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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

The Bone Headed Guy Experiences a

Sexual Explosion
Case Study

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

Copyright 2012 CR James & SSP Media Important Notice: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, without the written permission of the author. This is not a free or giveaway ebook. If you believed that you have received or purchased an illegal version of the ebook, contact the author at

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

What you are about to read is dangerously powerful if you understand the lessons. There is nothing held back So far, you are in a very small company of people who will read this report. When I first referenced what this guy did, Im sure there were some people questioning whether it was a true story. Well, not only is it true, any story I have ever told you is true. And Im only saying this because there are so many people out there who make up stories just so they can sell a product. Its not necessary. Im a fan of wisdom. Im a fan of realizing that amazing things are always happening. And if you have a passion for analyzing the successful elements in any given situation, youll be able to figure out how to do it for yourself. My goal is to show you the elements that drive the success of any amazing result. If I do my job right, you will see the results for yourself. The more you see results for yourself, the more youll trust and follow my advice in the future (if you feel its right for you). Lets get to it First of all: I kind of think you can INSTANTLY go up a level (in a matter of seconds) just by shifting your perception of whats impressive. This case is about a guy who ended up having sex 15 times in 5 days with his girlfriend. So thats (kind of) impressiveespecially for a guy who has never done anything like that before. But to me, being able to create sexual bursts like this more than once (on purpose), using knowledge that you have learned from the experience is much more impressive!!! So lets cover some lessons. And then well discuss what this guy did. And then cover some more lessons.

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

If you read this report before, youre going to notice some subtle differences. Thats because this version has never been released. The reason I choose this particular report is because what this guy did happened a few years ago and TODAY he is still experiencing a mild explosion that never wore off. Thats inspiring. I think of 4 other guys who have prolonged explosions that exceed a year! Of course, the relationship SHOULD be healthy for it to be ongoing. And since (I strongly believe) that women are amazingly intuitive and emotionally complex beyond what most guys are capable of fully understanding, being sincere/real/respectful is not only a must it could be looked at as a secret weapon for the guy who does it natural. Some people confuse being sincere & respectful with being a scared to offend ass kisser. They are 2 totally different things. At any rate, one of the keys to prolonged desire is to keep doing new stuff. Even if everything is perfect, pretend that youre at level 2 out of 100 levels. Pretend that humans (so far) have only discovered 1% of whats possible. The reasons why: #2. Its true. A good example is I just learned a few new things (as of March 17, 2012) based on a newly discovered pattern. Had a foolishly convinced myself that I know everything, my brain would sabotage my learning. Much of the lessons that youll read about has to do with keeping yourself in a state of paying attention. In other words, never arrogantly assume that you have figured everything out. Continue to learn from your past (and other peoples past). Continue to learn from the present (and other peoples present). And continue to learn in the future. Another key to success (with anything) is patience. Patience isnt what most people think it is. Most people think patience is about waiting.

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

Patience isnt something you consciously control. You dont work on being patient. Patience is a byproduct of confidence combined with realizing that any seed needs time to mature. That brings us to the first lesson Lesson #1 Many Conversational-Based Seduction Techniques take their affect a day or two later. Thats why its better strategy to do sexual tension tactics as chemistry builders without the expectation of having sex within a certain time frame. One thing I actually like about guys who feel guilty about doing techniques (on purpose) is that theyre sincere and have the core quality guy foundation thats often present in prolonged SEs. However, they just quite dont understand that much of being bad at getting a woman turned on has to do with programming (growing up in a household with an antiseductive day, putting things in perspective the wrong way, and stuff like that) Were cover this some more. Getting back on track, a lot of guys get frustrated when the woman doesn't show a strong interest in having sex immediately after they have had a magic conversation or after applying some sort of formula... It doesn't always work like that. You have to plant the psychology seeds and allow them to mature. If you planted a seed in your backyard, you wouldn't start yelling at the soil 5 minutes later because it didn't turn into a tree. Its important to know that the rate of maturity depends on the seed. The selection of seed depends on the current situation (her current state of mind). More on this later.

