2017: Assessment Audit Summer 2017 Goals: To improve student-athlete class attendance percentage from 45% attendance to 70% attendance Year 2012-2013: 45% Year 2013-2014: 50% Year 2014-2015: 60% Year 2015-2016: 65% Year 2016-2017: 70% Individuals responsible for student-athlete attendance initiatives: DuPont Academic Athletic Services/ Student-athlete Attendance monitory committee Start Date: Summer, 2012 Completion Date: Planning Audit Summer 2017

Audit Plan Performance Evaluation

Attendance Year 2012-2013 Year 2013-2014 Support Staff and Monitory system objectives Construction of attendance monetary system Monitory system is put on-line and records student-athlete class attendance Academic Services attendance assistant #1 Academic Services attendance assistant #2 Assessment Attendance Goals 45% 50% 60% 65% 70% Support staff and Monitory system objective results Yes Yes

Year 2014-2015 Year 2015-2016 Year 2016-2017 Attendance Year Year 2012-2013 Year 2013-2014 Year 2014-2015 Year 2015-2016 Year 2016-2017

Yes Yes Assessment Attendance Results 45% 49% 55% 60% 67%

Audit Plan Control Decisions

Key Area #1: Improve student-athlete attendance Objective #1: To improve student-athlete class attendance percentage from 45% attendance to 70% attendance by the spring semester of 2017. Control Decisions: Objectives for improving student-athlete class attendance was not successful. We missed our objective percent by 3%. Although we did not accomplish our objective we will not alter our goal of 70% student-athlete attendance. Changes in the operational plans will be given to the planning committee. These changes will include increased monitoring and advisement for tardy and frequently absent student-athletes. Punishments will also be given to any athletes that do not attend at least 50% of their classes. Awards and recognition will be given to student-athletes that attend 70% or more of their classes.

Goal #2: To improve N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulations adherence. Objective #2: To improve N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulation adherence and increase percentage of students-athletes that are N.E.A.C eligible by 20% (70% to 90%) by the spring semester of 2017. Strategy Development: Inform students, academic services and coaches on all N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulations. Ensure that 90% of incoming recruits and freshman athletes are eligible and cleared to play by the N.E.A.C. Give student-athletes more assistance with compliance issues Work together with the N.E.A.C compliance office to make ensure student athlete eligibility.
Monitor student athletes eligibility progress.

Operations Plan
Goal #2: To improve N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulations adherence. Objective #2: To improve N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulation adherence and increase percentage of studentsathletes that are N.E.A.C eligible by 20% (70% to 90%) by the spring semester of 2017. N.E.A.C Compliance Rules and Regulations Adherence Operation Strategies : To improve the adherence to N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulations, four new sports compliance assistants will work on a 4 member team to monitor all sports programs observance to the N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulations. Year 2012-2013: Compliance assistant #1 Year 2013-2014:Compliance assistant #2 Year 2014-2015:Compliance assistant #3 Year 2015-2016:Compliance Assistant #4 Year 2016-2017: Assessment Audit Summer 2017 Goals : To improve N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulation adherence and increase percentage of students-athletes that are N.E.A.C eligible by 20%. Year 2012-2013: 70% Year 2013-2014: 75% Year 2014-2015: 80% Year 2015-2016: 85% Year 2016-2017: 90% Individual Responsible for Improving N.E.A.C eligibility: Alexis I. DuPont Sports Compliance Committee Start Date: Summer, 2012 Completion Date: Planning Audit Summer, 2017

Audit Plan Performance Evaluation

N.E.A.C Eligibility Alexis I. DuPont Sports Compliance Staff Objectives Alexis I. DuPont Sports Compliance Staff Objectives Results

Year 2012-2013 Year 2013-2014

Year 2014-2015 Year 2015-2016 Year 2016-2017
N.E.A.C Eligibility Year

Compliance Assistant #1 Compliance Assistant #2

Compliance Assistant #3 Compliance Assistant #4 Assessment
N.E.A.C Eligibility Goals 70% 75% 80% 85% 90%

Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
N.E.A.C Eligibility Results 70% 75% 80% 85% 90%

Year 2012-2013 Year 2013-2014 Year 2014-2015 Year 2015-2016 Year 2016-2017

Audit Plan Control Decisions

Key Area #2: Improve N.E.A.C compliance Objective #2: To improve N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulation adherence and increase percentage of students-athletes that are N.E.A.C eligible by 20% (70% to 90%) by the spring semester of 2017. Control Decisions: The objectives to improve adherence to N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulations and to increase student-athlete eligibility by 20% was accomplished. The operational plans for this objective were executed with great results. 90% of all studentathletes at AIU are eligible by the N.E.A.C and are cleared to play intercollegiate sports. New recruits and freshman continue to be informed about N.E.A.C compliance rules and regulations.

Goal #3: To improve communication between academic services, coaches and athletes. Objective #3: To improve communication resources, and increase athletic department meetings by 50% (from 20 meetings a year to 40) by spring semester 2017. Strategy Development: Increase communications resources by 20%. Double the amount of scheduled athletic department meetings. Have more than 80% of athletic department staff in a updated contact directory. Inform staff on athletic department goals and objectives Decrease communication conflicts, due to inaccurate communication processes

Operations Plans
Goal #3: To improve communication between academic services, coaches and athletes. Objective #3: To improve communication resources, and increase athletic department meetings by 50% (from 20 meetings a year to 40) by spring semester 2017. Communication Operations Strategy: To improve communications between academic services, coaches and athletes we will hold 50% more athletic department meetings and construct 2 more conference rooms. We will also update and expand the current athletic department contact directory. Year 2012-2013: 5 more annual meetings and updated athletic department contact directory made Year 2013-2014: 5 more annual meetings Year 2014-2015: 5 more annual meetings Year 2015-2016: 5 more annual meetings Year 2016-2017: Assessment Audit Summer 2017 Goals: To improve communication resources, and hold 50% more athletic department meetings (from 20 meetings a year to 40) by 2017. Year 2012-2013: 10% more meetings; 80% of athletic department contacts updated Year 2013-2014: 10% more meetings Year 2014-2015: 10% more meetings Year 2015-2016: 10% more meetings Year 2016-2017: 50 % increase in meetings Individual Responsible for Improved Communication resources: Athletic Director Dominque Miller Start Date: Summer, 2012 Completion Date: Planning Audit Summer, 2017

Audit Plan Performance Evaluation

Improve Communication Resources Year 2012-2013 Year 2013-2014 Year 2014-2015 Year 2015-2016 Year 2016-2017 Improve Communication Resources Year Year 2012-2013 Year 2013-2014 Year 2014-2015 Year 2015-2016 Year 2016-2017 Communication Resources Objectives 5 more athletic department meetings 5 more athletic department meetings 5 more athletic department meetings 5 more athletic department meetings Assessment Increase in Annual Meetings Goals 10% 10% 10% 10% 50% Communication Resources Objective Results Yes No No Yes Assessment Communication Resources Results 10% 0% 0% 10% 20%

Audit Plan Control Decisions

Key Area #3: To improve communication between academic services, coaches and athletes. Objective #3: To improve communication resources, and hold 50% more (from 20 meetings a year to 40) athletic department meetings by spring semester2017. Control Decision: The objective to improve communication resources and hold 50% more meetings each year was not accomplished. We fell short of our goal by 30%. These plans were not executed to the degree of excellence this institution prides itself in. Alterations will need to be made to improve the communication plan and increase meetings by 50%. The planning committee will be notified that communication resources need to be updated and implemented into a new communication system that maximizes resources and communicates more effectively. More meetings will lead to better communication and keep staff up-to-date on department goals and objectives

Strategic Planning for Collegiate Athletics Yow D., Migliore H., Bowden W. Stevens R., Loudon D., (2007) Strategic Planning for Collegiate Athletics Hawthorne Press

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