Lesson Objectives

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STEP 3: Calendar

CALENDAR OF DAILY OBJECTIVES September 2013 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Standard: L.5.5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. L.5.5a Interpret figurative language, including similes and metaphors, in context. L.5.5b Recognize and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and proverbs. L.5.5c Use the relationship between particular words (e.g., synonyms, antonyms, homographs) to better understand each of the words. Wednesday 4 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT analyze and identify figurative language in the text by writing it in their Tuck Everlasting Packet Thursday 5 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT answer comprehension questions from the Tuck Everlasting packet Friday 6 ASU Coursework Day

Daily Objective: SWBAT draw out the difference between figurative and literal language using idioms.

9 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT answer comprehension questions from the Tuck Everlasting packet

10 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT analyze and identify figurative language in the text by writing it in their Tuck Everlasting Packet

11 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT analyze and identify figurative language in the text by writing it in their Tuck Everlasting Packet 18 Standard: RL.6.7 - Compare and contrast the experience f reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including what they "see" and "hear" when reading the to what they perceive when they listen to or watch Daily Objective: SWBAT compare the events that happened in the text from what happened in the movie 25 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT write a journal entry from Winnies perspective on what is

12 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT do visualization drawing of what stood out from the chapter

13 ASU Coursework Day

16 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT answer comprehension questions from the Tuck Everlasting packet

17 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT identify one example of figurative language and describe its meaning.

19 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT identify figurative language in the text and discuss what type of foreshadowing we are seeing in the text.

20 ASU Coursework Day

23 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT analyze and identify figurative language in the text by writing

24 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT answer comprehension questions from the Tuck Everlasting

26 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT answer comprehension questions from the

27 ASU Coursework Day

it in their Tuck Everlasting Packet


happening to her life.

Tuck Everlasting packet

STEP 3: Calendar

CALENDAR OF DAILY OBJECTIVES October 2013 Monday October 30 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT analyze and identify figurative language in the text by writing it in their Tuck Everlasting Packet Tuesday 1 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT analyze and identify figurative language in the text by writing it in their Tuck Everlasting Packet Wednesday 2 Standard: All seven taught throughout instructions Daily Objective: SWBAT analyze and identify figurative language in the text by writing it in their Tuck Everlasting Packet Thursday 3 Unit Summative Assessment & Personal Response Friday 4 ASU Coursework Day

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