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

Lesson #2 Whenever (and I mean WHENEVER) you experience an AMAZING BURST OF SEXUAL EXPLOSION pleeeeeeeeeeeasse write the details on a sheet of paper (or a file). I know I sound like a broken record with this message, but the more times you hear it, the better (even if its something that you currently do). * Pay attention to the psychological impact. (In other words, how did the conversation change her beliefs? How did the conversation change her emotional state? You want to ask yourself a bunch of questions like that.) You want to know what kind of persona you were wearing. You want to know what sex represented to her. You want to constantly keep EXPANDING your range of perspective. * Even if you're not sure what it is, write down the dialogue anyway At least youll have a record of it it's kind of like when detectives collect evidence at a crime scene. They don't always know immediately what's going to be important. But after analyzing the items for a few days (weeks, months or even years), theyll figure out exactly what happened and someone will end up wearing handcuffs! I call it CSI Seduction. (It is literally no different when you figure out why your woman experienced a sexual burst.) In my friends situation, he was clueless - so I helped him by explaining EXACTLY what made her sexually attack him repeatedly. I will say that it was refreshing to talk to someone who unknowingly gives you enough information to go on, because in some cases, the guy doesnt give you anything. Whenever you experience a Sexual Explosion (and increased frequency above your normal baseline), write down the details (especially, the details of the conversation. What did she say (and what did that mean)? What did you say to her? How was she affected? What was her response? When you do crack the case, by knowing what the details reveal, youre able to purposely use this information (over and over) to engineer a sexual craving. Of course, the prerequisite is properly framing how a woman gets aroused in your mind.
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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

You MUST know 100% that its just based on saying things + doing things + how those things impact her (based on who is she and her current outlook). You see, if a guy thinks horniness is random, its not going to make sense to analyze. Of course, its not random. People dont just randomly start laughing. Its a result of seeing something funny, hearing something funny, thinking of something funny or something like that. No one (based on nothing) will just start laughing. And if you wanted to, you could find 2 people and study (like crazy) what they laugh at. And what youll discover is that at times, they laugh at different things. Person #1 finds certain things funny that Person #2 doesnt. And vice versa. Person #1 sees a homeless guy get beat up and chuckles. Person #2 sees the same thing (at the same moment in time) and feels sorry for the guy. If you kept studying what they laughed at, you will see the connection with what they find funny and their beliefs/outlook/feelings about themselves (i.e. their beliefs about others, beliefs about themselves, etc.) The same thing happens when you analyze what gets a particular woman aroused. Lets move on Lesson #3 Be willing to learn from others success. In most cases, the same affect (not necessarily the same action plan) will lead to similar results. Read that again if you have to. Because what that means is you may need to take the time to adjust the action plan so that you can create the same affect. (We'll talk about this some more.) Lesson #4 Keep getting better at triggering & leveraging her current emotions and current perceptions.

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

Your ability to become the best guy (at getting her turned on) that she has ever experienced will be largely based on your ability to: [Trigger her emotions] move her from one emotional state to the next (weve talk about this). [Leverage her emotions] In other words, USE her current emotions/perceptions as fuel in some way (This is what my friend did without knowing it. Again, well talk about what he did.)

Lets do a brief recap. If you read it before, be sure to re-read it because were going to fill in the missing parts. Heres how it started. I had a close friend call me one day.. he called at 4:45 pm. We hung up at 5:36 pm (that's 51 minutes) He started the conversation with: Something had gotten into [Linda] over the past few days. Me: What do you mean? Him: For the last week, she's been totally different. She's like a new person. Me: What do you mean? Him: She wants it all the time! Over the last week, she has been wanting it [sex] like crazy. It's freaky. Over the last 5 days, we've done it 3 times a day [that's 15 times] Me: What happened? Him: Huh? Me: What happened to make her want it so much? Did something happen recently? << Let me pause for a second. It's 6:08 PM as a type this. And I'm still amazed at how often guys experience Brilliant Sexual Explosions and then write it off as some sort of random act.>> As if something didn't spark it. It doesn't work like that. There is always a reason! After pressing him for a few minutes, he remembered something that he said during a conversation. It was a measly conversation that he had with her the day before the Explosion.

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

<< Note: Remember that Lesson #1 is most really amazing seduction techniques take their affect a day or two later. This is significant because if we pretend that he did everything on purpose, then its fair to say that it started a day before. That means it was a 2 day tactic.>> After he told me what he said to her, I was thinking Duh!!!!' LOL. So she's been very horny lately, huh? He didn't see the connection!!! Here's what he told me (and this is why I was thinking Duh) Him: Oh yeah. We were at the grocery store and she said to me Are going to help me put groceries in the cart or are you going to stand there and look dumb? Then we started arguing. The last thing I said to her was: Im not going to put up with your bitchy attitude. I would never talk to you like that and I dont expect you to talk to me like that. I loved my ex-girlfriend, but I left her because of her attitude. After that we were both quiet. We didnt say a word to each other the whole time. Then we got home got in the bed - and just went to sleep. The next day she was totally different! She told me how much she appreciated me. She said she was sorry for talking to me like that. She apologized for taken me for granted. A lot of things have been stressing her out and she said she unfairly took it out on me. Since then she has been very affectionate and weve screwed 3 times a day for the past 5 days! I don't know how long it's going to last, but I'm having the time of my life If you listen to this with regular human ears and you dont know the complete context, then youll be convinced that there is NO WAY that 'what he said to her' could have caused a sexual explosion. Trust me, it IS the reason. Lets look at the facts so that we can see the context (other hidden factors).

He left his girlfriend because she had a bitchy attitude. (This is true.) His current girlfriend knows this. She has already heard over 100 stories about his ex-girlfriends bitchy attitude. She broke up with her boyfriend because he did appreciate her. She has already experienced first-hand how he has been much more thoughtful/considerate than her ex-boyfriend ever has.
Do you remember the Under Signal Concept from (Just in case, you havent read it yet, one of the concepts introduced is called Under Signals and Over Signals. For example, if a woman

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

works all day at a job and for the past 9 days and no one has demonstrated that they appreciate her hard work, then she will be starving (emotionally) for the feeling of appreciation if a guy comes along and feeds her this emotion, its going to make her feel so good that the attraction to him will be incredibly intense. When the human brain experiences intense pleasure, it releases happy chemicals. To make a long story short, my friend ended up satisfying her Long Term Under Signal of Appreciation. Of course, there is a difference between having value and attaching her Human Emotional Drivers to YOUR VALUE

In other words, there is a difference between being a considerate guy who does nice things for a woman ....and..... being a considerate guy [with Sexual Value] who does nice things for a woman who has been under-appreciated for years (by a former lover).

So keep those facts in mind as we talk about the 4 most powerful human emotional drivers.

For all humans, the 4 most powerful emotional drivers are: Fear of Loss (but it has to be something valuable) The Desire for Gain (going after something valuable) The Desire to be Appreciated (having people expressive love for what you do) The Desire to be Loved (having people expressive love for who you are)

I have these 4 things posted on the wall in my office. I didnt make up this list. I remember reading about it in a persuasion book and it made so much sense, I decided to write it down. When Im assisting clients/customers in their relationship, one of the first things I want to find out is the full situation. Often times, the guys biggest problem isnt what he thinks it is. Its often something as simple as not showing enough love, not showing enough appreciation, not conveying that he is valuable [or Sexually Valuable] and not communicating that he will not put up with BS (providing her with Fear of loss) at appropriate times. When my friend told me the details of what he did (along with me already knowing previous information about their situation) I saw how he unknowingly (and almost to perfection) communicated all 4 human desires in the most efficient way possible. Not only that, but he experienced a very Powerful form of Make Up Sex
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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

Ill explain. In the report HL Swing 2.0 at (which teaches how to purposely mimic the sexual intensity associated with make up sex because the female brain is very responsive to it) I mention that a guy can do other forms of swings So where you have a Hate/Love Swing (a transition from the emotions of hate/anger to the emotions of love [making up]), you can also have other transitions (or swings) with 2 other emotional extremes. For example, going from the feeling of being unappreciated to the feeling of being appreciated/valued. There may have been times when youve demonstrated that you appreciated how special your woman is during a time when she may have previously felt neglected and the result was electrifying to her! to the point where she may have become instantly horny. Again, sometimes you can make huge adjustments just by shifting how you conceptualize the whole process. Instead being a hyped up dude drinking Red Bulls with a fiery goal of getting her as horny as any woman has ever gotten in human recorded history its kinda better to have the relaxed goal of trying to understand her, connect with her and showing a secret interest in what motivates her to have sex 1. Reverse engineer the process. 2. Train your brain that its no big deal. 3. Dont make it your goal to get her horny. (.more on this later.) As far as lack of appreciation SHIFTING TO appreciation, you could label this as the hat wearing backwards cousin of Make Up Sex (i.e. The hate/love swing ) OR. The Un-appreciation/Appreciation Swingor the UA Swing (which is much easier to say) So you have the HL Swing And now you have the UA Swing!! Is the name a little geeky? No. Its not. The name is extremely geek.
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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

In fact, nothing is going to make you seem more like a weird geek than saying this to your buddy: You: Hey Bob!! At approximately 9:30 I performed the UA Swing on my significant other. Right? There are clear reasons that would make him look at you like youre weird and crazy. #1. If you referred to your girl or wife as your significant other #2. If you didnt explain what the UA Swing was first. #3. If his name isnt Bob. Moving on Both (The HL Swing and UA Swing) are not only powerful, but they happen so frequently [naturally occurring] that just about every guy has experienced both at some point in their lives with women Keeping all of this in mind, heres something else that I noticed (and I never mentioned this in the HL Swing report so listen up) if the woman feels that the heated argument (the mutual hate/anger phase) was her fault, then the making up tends to be more intense and more likely to happen There are different reasons for this that Im not going to get into at this point To keep it simple, one fact is you're leveraging a possible pre-existing program of: "Give him some pussy to show him that I appreciate him.") On a similar note for the UA Swing if the woman feels that she was the one not showing enough appreciation, then the showing appreciation (in the form of increased affection - that could possibly transition into love-making via the urge of wanting to connect on the highest possible level) tends to be more aggressive and more likely to happen Lets break it down to the basics Sometimes when you say a bunch of stuff to a person that is outside of their current beliefs and perspective, theyll dying to argue with you. They cant wait to argue. Chances are their ideas are based on their beliefs. Their beliefs about how things work are a result of saying their rants over and over again - creating the perception that its right.
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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

Thats why its always a good idea to build/structure your beliefs about how things work in the universe based on things (that you observe) work in the universe. But since you have Super Powers (or a future guy with Super Powers) you can normally defeat these idiots using your heat vision! Or. (and this optional is more fun) You can make simple statements that everyone agrees with until hes forced to pay attention For example: When a woman experiences LOVE FROM A GUY, she gets the sense that this VALUABLE GUY LOVES WHO SHE IS. When a woman experiences BEING APPRECIATED BY A GUY, she gets the sense that this VALUABLE GUY LOVES WHAT SHE DOES. In the case, with my friend, he not only simultaneously performed both swings!!!! ....but.... ... ... ... ...he did BOTH where the woman was at fault (or believed she was)!!! (Remember how we talked about how that adds more intensity and likelihood to the whole deal?) And we use the word likelihood because hes our friend. He reminds that were are Super Desirable Guys who tap into our Super Powers. We dont need to act like regular human males if the woman isnt in the mood on a particular night. If we do all of this and sex doesnt end up happening on the first night. No big deal.

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

You see, the guy who over-reacts when he doesnt end up having sex is technically creating his own anger. He has decided to attach a statement to the situation. And then (technically) he is reacting to his own statement. He says stuff like: She doesnt want sex tonight that means she hates having sex with me. She doesnt want sex tonight that means Im not a good lover. She doesnt want sex tonight that means her libido is low. Instead, he should behave (inside his mind) like its no big deal because it isnt a big dealfor a guy who knows that horniness isnt random.and that sometimes the seeds take longer to grow.... Thoughts like that force you to remember that panic thoughts (driven by the fear of bad future) is not only a dumb strategy for the short term, but even worse it will end up conditioning you to think of yourself (and what your capable of) negatively. In this guys case -- where he did both swings -- he ending up pressing her %&$% buttons! (like a masterful genius!) It gets better: A couple of days later, he went on to tell me that his girlfriend ended up saying: I want you to tell me everything you like. I dont care what it is. I want to make sure you are always happy! You have to keep in mind, it's not rocket science. You just have to remember simple stuff like: Women want to be loved. Women want to be happy. Women value a special guy who makes her happy. Women don't want to lose a special guy (dot dot dot to another woman who also likes guys who have the POWER to press her happy buttons.)

You have to keep in mind, his girlfriend went YEARS feeling unappreciated by a guy who treated her like garbage!

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

So she hasnt forgotten what it feels like to be under-appreciated. Also, there are many women who scream and yell at their boyfriends/husbands when they get stressed out. They use these guys to take their frustrations out on because they KNOW the guy would never leave her. They believe (whether its true or not) that the guy would never leave her so there is this sense of invincibility (evil powers). Theres a perception of hell always be there. As it was mentioned in Super Seduction Power, this is one of the most dangerous signals to send a woman because it flat-lines sexual motivation. So when he told her (or more or less reminded her) that he left his ex-girlfriend strictly because of her bitchy attitude, the Light Bulb went off. She knows for a fact its true. (Now that we discussed a few things. Lets recap EXACTLY what happened. Him: Oh yeah. We were at the grocery store and she said to me Are going to help me put groceries in the cart or are you going to stand there and look dumb? Then we started arguing. The last thing I said to her was: Im not going to put up with your bitchy attitude. I would never talk to you like that and I dont expect you to talk to me like that. I loved my ex-girlfriend, but I left her because of her attitude. After that we were both quiet. We didnt say a word to each other the whole time. Then we got home got in the bed - and just went to sleep. The next day she was totally different! She told me how much she appreciated me. She said she was sorry for talking to me like that. She apologized for taken me for granted. A lot of things have been stressing her out and she said she unfairly took it out on me. Since then she has been very affectionate and weve screwed 3 times a day for the past 5 days! I don't know how long it's going to last, but I'm having the time of my life Lets travel in time some more (using our Super Time Travel Powers) Something had gotten into [Linda] over the past few days. Me: What do you mean? Him: For the last week, she's been totally different. She's like a new person. Me: What do you mean? Him: She wants it all the time! Over the last week, she has been wanting it [sex] like crazy. It's freaky. Over the last 5 days, we've done it 3 times a day [that's 15 times] Me: What happened?
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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

Him: Huh? Me: What happened to make her want it so much? Did something happen recently? Him: Huh? What do you mean? As we can see, he would have never made the connection on his own because he doesnt have the Super Ability to connect a sexual explosion with the thing that triggered it He looks at it as being random. Its kind of like if you were to bust out laughing and then Bob asks you: Are you Ok? suggesting that youre laughing for no reason when in reality, you were thinking of something funny. A lot of people can only intellectually manage the observable. Anything outside of that appears magical and random. In reality There is always a reason! That means you can REPEAT the effect (on purpose) Heres another thing that's important. Going back to Lesson #1 (Many Conversational Seduction Techniques are designed to take it's affect a day or two later.) Notice how this holds up for his situation. She didnt sexually attack him 5 minutes after he said what he said. In fact, when I do a quick estimate in my head, it was about 12-20 hours later. But technically, thats wrong Because the key to the sexual explosion wasnt what he actually see, what he said was just a spark. The real fuel was the type of guy he is: the sincerity plus his track record. He really did appreciate her. He really did love her. This means, for the time that they have been together, he has done many little things to demonstrate his love & appreciation. From that perspective, you could make the case that it took him months to perform this
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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

technique that lead to an explosion of 15 times in 5 days! So her ex-boyfriend could have never said what my friend said and created the same result Imagine for a second a time when you experienced a horny woman ripping off your clothes or a horny woman asking you to screw her or something like. Now imagine what you said seconds before she reacted that way Lets assume it was something like .well how about we go in the bedroom and Ill show you the real sausage Two things Thing #1: Really dude? Seriously? You got away with that! Thing #2: If a peeping tom was spying on you as you said that, what do you think is going to happen if he walked up to your girlfriend (who has never seen him before) while she is seconds away from getting into her car and he springs up (without introducing himself) and says excuse me.I dont mean to bug about we go in the bedroom. and umm.umm. Ill show you umm..the real sausage!!!!! Chances are his success rate is going be a little different than yours! Keep in mind, you never said any umms You said it in one motion!!! He needs to work on that. In my friends case, his girlfriends ex-boyfriend couldnt have said the same thing(the dialogue above) and experienced the same mathematical results (15 times in 5 days) ... Because it's never just the words that you say. Another reason why its important to let the seed grow is mutual silence allows both people to reflect. Normally, each couple will replay the scenario in their heads a few times. They'll ask themselves Was it me?, Maybe I shouldnt have done that and things like that. Talking and interrupting her inner thinking could mess up the results. Not only would you end up ruining potential sexual bursts but you could destroy the opportunity to connect on all levels. Sure there will be disagreements and some arguments could be more intense than other times, but most people enter into relationships to share times of happiness with a special
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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

person. If that wasnt enough, he did 2 more things that were brilliant. (Remember, I promised to reveal 3 things that he did.) The first was obviously the conversation which activated her 4 human desires.
For all humans, the 4 most powerful emotional drivers are: Fear of Loss (but it has to be something valuable) The Desire for Gain (going after something valuable) The Desire to be Appreciated (having people expressive love for what you do) The Desire to be Loved (having people expressive love for who you are)

The second thing was he demonstrated his value during the time when they were angry with each other and not-speaking. Instead of just helping her load the groceries into the car, he went above and beyond and loaded them in the car all by himself. So while he was visibly upset, hes still doing things to show that he cares about her (to be fair, in some cases this will backfire) Thats why its good to NOT get too caught up on rulesand focus MORE on how individual actions meshes with the entire landscape of whats happened.. So in his cases, being nice works In fact, depending on the situation, doing things like this (at the right time), provides a guy with being the bigger guy points. It also makes the other person appear slightly more vicious to themselves (lol) so when they do come to their senses, theres this overwhelming need to be kind and loving and affectionate Do you remember what she ended up saying: I want you to tell me everything you like. I dont care what it is. I want to make sure you are always happy! The third thing that he did was pretty cool. Correction: It was pretty $&^%% brilliant
(feel in your favorite curse word: bleeping, damn, friggin, fucking, flappin, it doesnt really matter.just as long as it gets you excited about what Im about to explain.)

The next day when she was apologizing for acting like a bitch (her words), he told her
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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

hell be right back. He drove to the dollar store, purchased one of those 25 cents mood rings, came back home and told her to wear it. He jokingly told her that this would help her with her attitude because there were magic crystals in there. She got the joke, smiled and played along. In the background.. and for me this is what makes it soooooooo flappin amazing. it acts as a reminder (a trigger/anchor) that keeps the emotions of love/appreciation alive (a whole lot longer than without it). Of course, he didnt do it for that purpose. Even though he did an impressive job at triggering sexual arousal (with his comments [the spark] by brilliantly attaching his value [the fuel] with her human emotional drivers [even more fuel]) he knows absolutely nothing about this kind of stuff. Thats not really a big deal The big deal is that he thought.. itwas..random! lol

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

There really are 4 types of guys: Type 1: Guys who don't know you can press emotional/psychological buttons to program her to be attracted to you. Type 2: Guys who don't know you can press emotional/psychological buttons to program her to be attracted to you - yet brilliantly press them without realizing what they are doing. Type 3: Guys who DO know that you can press emotional/psychological buttons to program her to be attracted to you (yet they don't do it). Type 4: The Guys With SUPER POWERS: Guys who DO know that you can press emotional/psychological buttons to program her to be attracted to you (and they do it with ease). The mood ring essentially KEEPS HER in this state of 'wanting to make up and show appreciation'. (Brilliant!) That is the reason why I begged him to write it down (even though I know he didnt do it). The fact that be probably still believes it was all random is one of the main reasons why I decided to create this report for you. So how do you use the information? How do you use his experience to get more sex & enhance the intimacy in your relationship or connection with a new girl you just met #1 Understand and apply the lessons. #2 Find out the clear difference between you and her former lovers. #3 What would it take for you to leave her? I know its somewhat of a weird question, but it could be a test to see how much you are willing to put up with. I asked a guy this question before and he said he would NEVER leave his wife. I said what if she tried to kill you. He said well of course I would leave her. If thats the case, then say that! (don't say 'never') CR. I would leave her if she tried to kill me. CR. I would leave her if I came home and caught her in a bed with another man. CR. I would leave her if she tried to kill me 5 times.
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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

Everyone should have a set of conditions. Your Sexual Value is a sum of qualities, traits, perceptions, beliefs and other things. One of those traits is Self Respect. And technically, it's not 'putting up with anything that she does' that actually creates problems. It's the fact that 99% of women interpret that in an undesirable way. ZERO Self Respect = ZERO Sexual Value ZERO Sexual Value = ZERO Sexual Explosion A woman told me that she wouldnt leave her husband if he cheated on her, buuuuuttttt. if he cheated on her in their bed, then she would leave him. According to her thats just showing no respect. I was like: Let me get this straight. Its OK for him to disrespect you by sticking his penis inside of another woman, but he should respect you (with the bed rule) when he disrespects you." This is a case where people say dumb stuff because they've heard other people say it even though it doesnt make any [%$$#&#] sense! As far as Im concerned, you can NOT get the respect that a guy gets (who is able to create sexual explosions) if you have no respect for yourself. You can not bring out sexual explosions while being a guy who consistently puts up with a womans nonsense. I remember being in a department store with my wife a few years back. Both of us could not believe what we saw. It was a couple having an argument. The guy said something it was like a little joke. He was clearly trying to be playful, but for some reason it irritated his wife (or girlfriend). She gave him a look that instantly changed his entire attitude. It was the look you would give a puppy who just pissed in the middle of the floor. It sent chills down my spine to witness a womans brutal usage of Anger Tactics.

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

Some women are masters at using Anger Tactics because they figured out how to use it to control a man like he is a robot or an emotionally bruised puppy. Lets get back on track. As a side note: If you're in a powerless role, you need to snap out of it. Your goal is to become her hero. Make sure you are constantly doing different things to demonstrate that you love her, appreciation her, and value yourself (as if you are the most important person on Earth) along with SV and ST tactics.. So with all of this, we can create the formula or game plan based on everything we discussed.

Become Valuable + Show Appreciation/Love + Attach Her Human Emotional Drivers To Your Value

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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

Recap+MoreTips Forallhumans,the4mostpowerfulemotionaldriversare: Fearofloss(butithastobesomethingvaluable) TheDesireforGain(goingaftersomethingvaluable) TheDesiretobeappreciated TheDesiretobeloved Asatipthinkofallofthetimesshe(orpastgirlfriends)experiencedasexualburst. Writedownwhatcausedit. Onceyouunderstandexactlywhysomethinginthepasthassuccessfullyworked, youcancreateafamilyofseductiontechniquesthatareJUSTbasedonthose emotionaldrivers. Thisreportwasinspiredbymypersonalfrustrationwithmybuddywhoaggressively refusedtoacknowledgethathisgirlfriend's5dayhornybingewasaresultofwhat hesaid+whathe'sdone. Thebestwaytokeepsexualexplosionsaliveistounderstandthedrivers WhenYourWomanSexuallyAttacksYou,AskYourself... Part1:Perception(Beliefs)Questions: Howdidsheperceiveme? Didherperceptionofmechangeinamajorway? Howdidsheperceiveherself? Didherperceptionofherselfchangeinamajorway? Howdidsheperceivetherelationship? Didherperceptionoftherelationshipchangeinamajorway? WhenYourWomanSexuallyAttacksYou,AskYourself... Part2:"Feelings"(Sensations)Questions:
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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

Howdidshefeelaboutme? Didherfeelingsaboutmechangeinamajorway? Howdidshefeelaboutherself? Didherfeelingsofherselfchangeinamajorway? Howdidshefeelabouttherelationship? Didherfeelingsoftherelationshipchangeinamajorway?

TheFormulaToCreatingSexualExplosions? Step1:Whenthehappen,writedownthedetails...(wejustdiscussedthis) Step2:Continuetolearnwhatworksforallwomen(or99%ofwomen) Step3:Continuetolearnwhatworksforyourspecificwomen PartofKnowingWhatWorksForHerIsUnderstanding: Thatshehaslivedalifefilledwithuniqueexperiences Thoseexperiencesshapesherbeliefs/perceptions Becauseofthoseexperiences,shehasauniquesetoftriggers... Peoplelaughatdifferentthings,becausepeoplearetriggeredbydifferentthings. Shehastriggersthat: Getherintoahypersexualmindstate... Getherintoahappy&playfulmood. Getherintoothermoods(i.e.bitchy,cynical,tough,sad,humorous,etc.) Lesson#1ManyConversationalSeductionTechniquestaketheiraffectadayortwo later. Lesson#2Whenever(andImeanWHENEVER)youexperienceanAMAZINGBURSTS OFSEXUALEXPLOSIONpleeeeeeeeeeeassewritethedetailsonasheetofpaper(or afile). Lesson#3Bewillingtolearnfromotherssuccess.
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Sexual Explosion: Case Study

CR James

Lesson#4Keepgettingbetterattriggering&leveraginghercurrentemotionsand currentperceptions SexualExplosions=TheRightGuy+TheRightWoman+TheRightProcess Takecare! Warmly, CRJames

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